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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. So because your friend's monitor 'went' you think the same will happen to yours? Even though it hasn't.

    As I said, you create it in your mind and then make yourself suffer for it. You buy AIO when you know that if the monitor goes that you will have to scrap it. But you won't bring it up to speed in case it breaks. Five years old is almost new in my world and I have never had a monitor conk out.

    But you have decided it will.


    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Sorry, but done with upgrades to the Lenovo, already more than 5 years old, won't last forever.


    Mine is nine years older. You just create problems in your mind and then act as if they are reality.


    If you don't want to increase the RAM then consider a clean install or spend a longer time weeding all the bad stuff out of your system.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just now, giddyup said:

    Speed aside, I'm wondering if it's worth buying a powered enclosure for the 1TB Seagate HDD that came out of the Lenovo. I already have a WD My Passport 500GB, that's more than enough extra storage for me, yet it seems a waste to not utilise the Seagate, not just bin it.


    2.5" or 3.5"? Read from the drive.

  4. 3 hours ago, Yellowtail said:



    I said the dentist is the only one to put their fingers in my mouth,  you effectively called me a liar, please quit flailing around. Be a man and take it back.


    I've been using Bangkok Hospital Dental Clinic for at least fifteen  years. My boy has been going to the same dentist there since his first teeth came in. The same dentist does my cleaning every year, and does a great job. Whether the cost is a little way or the other does not really make much difference to m in the scheme of things. 


    You can get an implant starting at around US$1,500. My sister paid $1,800 about a year ago. That said, you can pay much more as well. You do very much have to shop around. Incidentally, a lot of eye and other elective surgeries are cheaper in the US than they are here.  






    I said the dentist is the only one to put their fingers in my mouth,  you effectively called me a liar, please quit flailing around. Be a man and take it back.


    I wasn't sure if you were being pedantic or just joking. Your posts are peppered with 'jokes'. No way to tell unless you tell us.

    Everyone is free to decide where they want to go. I made my decision based on extensive research.



  5. 1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:


    I was joking about the being free in the UK.


    Why would the assistant with the suction be sticking their fingers in my mouth? There is also an assistant that takes my blood pressure, but they never stick their fingers in my mouth either.


    I have my first crown done in the US 35 years ago and my first implant 25. I still have the implant with it's original gold crown. If you shop around in the US, you can get an implant for about what you  pay here at a decent clinic.


    I've been using Bangkok Hospital Dental clinic for 10-15 years and they have been great. 


    The assistant does the suction, not the dentist. So she is controlling something that is in my mouth. The person who takes my blood pressure is completely different.

    As I wrote before, the person who went to BPH and paid 60k does not have a gold crown.


    What is a decent clinic? 45k is the price at the hospital. Is that the price you can get in the USA?


    I am not interested in roving Implantologists. I deal only with resident practitioners. For that reason and the fact that they charge much more for nothing, I avoid BPH. YMMV, but I doubt it. I deal with them only with insurance, so I know the way they operate. It's not for me.




  6. 2 hours ago, petermik said:

    I had 160,000 bahts worth of ceramic crowns and 2 implants nearly 7 years ago after much work researching for a good dentist here in Pattaya...others for identical work wanted 25% more....been back on two occasions since then (4 years and 3 years)  as crowns had come loose.....my fault I like sticky toffees..both were re-attached without any charge....you have paid once he said and that is enough.

    Excellent honest and inexpensive Dentist here in Pattaya...nothing fancy/elaborate in his waiting room and many expats here use him....if you know one better then good luck :thumbsup:


    I already told you that I know better. My experiences span more than ten years. I will not embarrass her by posting here how kind and conscientious. Either way, they come both highly recommended.

    Absolutely not knocking Dr Warin. Himself and Dr Cherry have had countless recommendations on the forums. But I chose to travel a little further to get what I wanted. 

    Fancy and elaborate? A 3D X-Ray device is essential. The hospital has it and more. Believe me, I did my research on all of them before deciding.

  7. 53 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Everything is simple when you know how.


