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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. So funny reading the comments of people who try to change Thailand to be like their home countries.

    Sorry, but it is Thailand. You don't like, try your home country. They don't have dogs roaming freely there.

    This is Thailand and I make the best of it without complaining. So instead of railing against the dogs, I make my life a more pleasant experience by getting to know some of them. You get to see some amazing things that way. 

    You are only limiting the richness of life's bounty. There are some super cool and funny animals out there. Certainly funnier and more interesting than many of the posters here. ????

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  2. Just now, Oldie said:

    Good that something is done. Once I got bitten by a stray dog here in Pattaya. One of the dog lovers should please give me a refund for all the costs and pain and worries. In my eyes just dangerous dreamers. Perhaps even more dangerous than the dogs. 


    Perhaps the dog realised that you weren't very nice. Why doesn't it happen to the nice people?

    • Confused 2
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  3. Just now, J Town said:

    I have to grit my teeth and hold my tongue every time I see someone feeding soi dogs.

    "But they will die unless you feed them."

    No, they'll move on to another neighborhood. They're resourceful survivors. Just go seek life somewhere else.


    Best you do. It's none of your business. So they move to another neighbourhood and there's another grumpy old man there. What then?

    If someone is feeding the dogs it means that they are used to human contact and less likely to harm.

    • Sad 1
  4. Just now, transam said:

    Agreed, I have a very big dog here in LOS, but I hate these roaming dogs where humans of all sizes may walk or play.

    A dog accompanied by its owner is usually not an issue with folk, packs are, even I am wary of dog packs, and for sure, tourists from countries that don't have roaming dog packs will be on the back foot and worried.

    Nothing to do with being a dog lover and saying leave them alone, it is about tourists peace of mind and safety. You start feeding them and the situation will get worse..  


    Oh please. Dogs very rarely attack humans. Of course there are exceptions. But that doesn't mean you punish them all.

    Very easy to bring them under control. All this scaremongering is ridiculous.


    • Confused 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Scot123 said:

    Ah the But it's never happened to me brigade!!! Until it does. I'm a dog lover and have some knowledge having trained dogs to a high working standard. First every dog should be under control 24/7 and any dig not should be lifted. Even a loved family pet can revert to pack hunting instinct in the blink of an eye. Dogs in Thailand are dangerous and cause death almost daily from accidents or biting passing diseases such as Rabies. Babies lives Matter Too. Just even one child scared or killed is one to many. But hay your a holy person who probably walks on water at the weekend.. 


    Patently ridiculous. One can also trip up on the pavement. It rarely happens, but it can. So sorry that I do not support eradicating a species because you are afraid. Unless you are referring to mosquitoes. Get rid of them!


    But seriously, dogs are rarely dangerous. The dog lover line doesn't work. It's not unlike the line, I'm not racist as I have black friend, before launching into a racist tirade.


    I deal with feral dogs every single day without issue. So I think it trumps your training already tame dogs to a high working standard.

    They have personalities, just like humans. You might get the odd stupid one, but the rest of the pack will quickly put them in their place by simply giving them no back-up and just wandering off, leaving them on their own.


    So no, collective punishment is not the way. Deal with the problem dog.


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  6. 1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:

    I hate dog haters.

    Never been threatened by one on Jomtien beach.

    The idiot in the picture should also be lifted by his ears.


    Too be fair he isn't lifting the dog by her ears, but actually the back of the neck. The dog isn't in any discomfort and hopefully won't be mistreated.


    If the dogs have really bitten children then it's a problem. I like many here have no issue with dogs, as anyone who loves nature learns to live with it, rather than to destroy everything around for their convenience.

    Dogs are not called "Man's best friend" for no reason.  Thai dogs are no exception. They love humans, given the chance.

    • Sad 1
  7. 6 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

    I used a paid version of Acronis to clone the disk.  All appeared to go well.


    There were a few minor issues, nothing major.  For example, after the clone, I couldn't see a partition.  I went into Disk Management and got it to display again. 


    I did enter "%1%*  The extra inverted comas were a typo in my post. 


