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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 21 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


    Did you not see my post - last one on previous page - which shows the ESD-USB flash drive as formatted FAT32 with MBR partition. That USB works in all the Acer Swift's three USB ports.



    Makes no difference. If you are utilising UEFI, you use GPT. Otherwise you are using Legacy MBR.

  2. 2 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

    Actually the Gigabyte MoBo has the mSATA connector. I guess it is old.

    The ESD-USB USB is formatted as FAT32 with MBR partition - same as the USB that I made. I don't know why it is not recognised by the Acer Swift laptop.


    Just in case some else needs to work with an ACER Swift. It needs to be FAT32 with a GPT partition. You also need to make sure that you are using the correct USB port.


    You can recreate the USB installation drive utilising RUFUS: https://rufus.ie


    Pop USB flash drive into another PC. Download and run Rufus on the same PC.


    Choose for updates to be allowed; that is important. 


    Then click on SELECT and a dropdown list will appear. Choose Download and then the Windows 10 edition. 


    Choose Partition Scheme GPT and UEFI. Then click START and allow Rufus to do it's thing.


    Whilst you are waiting; Boot into the Swift 1's BIOS setup and set an Administrator password for the BIOS setup. Only when you do this will Secure Boot become available to disable.

    Whilst in there, make sure that the F12 Boot Menu is enabled.


    Turn off Secure Boot and use the new USB Flash drive: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-windows_install/how-to-perform-a-repair-upgrade-using-the-windows/35160fbe-9352-4e70-9887-f40096ec3085


    I think that I have covered everythng.






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  3. 48 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Hmm, I found the opposite. 


    I rarely think of stepping on the the central Pattaya beach. I don't know why you keep banging on about the beach. What is the likelihood of you moving to central Pattaya? I would state very low if what you write about your reasons are true.

    Why take the chance of seeing prostitution on the beach road or walking past a bar in the centre?

    Stay in a part where none of that takes place and be happy. It doesn't bother me because I don't live amongst it.

    I live near a beach because I love the sea air. Health promoting. There are no houses available to you on the beach road and there is no requirement for you to visit the beach at central Pattaya since there are many others you can visit.

    Everyone can find their favourite nook and cranny. Best to not share it.

    Previous time I was in Hua Hin, a policeman tried to scam me for 1,000 baht. I made him regret it.

    If you want to know about HuaHin, try posting on the HuaHin forum.


    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    You live in Pattaya for the beach? Sorry, I don't understand that thinking, if affirmative. What exactly do you like about it? Do you swim in it or run along it or go surfing?

    The last time I went there the beach was dirty and full of undesirables, Thai and foreign. I even got hassled for sitting on the beach and not giving some conman money and was propositioned by an ugly, old ladyboy!

    I'm thinking of buying land on Koh Mak, where the beach is paradise. 

    I would like some of the things in Pattaya, but certainly not the beach. 


    Pattaya has more than one beach. There are no beachfront properties on Central Pattaya's beach; so I don't live there.

    Once you arrive in the real world, you can take a look for yourself. 

    Not unlike someone visiting Phuket/Samui, visiting only Patong/Chaweng and thinking they know all about the island.


  5. 6 minutes ago, newnative said:

    Me, too.  And, I want to see the beach from my perch or what's the point. 


    Though not sure that are within the OP's budget. Even in a low tourism environment, people may be reluctant to let beachfront properties go for a song.

    My motto is that if you cannot hear the sea; then you are not close to the beach.

    • Like 1
  6. Just noted that you consider a ten minute scooter ride from the beach, as close.


    I initially though you mean a minute's walk. That's what I consider close. Haven't seen too many beach houses at estate agents; they are usually offering shiny new shoeboxes. 

    But if you look carefully, doing some leg work, you should be able to find houses a very short walk from the beach. 

    Ten minutes on a bike is literally anywhere in Pattaya.


