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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. Just now, camble said:

    I’m very happy with Linux Mint.  ????   I can use my old laptop if I need anything Windows specific


    Now I see why you didn't ask for help. Stubborn. ???? 

    You can put Linux Mint on your old computer and use your new one in the way it was intended.


    • Sad 1
  2. Just now, Dumbastheycome said:

    I habitually use a little "idea pad " as I am in writing this.

    I changed from Win 10 as it came installed  with because  with limited memory it was incapable of coping with  some of the original massive updates  to Win 10 even if any other files were removed!

    Linux  functions  very well and leaves  enough  memory available for other reasonably file downloads that it could not originally.

    On another  machine  with  great capacity I  went  back to Win8 after trying  Win 10  in it's earlier days and found it a  nightmare !

    Despite noting that complaints  about Win 10 have become much less for my purposes Win 8 is  good enough for me and  Linux equally so on a small very portable device.




    Windows 10 is the same. The problem you suffered was an early issue to do with Windows 10 and the way it delivered feature updates.

    Clean install it now and you won't have the problems you had before with space and updates.

    Now a clean installation reserves the space for features updates by default. Also they have changed the way feature updates are delivered.

    Remember that the Windows 10 interface is also affected by your choices on install. You should avoid choosing an Express install or allowing Microsoft to coerce you into signing in with a Microsoft account.

  3. 9 minutes ago, camble said:

    I bought a new computer a few months ago that came with Windows 10 Home OEM version pre-installed.  This operating system was unusable.  I could only install software from the Microsoft Store.  I copied some files from my old laptop and they would disappear after the session.  Even simple personalizations like changing wallpaper weren’t persistent.  The screensaver kicked in after 5 minutes of inactivity, fortunately I found a free mouse move app on the Microsoft Store to suppress it or I couldn’t even watch Netflix.


    I bought a used Windows 10 Pro license for 200 baht on eBay but couldn’t install it without Administrator privilege.  Finally, I had enough and was willing to pay the 4100 baht to upgrade the license but couldn’t even do that from the Microsoft store without admin privilege.  What is going on at Microsoft that they won’t accept your money?  Bill Gates would sh*t in his pants!  It’s like the motherboard is forever tied to Windows 10 Home OEM.


    I installed Linux Mint as dual boot and doubt I’ll ever use Windows again on this machine.  Furthermore, I think the Cinnamon desktop is much better, simpler and more intuitive than W10, and this used to be Microsoft’s strength.




    Was there something that stopped you from asking for help here, before you embarked on a wild goose chase? Pride or something else?

    I took a look. There is no thread started here by you asking for help/advice. 


    The solutions are simple. You likely don't have Windows 10 Home OEM, but Windows 10 Home in S mode.


    Just take it out of 'S' mode: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4020089/windows-10-in-s-mode-faq


    First problem solved.


    Second, if you want to use your eBay key to move up to Pro, there is a step that you need to take in between. If you need instruction I can do so via PM.



    • Like 2
  4. 39 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    Can someone  explain the difference  between an "air fryer" and a  "convection" oven in function?

    I have one of  those  cheap glass bodied circular convection ovens which I  find  great for  pizza and  baking  cakes. Have never attempted potato fries.


    It's exactly the same thing, just a different design. heating element plus fan. Perhaps just better sealed. You don't need to bother to replace yours.

    OTTO brand @ Makro from 700 baht. Rarely a need to spend more. You can buy similar convection ovens with the accessories for dry frying and more for around 1200 baht or less.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 hours ago, BananaBandit said:

    Thanks guys...you've given some pretty good information here (even though it's anxiety-inducing!)


    Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. But if you are concerned, use a SandBox.

    That way, it is run in a closed off environment and cannot run on your main install. As soon as you close the SandBox, everything that ran within it disappears. Just get into the habit of running anything with which you feel uncomfortable in the SandBox first.

    Clicky link of which you are not sure? Open it in a SandBoxed Browser. Anything dodgy happens can only happen in that SandBox and once your close the SandBox environment, everything disappears.

    Belt & Braces for the unsure.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 11 hours ago, steven100 said:

    what bs ....  everyone knows right from wrong.  you chose wrong ... jail for drug user/pusher/ whatever


    If everybody knows right from wrong...how much alcohol is it ok to drink? How much exactly should we eat?

    The fact is that it is nothing to do with right and wrong, but down to the individual. 

    I don't care if some idiot wants to drink a bottle of wine, as long as he doesn't get behind the wheel afterwards.