    I've since spend more time on this and still can not run .exe files.  I sometimes get a blue Windows box saying "Warning not a Windows App" or something like that.  I've turned off Windows Firewall, AV, Windows App Guard, or whatever it is.  Still no luck.  7-Zip is installed as well. 


    Next thing Google advises is to try to install the program in Safe Mode, but that will be a pain for every new program I want to install.  The program is nothing special and is installed on my laptops and runs fine.  


    Just a reminder.  This was a fresh install of Windows 10 Build 2004, not an update, on a HDD, which was shortly after cloned to a SSD. Never had this problem before, in any version of Windows.  




    If it is a fresh install to an HDD, there should be nothing worth keeping. So run a fresh install to the SSD.

    You seem to revel in making your life more complicated. You do everything in the opposite way that you have been advised and are then baffled when things don't work out. So then come back here for someone to sort it out for you.

    Why did you not simply wait for the SSD to arrive and install Windows 10 to it?

    I for one am not inclined to use the time to troubleshoot what you may have done wrong along the way. Just clean install to the new SSD and save us the headache. ????

  8. 1 hour ago, recom273 said:

    I know you aren’t going to like this .. get a Synology NAS, along with 3 drives and you will never look back.
    I know you like to download TV and movies, they integrate with your TV, no more time wasted moving files to USB, no more time stressing over when a mobile HDD that <deleted> out in the humidity.

    Have you tried wrapping the HDD in plastic and putting it in the freezer, worked for me. Sometimes it’s worth cracking the case open and using a SATA to usb connector, this has never worked for me.


    You won't even need an NAS if you have a SeedBox. Stream directly from most devices without the need for hard drive storage at all.

    Of course if you are there for the long term, having a RAID array can have it's uses.


  9. Hopefully the frankly atrocious national park pricing, such as at Khao Kheow, wherein Thais currently pay 75 baht, but foreigners 250 baht will be reined in.


    Especially ridiculous since there are no 'tourists'. So absolutely no need for the double pricing currently.


    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

    Thank you for your comment

    If I knew what exactly the problem was I would not be asking the question would I ?
    I know how to use a laptop but do not know when what the cause is / maybe is when something goes wrong.
    Perhaps it is my age and that I don't want to hump my laptop to Khon Kaen by bus or train then lug it around KK until I can get bus or train back home some 45kms away.
    If it is just the charger then thats all I need to take.
    A useful answer would be appreciated



    Run through techietravellers link. If no useful result, come back with actual model numbers of both the laptop and the chargers involved.

  11. 5 hours ago, stouricks said:

    You said 'Is it the charger ON something else' instead of 'OR' something else.

    Makes it difficult for us thickies to know what you are asking.


    That is somewhat ironic, since you got angry when I suggested that an earlier post of yours didn't make sense. Now here you are Trolling the OP for a typographical error.

    Be nice, eh?

    • Haha 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    Around 1995 – after 1994 and before 1987 – to my knowledge caused by a Swedish, who guy firing a rocket inside the pub, some have mentioned New Years Eve, but I'm not sure...


    Image dated 1984, the old wooden pub is still in the back...



    Image dated 1987, the old wooden building is tha back has gone...



    Are you sure that states 87 on the photo? It might, though it looks more like a 97 to me.

  13. 1 hour ago, outsider said:

    As an amateur runner, I find Thai foot massage to be helpful with recovery. I seldom chat with the masseuses beyond initial pleasantries, not out of cockiness, but mainly because I like to nap while the masseuse does her job. Also allows her to focus on what she does. So she can hide behind a Darth Vader mask if she wants - it changes nothing for me. And since I take a nap, it doesn't matter if the person next to me is a friend or not, so personally I do welcome the extra in-between space now! However, if this goes on, it probably means the operators may need to raise prices to account for the lower turnover etc. A fair increase, rather than a Thai-style 400% spike, is acceptable, in my opinion. Don't ask me what is a 'fair' increment. I am not an operator so I do not know their P&L. Something deemed 'fair' by general consensus, perhaps? Tourists (if any) looking for happy-endings may beg to differ, of course LOL


    Indeed, I don't know why all the fuss. I have no issue with the general increase in personal hygiene.