  7. Just now, Leaver said:

    Most tourists want to sit on the beach or go sightseeing by day, and party by night.  That usually means drinking a lot of alcohol.  They were getting charged more for a short tuktuk journey than the cost of their hotel for the night.  Many hired a motorbike at 200 baht a day, with tragic consequences.  


    I don't know anything about that. They aren't forced to drink and drive; it's a choice.


  8. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:

    I think there would be a direct correlation between transport mafia prices and road deaths, particularly for tourists.  200 baht to rent a motorbike for a day versus double or triple that for just one short journey.  


    The previous time I took a bahtbus in Phuket; they charged me 20 baht and even apologised for picking up a charter passenger. The passenger also offered to pay my fare.

    Clearly things have changed since then. 

    Subsequent visits I've had my own transport.

  9. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:

    How would one get home after drinking?  Oh, that's right, they have their own transport, because there are no real public transport options. 

    Probably why Phuket province has the highest road death in Thailand.  


    I don't drink alcohol. Nasty stuff.

    Not that I am disagreeing for when it comes to transport. Though personally it's not an issue.

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, moontang said:

    It has happened.. A couple of teachers were stopped trying to leave the country.. and jailed.  It was more prevelent when there were countless teachers working indefinitely on visa exempt entries.. which started winding down around 2007.  The agents would allegedly do the border bounce for you, but they had fake stamps.. Just like the girl busted last week for selling several hundred fake medical certificates per month.. on Facebook.  Nothing libelous or slanderous about that. 


    There is nothing in what you have written that refers to bribing IO AND issuing fake visas. 

    Unrelated matters more than thirteen years ago are hardly relevant.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Aaberlinstresse said:


    Can anyone tell me about what will happen for people (like me) whom have invested in Phetchaburi Park as a retirement complementary ? Do we have any chance to see anything back (money or building) ? Thank you ! Aaberlinstrasse



    According to the company’s website most of the properties affected by the voluntary rehabilitation procedure are located in Pattaya:

    • New Nordic Atrium
    • New Nordic Castle 1
    • New Nordic Castle 2
    • New Nordic Club 1 – 3
    • New Nordic Marcus 2
    • New Nordic Marcus 3
    • New Nordic VIP Suites 2 – 6
    • New Nordic Trend 1 – 7
    • New Nordic VIP 1 – 6
    • Phetchaburi Park

    For me that means up to five years or more waiting and possibly nothing back. 

    Though I have no experience with these things.  Someone else with actual knowledge may reply.

    Meanwhile you can ask yourself using their Contact link: https://nng-restructuring.com/

  12. Just now, donnacha said:

    I actually took the time to explain why the omission of key details - the sort of details that would naturally be included in a real conversation between normal, non-racist people - debases the whole point and credibility of the press.

    We all absorb immense amounts of information every day. We use that matrix of information to navigate the world. It is wrong to censor true facts on the basis that other humans cannot be trusted to handle them in a responsible manner. This sort of woke theatre has never stopped a single racist from being a racist, and neither has it made the general public any purer.

    Anyway, I cannot be bothered to continue explaining my perfectly mainstream position because, hilariously, my posts in this thread explaining why censorship is wrong have started disappearing. Another example of a media outlet, seized by woke fervor, methodically shooting its own toes off one-by-one.


    I don't accept your ''explanation''. You have to accept that your point of view is just your point of view.

    There are many other posters on this thread but none of them appear to be agreeing with you. So how "mainstream" is your position? Seem you are the ONLY one expounding your views; you appear to be on the fringe. That's the reality; not just your opinion of yourself.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    Because you see this incident purely as an opportunity to virtue signal, to "check" other members of this forum, and to gain some sort of form of imagined moral superiority over them.

    Real people got hurt by this situation, the rest of us are interested to hear the full details and, yes, that includes hearing where he came from. As is so often the case with the navel-gazing woke crowd, however, you think it is all about you, you, and you.


    No one but you cares where he came from. You are simply taking a racist point of view and then doing everything to disguise it as important public information. Balderdash!

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