    I don't care what that girl puts in her body. It's her body. That's for her parents and herself. She could also take some weird diet drug from China because she wants to lose weight. Illegal? No. Right or wrong? Up to her. As long as she doesn't harm others.

  7. 16 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    I may be dumb but I am legal. Therein lies the difference.

    I would not believe those numbers - how do drug experts really know? Not everything that is printed is accurate.

    There are lies, dmmed lies and statistics.


    Legal. Wooo!



    If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, "the law is a ass — a idiot. If that's the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience.


    Do you actually mean that your mind and thoughts are totally controlled by the "law"?


    So because the law states that poisonous alcohol is legal, you are happy to put it inside your body. Wow.

    • Sad 1
  8. On 7/16/2020 at 10:07 AM, steven100 said:

    New cabinet to be announced soon Khun Prayut Chan O Cha will do what needs to be done. 

    Somkid Jatusripitak was one of the better one's in that group however I don't think our PM is too concerned as it's his hard work, dedication and decision making that has moved the country forward over the past 6 years. He is our leader and he is doing the job as required. 



    Are you Thai or a Thai citizen? If not, how is he your leader?

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    There are some pocket wifi dongles around but you are just using the same cellular internet and doing the samme as your mobile phone, same  packages etc. You may as well just buy a cheap mobile phone and use it as a hotspot. Cellular internet is usually unlimited with low speed or high speed with limited data. Last time I looked there was not much with unlimited data and high speed, or it was expensive. All the networks have webpages with their different cellular internet packages. Its usually just a matter of entering a USSD code to switch packages.




    Why would you do that? Phones are less suitable to the task than a dedicated MiFi. Phone more likely to disconnect when idle. Just keeping the phone plugged in 24/7 would be another issue.

    MiFi perhaps 1200 baht, so cheap phone doesn't bring a cost saving.


    ELL has already indicated that there are both full speed and/or capped speed unlimited plans(annual) available to purchase online.


    OP needs to run speed tests https://testmy.net to see what speeds are delivered by the various networks before settling on a provider.  Beginning with his current provider, AIS.



  10. 28 minutes ago, Speedo1968 said:

    FROM OP - Thanks to all for their comments and advice regarding my laptop not charging.

    Visited Khon Kaen today and went to a computer repair shop near the railway station, they have done a good repair job once before and are very helpful.

    Problem solved - the so called "original" battery bought from the main Acer agent ( used to be Toshiba ) in Tucom was a copy.   I was charged a high price for it and after 11 months it's no good.

    They provide me with a "suitable" battery and it has a one year guarantee, it should last a year was their honest comment.    It's price way lower than Tucom.


    I suspected it was a copy, even though you seemed to think that it was genuine. TiT

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

    The Egyptian Flight was a shuttle to Chengdu China  :whistling:


    Note to powers that be, lets keep that inconvenient fact as far out of the news as possible?! Thanks.


    Actually it came from Chengdu when they tested.



    The flight, carrying the Egyptian military officers, arrived on 2 separate military flights at U-Tapao airport in Rayong at 7pm on Wednesday, July 8. They reached the hotel in Rayong, at 11pm. The next day they departed from U-Tapao airport at 5.30am bound for Chengdu in China. They returned to U-Tapao airport again at 11.30pm on the same day. They then headed back to the same Rayong hotel 2am on July 10,

    At 11am on July 10, 27 of the 31 visitors walked to Laem Tong shopping centre and stayed there until 3pm. 4 others caught taxis to the Central Plaza Rayong and stayed there from 2pm for 4 hours.


  12. Just now, Orton Rd said:

    Look up the stats for attacks on adults, about 300k a year in the USA, you can't find the numbers here of course. It's a myth mostly kids are attacked and that they have to have done something to provoke them, they don't they just have to be there.


    Of course everything you write is fact because you have written it. I just have never seen it in twenty eight years of being in Thailand.

  13. Just now, Orton Rd said:

    well Thailand used to have slaves and they rode around on Elephants, things move on the improve. Time the soi dog menace was consigned to history as well, health risk, traffic menace and noisy pests. No country can be considered developed or safe with millions of scabby dogs roaming about. Would the Japanese put up with this nonsense? it would be sorted in short order, but the land of mai pen rai just lets it get worse.


    That's your opinion. We all have them.

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, Orton Rd said:

    Maybe not if you were 5, dogs are sneaky and will attack if they think they can get away with it


    I agree, that children are more susceptible to attack. Especially as they do the things that make them more susceptible to attack. So if on a tourist beach, they should be moved if liable to attack children. But for an adult to be attacked is very unusual. 

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