    Her wearing a mask doesn't affect my perception of the massage.

    In fact, I went for a massage just yesterday. I dislike sitting in cold air-con rooms with others in close proximity anyway. So finding an open air place that charged a little more is right up my street. 250 baht for a foot massage, with no air-con, just open air and cooling fans, a diligent check-in system with alcohol gel provided, mask wearing masseuses who don't talk all the way through the massage....

    Seems an improvement to me.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    i signed up for the AIS unlimited 4mbps 12 month deal 2,500 baht, a lazy option really, I didn't want another sim or to change numbers. Anyway 39mbps this morning, yesterday the 1mbps was showing as 24+mbps so some improvement, who knows if and when it will be restricted to 4mbps



    What speed do you achieve if you actually download something, as opposed to that speed test?


    Alternatively, try; https://testmy.net

    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I first went in 92, so it only took 5 years to go from your experience to 5 * resorts and the big Reggae disco etc.

    Still couldn't get Bkk Post without a special order though.

    Great though- nothing higher than the palm trees and low key buildings set back.

    I stayed in JR Mansion first time which had a wonderful and huge open air restaurant. Burnt ( I heard by arson ) some years later. Replaced by a horrid modern shopping mall now I believe. Plenty of nice cheap places to stay and over the years I stayed in many of them, normally Chaweng village which had individual huts; cold water shower, no tv or AC which was the norm.

    It was a very nice beach stay spoiled only by the aircraft flying in to land right over the middle of the best area.

    Had a wide range of places to stay from 5* to cheapie bagpacker places like Charlie's Hut. I even got to visit the Ark Bar while it was the original thatch roof version

    Sand was wonderful to walk on, unlike Lamai, and I used to walk half the beach each morning before most were awake.


    I thought when I posted my first on here that I'd be slagged off by loads of posters that love Samui, but there have been surprisingly few that defend the place.

    It was a great few years visiting it, but that stopped when they went trendy, expensive and stopped showing VDOs in the restaurants.

    Then it was time to move over to Phangan, even though none of the beaches there had a patch on Chaweng.

    Great days before greed ruined it, but they live on in my memory.


    We arrived the same year. 

    We all have our opinions of when it started going downhill. I didn't particularly like sex tourism moving to Chaweng and the young lads running to me, excited about "being able to get a bird for a tenner". That for me was the beginning of the end. I guess I saw them as the wrong kind of tourist.

    Lamai already had the Germanic sex scene, so if you were interested in that, you could go there.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Traubert said:

    Almost every person I met who used illegal drugs (and that's a lot) was an unashamed hedonist.


    Me included.


    Perhaps, but dig a little deeper. That's what I've found anyway. They would tell me the reason that they were doing it was "because they liked it". But dig a little deeper and you find the underlying issues that they are treating..


  17. On 7/9/2020 at 7:08 AM, Myran said:

    Execute her. Being a drug addict is no mitigating factor – she chose to put that garbage into her body, with her child present, no less.


    Who suggested such a thing?


    Look at it this way....what if she is schizophrenic? Hearing voices etc. Then takes drugs to alleviate the symptoms.

    How would you be able to isolate the drugs being responsible when without the drugs she would hear voices?

    That's why I state shouting "DRUGS!" doesn't move our knowledge forward. The drugs might have actually been beneficial in some ways. But they didn't treat the underlying condition.

    She may also have been directed to take certain medicines, but had not been taking them.

    Of course this is all theoretical, as I really don't know anything of her circumstances. Only that it is a sad and horrible occurrence.

  18. 6 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

    Too much use of sanitisers can destroy your bodies own natural protection.
    Remember every time you use a proffered sanitiser at a store many people have also touched the same bottle / pen etc.    In some ways it may be better to use soap in the restroom.



    Why should that matter if you sanitise both before and after usage?

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