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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 1 minute ago, Konini said:

    I found that I had this problem last week when I asked DTAC why my last three lots of credit had disappeared - the first two I couldn't swear I hadn't used the phone for calls or SMS so I made sure the third time I topped it up I didn't use it and checked the balance every morning so I could catch whatever it was.  I had data turned off and couldn't understand it.  The only time I've actually turned mobile data on was to check-in at Big C on the first day we were allowed back in shops, learnt the hard way that it's much easier to write my name and number in the book if you don't have data on all the time.  It was definitely off, and had only ever been on for long enough for me to 'check-in'.


    Got in touch with them and it turns out that as well as turning off mobile data, you have to restrict mobile data by each app.  It was too tedious, so instead I used the DTAC control they suggested.  Dial *104*72*9# and it's off.  If you want to turn it back on at any time in the future, dial *104*71*9#.


    Definitely works, my balance hasn't moved since I did it last Monday.  The speed of the response with details to turn off background use suggests to me that they are getting a lot of queries about this.


    (This is the second time this year I've had to contact them, a few months ago the One Time Passcodes from my bank in Australia weren't getting through, they had changed something and fixed it pretty much straight away.  I used Facebook Messenger both times to contact them, whoever is answering the messages on there is doing a really good job of explaining/fixing things.  I don't use Facebook, just messenger and it's really handy for contacting companies and getting quick solid replies in most cases.)


    This should fix it for you, but if you think you will ever need it again in future keep a note of the number to turn it back on.


    There is another solution, as detailed in the post above yours. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, Inderpland said:

    This is the exact setting that keeps switching itself back on, not frequently but one every 1 to 2 months.


    There is a simple solution. Apply 40 baht of credit to your account and then enter *103*55*9# and then hit the Dial key. That will apply an 'always on' data connection of 64 kbps...forever. So no more exces charges for data. Ever.

    Of course you could be one of those who would rather bite your nose off to spite your face, rather than having to pay to fix the issue.


    So in that case your solution would be to simply switch data off at the source. *104*72*9# then the Dial key.

    *104*71*9# Dial key to switch it back on.

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    The only embarrassing is to read your post! Not embarrassing actually, it down right SAD!

    In my world a particle that can move through a room or a droplet that can move 10-20 meter is exactly same. I can get infected, and better wear a mask, right?

    Maybe it´s just that I am a little bit more down to earth than you are. Now see to that you read your link a lot of times, so that you can explain the scientific difference for me. At the end it will still be the same, though. You can get infected.

    Go have a nice day now! ???? 

    You seem to really like to argue. But it helps if you actually get the gist of the article in the first place:



    The coronavirus is finding new victims worldwide, in bars and restaurants, offices, markets and casinos, giving rise to frightening clusters of infection that increasingly confirm what many scientists have been saying for months: The virus lingers in the air indoors, infecting those nearby.

    If airborne transmission is a significant factor in the pandemic, especially in crowded spaces with poor ventilation, the consequences for containment will be significant. Masks may be needed indoors, even in socially-distant settings. Health care workers may need N95 masks that filter out even the smallest respiratory droplets as they care for coronavirus patients.

    Ventilation systems in schools, nursing homes, residences and businesses may need to minimize recirculating air and add powerful new filters. Ultraviolet lights may be needed to kill viral particles floating in tiny droplets indoors.

    The World Health Organization has long held that the coronavirus is spread primarily by large respiratory droplets that, once expelled by infected people in coughs and sneezes, fall quickly to the floor.


    So, once again, the news is about the scientists trying to get the W.H.O. to change their recommendations.

    Now what is it that you are not understanding?


    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Pib said:

    When I got here in 2008 Thai banks had the ATM fee for foreign cards....it was around 120-150 baht and has been climbing ever since; only AEON ATMs were still free in 2008.  But around Jan/Feb 2014 AEON ATMs also started charging a fee of Bt150.


    Erm... I don't think so. It was much lower in the beginning. Perhaps even 20 baht.


    Siam Commercial Bank was the first to introduce the charge.


    Further to this:



  5. 6 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Many thanks!  This is clear and easily understandable advice for a mobile phone ignoramus like myself!

    I will look into first option and contact a dTac service center, and if it that doesn't work out the 90-day package would also be a significant saving.

    Thanks again.


    Be careful of the first offer if you are here long term, as if DTAC renew your SIM as if it is a new SIM, you may no longer be eligible for the 90 day packages.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 16 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Thank you Khun Prayut Chan O Cha for your exceptional work and efforts in getting Thailands economy back up and running again. Tourism obviously needs a good kick start to ensure jobs growth and pre-covid19 conditions are returned. Let's hope there are good strategic paths put in place that will assist folks & businesses in getting up again.

    Khun Prayut will win this war against COVID-19 and reboot Thailand and it's economy as needed.



    What is wrong with you??

    • Confused 1
  7. 2 hours ago, asiacurious said:

    Ok, so it's basically coming down to semantics.  Wikipedia says:



    But Wikipedia also says:



    And plenty of other sources refer to baking chocolate as any of those various preparations (unsweetened, bitterseet, semisweet, and sweet).


    I had a good laugh at the bit you wrote about contradicting myself!  "Sugar is added to all chocolate, except of course unsweetened chocolate" contains no contradiction.  It contains a clearly stated exception to a general rule.  But if either of these help....


    Sugar is added to all other chocolate except of course to unsweetened chocolate?




    Except for unsweetened chocolate, all chocolate has sugar added.


    Though for me, I prefer my original statement.  Actually, I prefer this even more for it's succinctness:


    Sugar is added to all chocolate except unsweetened chocolate.