    I have tried to gently introduce things to you, but you always react so gruffly. I can see it's not just to me from the reactions here.

    You just do not seem interested in learning anything new at all and so end up confused and angry at the people who try to help you.


    Your device has a Gigabit Ethernet connection. You get a better Internet connection that way. But we have no idea as to your actual issue. Slow loading? Problem with playing files? We have no idea.


    You claim that there is no improvement in moving from HDD to SSD. You would be the only one in history. Everyone else claims a significant improvement. So we need to know exactly what is happening and what isn't.


    If you want a faster speed via WiFi you can buy an inexpensive WiFi adapter.

    People go out of their way to help you. Accept with kindness in return.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    Exactly and precisely this.



    If it is the OP's internet connection that is slow, and his last posts indicate that this indeed is the problem, then the type of hard drive that's installed won't change that.



    267 Mbps slow? The Internet connection is not slow.





  9. Generic key you need is here: VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T


    This will change the edition. To activate the edition once changed, buy a cheap Pro key.


    Disconnect from the Internet before changing the edition and adding the new activation key. It's likely not a prequisite, but it's what I did.


    Back up your important data just in case.

  10. 3 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


    Well, I got the hinge straightened out, thanks!


    Looks like I'll have to come up with some other reason to justify buying a new one...


    There is no reason. Sorry. ???? Your laptop is good and will probably spite you by lasting years and years. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


    Are the activation keys on Lazada legal? 


    I have ACAD, Acrobat and Office installed and I don't want to dick up my system. 


    Everybody loves me...



    Product key cannot do anything to hurt your system...EVER.


    In the old days people would install crude hacks. The Operating system would not work properly if not activated.

    These days Windows 10 works without a product key. The product key is almost superfluous. Don't waste your time thinking too much about it. If it makes you feel better you can pay more for the key.

    The most important thing is the software that you install. As long as it is the genuine untampered with item, you have no worries. The key is just the cherry on top.

  12. My quote from the thread in question:



    That's why I don't recommend any copying, cloning nor anything complicated.


    This IS starting from scratch and you still haven't posted details of the PC. 


    There is just ONE component that makes your PC slow. You are simply replacing that component. In fact the local techs are more than capable of cloning the current drive on to an SSD and should be able to do the job whilst you wait.

    But I don't usually suggest cloning as of course you are also cloning carp that you might not want.


    So what did the OP do? Clone everything.

  13. 5 minutes ago, RubbaJohnny said:

    Don't shoot the messenger you were misinformed


    He wasn't misinformed; he simply chose to not follow the advice of a clean install. How do we know that the device is not riddled with malware  and bloatware? We don't. He could have simply cloned it over to the new install.

    • Like 2
  14. Just now, bolt said:

    You may be paying 3BB for 1GB speed, but maybe your router is older, for example my old router was only giving me 300mb, I complained to 3BB and they checked and confirmed my router was too slow for 1GB. Even though they upgraded my package to 1GB!!


    As for your situation it could be many things, what speeds are you looking for, Internet browsing? files or programs opening on your PC (reading & Writing speeds)

    Can you be more precise with what you wanted to improve.

    Plenty of people can advise you here  




    Plenty of people can advise you here


    But it will come with much pain and no gratitude. I've been here before...many times.

  15. The OP has cloned all of his carp over to the new install. 

    Suggest a clean install and he is not so keen. It's what I suggested in the first instance, to no avail. No good just cherry picking and then complaining

    I often have one hundred tabs open when I am assisting many people at once, on a much inferior device.


    • Like 2
  16. 6 minutes ago, petermik said:

    That would be Dr Warin...... https://pattayadentalcare.com...on Pattaya Klang :thumbsup:


    You might think so. They are friends. How much experience with implants do you have with Dr Warin? Actual experience.

    I would choose to use hospital facilities over a private clinic....and he really should get his website up and running.

  17. 2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


    I am not sure they will do bridge using one implant without crowning another existing tooth, you can ask.


