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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 1 hour ago, Mister MXYZPTLK said:

    I live in both Bangkok and Samui.  I travel back and forth weekly.  So let me bring all of you up to date on Samui.  

    First:  The Koh Samui airport (USM) is OWNED by BANGKOK AIR.  There are NO INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS allowed.  Bangkok air is the ONLY airline that uses the airport (Thai airways but no longer).  Bangkokair flys both ATR (Turbo props) and Airbus (twin engine Jets) to the island depending on seats required.  ANY international travelers MUST come thru Suvarnbhumi (BKK) Airport so Quarantine must occur in Bangkok.  There was just an announcement that Koh Samui would try to open up for immunized travelers in October BUT they still must enter thru Bangkok first.

    Second: In Samui, most tourist areas are decimated.  Most stores are closed or vacated.  Hooters, Hard Rock, Burger King, McDonalds, 711, etc are all shuttered in Chewang Beach.  Other areas of Samui are still functioning, but not crowded.  There is no traffic, Many beautiful hotels and restaurants are open with few customers.  Fisherman’s village is hanging on by a thread but the popular and local restaurants are still functioning.  During a 3 day weekend holiday, the island is busier.

    If you’re looking to get out of the city and come to an beach resort which is very easy to get to from Bangkok, try Samui.  It’s a 50 minute flight time compared to 2 hours top Pattaya or 3 hours to Hua Hin.  And the best part is the flights (which were usually expensive on Bangkokair due to their monopoly) are very very inexpensive. Average 1 way fare 2200b.  And of course there are always deals.

    So instead of constantly complaining, take advantage of what Thailand has to offer.  When the world conquers the COVID pandemic, things will slowly return to normal.  Just don’t hold your breath! ????


    There were International flights to USM that didn't go via BKK. You should know that. That's why it is called Samui International Airport.



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  2. On 3/13/2021 at 1:13 PM, Jingthing said:

    Peruvian food is amazing. My only experience there is Lima, which is a great city, but high crime, weird depressing weather, and largely filthy. I think Arequipa sounds interesting but it's very geographically isolated.


    Huh? What? Depends where you live. I took a penthouse and various other properties in Miraflores. I walked to and around the surrounding districts.

    Though of course if there is a perception, then you feel might uncomfortable anyway. I walked everywhere day and night and didn't feel uncomfortable, even when walking through what looked like low income areas.

    But then I specialise in exploring interesting areas.

    Cannot say I had a problem with the weather, even though it is strange. You think it's going to rain but it never does. 

    Filthy? Not where I visited.



  3. 39 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    I guess that's me. But I think i can change. : )


    If you want to keep the number but want one of the unlimited 10 Mbps annual packages, you will have to port your number to one of the rivals; Truemove H or AIS taking out one of their annual packs. Last time I looked it was around 1890 for Truemove H and 2240 for AIS.


    If you don't care about losing the number then just buy the DTAC SIM. But if you have a dual SIM phone you can have the best of both worlds. Both the new and old DTAC SIM.

  4. 6 hours ago, elgenon said:

    I hope you don't mind some potentially dumb questions. Can I purchase this same package for my existing Dtac sim? It would seem to be perfect for me as then i wouldn't have to worry to top up before I leave, or after I leave, the country for a few months.


    You don't need to top up before you leave; you can extend your validity to a year infinitely. Refer to Jaidee Day Giveaway here: https://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/services/jai-dee.html You can use it right now.


    You can use exactly the same method wherever you are in the world, as long as Roaming is activated on your SIM: To activate roaming service call *118# before you leave or now.

    Once activated, you can use the Jaidee Day Giveaway service to keep extending your SIM validity infinitely whilst abroad, as long as you have credit on the SIM.

    When abroad, you can turn off the Internet data as you don't need it for USSD, SMS and calls. Do so by applying *104*72# and then the call key. You can reactivate it when you get back using *104*71#




  5. 2 hours ago, billaaa777 said:

    Hi Eindhoven, if you don't feel comfortable posting their number, can you please PM with it.


    I am getting my last delivery for this project on Tuesday and I would like to start installing it Wednesday. There is only one small problem, I don't have anybody to do the work.


    If you know of a very good tile installer, please post their number or PM me please.  Thanks in advance.




    Spoke to them. and they okayed the passing on of their details. I guess the only issue is whether they have people free from Wednesday. Talk to them and work it out. Good luck.

  6. I had a similar issue. I fixed it. But it's difficult to explain to someone else how to fix it.

    It's like your body is not working in unison and so it's pulling against itself, causing you pain. Your body is telling you that there is an issue and you need to do something about it. In other words you need to learn how to relax your body and allow it to fix itself.

    Relaxing and allowing yourself free movement supported by water is a good place to begin.  You need to loosen up in order to regain flexibility and fluidity. Only through this free movement will you be able undo the tension. You need to relax your mind in order to allow it to happen. 

    The human mind and body is amazing. Most people don't even touch on their capabilities because they just get stuck in a rut of doing things a certain way.

    Look at it another way. Imagine you cut your foot. You then adjust your gait to avoid the pain of stepping on the cut. This puts a strain on other parts of the body in a way that is not normal. Eventually something gives.

    So you need to rebalance; to get everything working together in unison.  At the moment you are out of whack.  Issues with your posture and gait. So you are putting undue stress on part of your body which in turn affects the rest.


    Most people prefer quick solutions, as opposed to taking the time to get to the root of their issues.



    • Like 1
  7. I know someone who does this work to a high standard; but have to check if they are happy for their number to be posted... They are already super busy on some jobs in Bangkok, though live near Pattaya, so convenient to the OP.

  8. 5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    My Mrs took her phone once and it came back with a generic battery, and they took the OEM one! (Which had longer life). An expensive screen replacement lasted 2 weeks on another. Lot of crooks in there. 


    I won't presume to comment further...

  9. 11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The idea of two masks is being discussed in the U.S. a lot in the last month.  I haven't seen even one double masker in Thailand. I have to admit and I'm not proud of it that I would be very reticent to double mask here unless it became fairly common. I feel that people would stare and mock.


    Now you don't have to worry about it. Now they have seen a "top doctor" suggest it. So they will seem like unintelligent idiots. Double mask up in busy areas.

    • Confused 1
  10. 5 hours ago, charm867 said:

    i have and not all good!



    Agreed. Don't. They break things. I don't get it; they are super good at intricate carving but don't seem to have the patience for fixing things. Perhaps overconfidence. But EVERYTHING I have taken to be fixed at Tukcom and surrounds has come back broken. Everything.

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