    Perhaps we should discuss carob next? :biggrin:



    Since you are using Wikipedia as your source, is there any reason you left out these salient points?;



    Baking chocolate may be of a lower quality compared to other types of chocolate, and may have part of the cocoa butter replaced with other fats that do not require tempering.[4] This type of baking chocolate may be easier to handle compared to those that have not had their cocoa butter content lowered.[4] Lower quality baking chocolate may not be as flavorful compared to higher-quality chocolate, and may have a different mouthfeel.



    I know you read it, but of course it counters your argument that it is exactly the same as normal chocolate.


    It is not. 


    Baking/cooking chocolate is designed for baking and cooking.



    Also interesting;



    as less sugar than sweet varieties. In Europe, a regulation exists stating that semisweet varieties must contain more sugar and less chocolate liquor compared to bittersweet varieties. No such regulation exists in the United States, and due to this, semisweet and bittersweet varieties can vary in sweetness and chocolate liquor content. In the U.S., bittersweet varieties are even sometimes sweeter than semi-sweet varieties.


    The USA has very low or no food standards overall, due to lobbying of corporations.

    For that reason alone, I don't use American products in my diet or cooking. It's generally of a lower quality than European foodstuffs.

  8. 1 hour ago, Peter Denis said:

    Maybe a crazy question which will reveal my total ignorance in these matters.

    > Would it be possible to buy such a new SIM and change it to the present telephone number I have with dTac?

    If not possible, that would be the major hurdle for me to switch from my present dTac 4Mbps unlimited data package (720 THB/month) to a cheaper one, as I would have to contact everyone that my number changed...

    You can do it in a different way. You can move your number to Truemove H or AIS, taking advantage of the offer that way. You just cannot move your number to the same network....But perhaps if you speak to someone at the call centre or service centre to tell them that you want to take advantage of the new SIM promo of 10 Mbps for 250 baht per month, but the only way you can do it is to port your number over to another network, they may find a way to do it.

    Otherwise, they will simply lose a customer and be getting 0 baht per month.


    Be nice about it, as if you really want to stay with DTAC, but if they cannot you will have to move to AIS/Truemove H.


    Though be aware that the package only lasts for six months. So in six months you'll be back to square one.


    If you've had your current SIM for more than a year. Registered before the 1st of March last year, you may be eligible for a 90 day package of unlimited 4 Mbps for 1284 baht(428 per month). So a decent saving without having to do anything. Unlimited 10 Mbps also available for 1926 baht(642 baht per month) for 90 days.




    • Thanks 1
  9. For those on a tight budget or with less demanding requirements, DTAC & Truemove H also offer, in addition to the above(though without the option for unlimited calls as with AIS), Unlimited 2 Mbps for 90 baht per month.

    Truemove H bundles in free WiFi. Anything to try to out-compete DTAC.


    All new SIM promos that last for six months.



    • Like 1
  10. The only reason that I would go out of my way to use unsweetened chocolate in a Brownie recipe, would be if someone was diabetic or wanted to avoid sucrose for one reason or another.

    Then I would use unsweetened and substitute sucrose for fructose.


    Seems pointless to use unsweetened, then to add sucrose and further to chuck in 75%, 60% and milk chocolate. All with copious amounts of sucrose within.

  11. 16 minutes ago, asiacurious said:


    Sugar is added to all chocolate, except of course unsweetened chocolate.  And while unsweetened chocolate is the core chocolate used when baking (since one adds sugar as a separate ingredient), it is absolutely not the only chocolate used when baking. 


    An example.  Great brownies will use mixture of unsweetened, 75%, 60%, and milk chocolates  (could even sneak in some white chocolate (which isn't technically chocolate of course).  The unsweetened gets melted and mixed into the batter with sugar, flour....  The others get chopped up into pieces and added to the batter so they bake into gooey little pockets of chocolate. 


    I've never heard of chocolate chip cookies using unsweetened chocolate.  A mixture of chocolates (excluding unsweetened) is the way to go.


    Also, never try to melt chocolate chips sold in bags advertised with cookies on the label (Nestle, Hersey's, Ghirardelli, Tulip...).  They have stabilizers in them that help them to hold there shape when they bake (fine for cookies) but they end up a clumpy mess when melting.




    No. It is called Baking/Cooking/Unsweetened chocolate because that is what it is.


    Of course you can cook with any kind of chocolate. But that chocolate is not called Baking/Cooking/Unsweetened chocolate.


    I use normal high quality 60 to 85% cocoa content bars to make brownies and adjust the sugar content to compensate. I might also chuck in some Belgian chocolate pieces for a fudgey/caramelly distraction or some Swiss chocolate for a hint of hazelnut within.


    So of course you are not limited to Baking/Cooking/Unsweetened chocolate. 


    My point is that Baking/Cooking/Unsweetened chocolate is a thing and not only different because of the shape and wrapping, as you suggested. It's a completely different product.

    You also contradict yourself by stating that sugar is added to all chocolate, but then confirm that there is unsweetened chocolate....which happens to be Baking/Cooking chocolate. 

  12. On 6/30/2020 at 7:42 PM, dimitriv said:


    16 Baht is 48 Euro cent.  For 48 cent you can buy a Mars or Snickers in Europe. 


    When was the last time you visited Europe ?  50 years ago ?  ????




    It's actually possible. LIDL sell Bellarom milk and plain chocolate bars for around £0.35p for a 100 gram bar. That is between 13 & 14 baht.





  13. 1 minute ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Yes agree, I used to buy the 70% Cocoa baking chocolate in the usual form of a chocolate from Tesco/Lotus for about 62 baht and was quite enjoyable, sugar as you say was lower than the norm, but still b-a-d for this retired chocoholic ????



    I have some high quality single estate bars imported from U.K in my fridge. I just keep them to share. Don't eat that kind of thing on my own usually.

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