    Were it me, I would go with two implants. If I was short on dough, I would replace the recently extracted tooth with an implant as soon as possible (I don't think you want the hole to fill in) and get a cheap partial denture until I had the money for the second implant.


    I would absolutely not get a bridge using the new implant and an existing healthy tooth.  


    I agree and think the OP should make an appointment. The dentist will tell him what is best for his situation. Damaging good teeth is never a good idea. Better to save up for two implants. Likely that is what he will do.

    The reasoning? Possibly assumes that he will pay for the whole implant at once; but this is not the case. He will pay for the screw and abutment firstly; so perhaps approximately half. Then months later, whenever he can afford the crowns can pay for them then.


    But we cannot see him. It may or may not be a cosmetic issue. It may not affect his chewing to only have a single implant instead of two. Trust the dentist in this case. They will not push you to do anything just to make themselves more money. I can give my guarantee on this. 

  18. 1 hour ago, jimn said:

    Thank you for the comments. I only had the tooth extracted 4 weeks ago and its still a bit sore. I will leave it 8 weeks before I decide what to do. Added complication is I have to go back to the UK in July for 3 months so it will have to be done before I go or after. I suppose I could wait and consult my specialist in the UK who is a top dentist and see what he says and then decide what to do. Cant afford UK prices for this though but at least I would have a top opinion on what to do.


    What happens is the screw and abutment is inserted, then you wait three to six months for the bone to bond to it. Only then is the crown attached to it.

    Something is wrong if your extraction is still sore after four weeks. I had a wisdom tooth extraction done recently by the aforementioned surgeon and then next day forgot that I had even had it done.

    Painless and clean. I do not recommend anyone lightly. Make an appointment today and they might be able to fit you in this month or the next. Don't wait, especially if you have a complication. Four weeks is absolutely not normal. Sounds like an infection.


  19. 1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:


    I just read it's good to wait 3-6 months, so I was wrong about that.


    I've had crowns, bridges and implants in the US and in Thailand and IMHO the dental services in Thailand are generally better than in the US. In the US, the dentist always seems to have eight assistants and four chairs going.  In Thailand, the dentist is the only person that puts their fingers in my mouth and they wait for ME to come pack from x-ray, I don't have to go wait a half an hour while they get another  chair/bill going. 


    Much of the cost of an implant is the cost of the fixture/implant. 


    I thought everything was free in the UK, no?



    Is any of your post serious? Dental implants for free in the UK? Dentist the only one in your mouth? So no assistant with suction? Really?

    The US system is all about milking the system and maximising profit. Charge ridiculously high prices for everything, inflate the cost and get people to buy insurance to pay the terribly inflated costs.


    The recommended people here do not follow that system. They won't do any work that is not necessary. They have integrity and are conscientious. So jimn can visit in confidence knowing he will get the best treatment without having to worry that his bill will be padded with unnecessary extras.


  20. 1 hour ago, jimn said:

    Thank you for the comments. I only had the tooth extracted 4 weeks ago and its still a bit sore. I will leave it 8 weeks before I decide what to do. Added complication is I have to go back to the UK in July for 3 months so it will have to be done before I go or after. I suppose I could wait and consult my specialist in the UK who is a top dentist and see what he says and then decide what to do. Cant afford UK prices for this though but at least I would have a top opinion on what to do.


    No. Make an appointment see her now. You leave it eight weeks and you won't get a space at all. Do not cogitate or think that you know it better. I also saw top dentists in the U.K. and did my research before making a decision.

    You won't regret it. 

  21. 1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:


    I agree with most everything you say, except your claim that gold is the cheapest option. Are there more expensive options? Absolutely, but most options are cheaper. Cosmetics aside, I do not believe there is any better material than gold for crowns. 


    But it isn't gold. It is a material bonded to metal. So the material bonded to metal is going to be weaker than a solid crown. Ask any engineer. A one piece construction is more durable. I know.

    Do you really think that the OP has a solid gold crown in his mouth? Don't base your knowledge on hearsay. Just because they wrote "gold" doesn't mean that it is gold. If they had a solid gold crown it might be a different matter, but they don't.


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