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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 4 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    I'm stating the law, the facts. Take your grievances up with the lawmakers.


    Which law have you stated? 


    Let's just begin with the first two on the list;




    Since 2001, the age of consent in Albania is 14, regardless of gender and sexual orientation. In the case of a girl, however, sex is illegal if she is over 14 but has not reached "sexual maturity", as provided by article 100 of the criminal code.[4]


    The age of consent in Andorra is 14, as specified by Article 147 of the penal code, which reads: (1) "Whoever carries out a sexual act with a person younger than fourteen years ... shall be punished with imprisonment for between three months and three years." Paragraph 2 states that if the sexual act involves sexual penetration the punishment is three to ten years.[5]

    As specified by Articles 148 and 149, it is illegal - regardless of age - for a person occupying a position of authority or superiority over a person to engage in sexual activity with them, or when it involves the abuse of trust or situation of need or dependence. The penalty is more severe when the subject is below the age of 18.


    There are caveats in almost every case. So to quote a law, you would also need to include all of the information.

    As you know, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

    Try it. You can write us letters from jail.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, twocatsmac said:

    I detest this man along with Hilary, Bill and most democrats and kiddie fiddlers.

    The 4 part series I mentioned also alleged some pre-teens but again allegations and accusations, unfounded.


    I’d liked to have seen him stand trial like most decent people.


    Is Trump a Democrat? Not sure what being a Democrat has to do with anything. You need to cool down on the hate. It usually doesn't affect anyone else but yourself.

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  3. 3 hours ago, giddyup said:

    I don't regard 16-17 year olds as "children", the age of consent is 16 in many countries. If the experience was so horrific as they claim, why did many of them keep going back for more over many years?


    Hmmm... I'm not going to draw conclusions over the six who 'liked' your post.

    Let's just put it this way. 16 & 17 year olds can be vulnerable, even if they don't think so at the time.

    They can also be easily corrupted. Would you have said no to US$1000 when you were sixteen to do a favour for an older woman?

    So who is guilty, the child who was easily corrupted or the one who knowingly corrupts?


    I can speak from experience. I ran away from home at 15. So was somewhat vulnerable.

    Though, I hold no grudges against the woman/women involved. Especially as the women involved didn't really require me to do anything. They seemed more interested in me being happy.

    I even had a girlfriend at the time. We would stay together on the weekend in the second bedroom of the West End apartment. Everything was provided. Money, clothes, jewellery.

    But the weekends were for my girlfriend. Woman involved asked what she could do to make it exclusive.

    I guess for me the difference was that I actually ended up living with the woman, as tensions began to develop at another place I stayed. So she came to pick me up and I went to live with her. 

    So not the same experience as just being used. 

    But the point being that teenagers can be easily corrupted and we as adults shouldn't take advantage of that.

    I should point out that the woman/women in my scenario were in their twenties. So it wasn't like creepy old women or anything like that.

    But it was a bit uncomfortable when you are trying to watch TV, with a woman on either side of you, intent on distracting you.


    Perhaps it's different because I am a man. I just get on with it, rather than trying to blame everything on my past.

    So I don't automatically dismiss their stories, just because they were pulled into the party scene by Ghislane.

    I know a bit about those people and their lifestyle. 



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  4. 2 minutes ago, Sojuncoke said:


    Ok either way I always saw that using ATM was a lot more expensive a few years back but now its actually cheaper than using transferwise. So then why would anyone use transferwise? 


    ATM was exactly the same a few years back or even cheaper. You were just using the wrong ATM and perhaps the wrong card in the ATM.


    Some people have cards that charge forex fees, so Transferwise may be better for them.

    I have cards that waive all forex fees that I can use for cash advances over the counter. So I pay no fees at all. The full Mastercard and VISA rates with no deductions. Not even ATM fees.



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  5. 9 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    At least it´s very good that they also got his face on the picture and his full name.


    On the other hand, this is what to be expected in the times of a visa amnesty.


    Why is it good?

    Are you suggesting that he is doing something illegal?


    There is always one.....or two.


    He clearly has a job in the U.K and paying taxes in the U.K. So definitely not taking a job from a local.

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