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Etaoin Shrdlu

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Everything posted by Etaoin Shrdlu

  1. The CRS forms that banks are asking accountholders to complete require that the accountholder self-declare their tax residence.
  2. For those who were confused with my mention of liver fluke, here's a Wikipedia article that mentions the connection between Koi Pal, liver fluke and cancer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koi_(dish)#:~:text=Koi pla eaten in north,cholangiocarcinoma via liver fluke transmission. And yes, Ivermectin is recognized as an effective treatment for liver fluke.
  3. Bangkok Bank debited 15 baht from my savings account on February 19. It was described as commission/annual fee. The only other transactions this month were incoming Social Security from SSA by direct deposit and one transfer to my SCB account using the BB app, both taking place on 3 February. This seems to have started sometime last year, as I don't recall BB doing this in prior years.
  4. Liver fluke. That's something that Ivermectin actually can treat with proven effect.
  5. The 50 million baht requirement must be the threshold for money laundering services.
  6. In spite of what some may say, I think a double-edge safety razor is still the best option. Passable ones are available on Lazada for a few hundred baht and blades are extremely inexpensive.
  7. Yes, for the most part they are if they are physically present in the US: https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S8-C18-8-7-2/ALDE_00001262/ There may be narrow exceptions, however.
  8. I am voicing support for the Constitution and especially the First Amendment, not Saleh's actions or statements. Don't confuse my support of the Constitution with sympathy for Saleh or the Palestinians. An assault on one person's constitutional rights is an assault on everyone's constitutional rights. If she has broken the law, then she should face the consequences and potentially be deported after due process.
  9. I'm not sure to what extent the actions of someone's parent would be relevant in a court of law. I could see how such a connection may be relevant to decisions regarding admissibility of aliens when they apply for a visa to the US. Foreigners outside the US probably don't have much in the way of constitutional rights. Foreigners in the US have much more protection under the constitution. I think it would be much more difficult to deport someone based upon the actions of their parent.
  10. Voicing support for something isn't the same as incitement. She would have to be directly responsible for urging or requesting someone to commit a specific act prior to the act taking place. I haven't seen allegations of that in any of the OP and video.
  11. Saleh's father isn't subject to deportation from the US. The article is about the daughter's presence in the US and enrollment in Georgetown.
  12. The First Amendment provides broad protections to speech by the public. The only party that can "violate the First Amendment", or the rights provided by it, is the US government. This is because the First Amendment is intended to curb the US Government's ability to limit what one can say prior to saying it. What specific acts of violence is she alleged to have incited? The article is relevant because her speech may be protected speech under the First Amendment. Trump's executive order may or may not be found to be constitutional, in whole or in part.
  13. She is the subject to the OP, not her father.
  14. Her father is in the US on a student visa?
  15. An interesting article on Trump's executive order: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/trumps-executive-order-foreign-terrorists-implications-rights-non
  16. What facts have been revealed that state that she hasn't already been investigated?
  17. I would find it difficult to believe that the State Department would not be aware of her father's role as an advisor to Hamas or of her activities. She seems to have had a fairly high profile while in the US as well. I can understand why people and organizations with unpopular views may want to remove content from social media and other websites given the views and actions of the current administration. We will see how much of Trump's executive order of January 20, 2025 stands up to judicial review. I'm sure there will be tests of it shortly.
  18. Is it reasonable to think that the State Department, CIA and FBI were unaware of who her father is or what her activities in Gaza were when she applied for her student visa? What reason is there to think that she hasn't already been investigated? If CAMERA has concrete evidence that she's a formal member of Hamas or has provided material support to Hamas, why hasn't CAMERA already supplied this information to US law enforcement?
  19. If US authorities can find that her actions crossed the line into providing actual material support for terrorist activities, then she could be criminally prosecuted and deported. If she is a formal member of Hamas, then she would be an inadmissible alien and should be deported. I note that the OP lacks any direct allegation that she is a formal member of Hamas. US law regarding support of terrorist organizations seems to be fairly prescriptive and is limited to material support, not speech. Here's a link that provides some basic info: https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/ Merely expressing support of Palestinian causes, however unpopular they may be, is likely to be considered protected speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution.
  20. Insurance companies in Thailand compensate their distribution systems, both their own agency systems and independent insurance brokerage companies, by commission. It isn't going to be possible for the personal lines insurance buyer to do much about this. Mitigating this is the fact that there isn't much variance in the commission levels paid by different insurers for the same line of coverage. Plus, there isn't anything preventing a client from discussing commission levels with their broker when reviewing options. The insurance brokerage industry has changed a lot since my day. There are a lot of new players and many of them are involved in personal lines insurance. Perhaps other AN members can provide suggestions based upon their recent experience.
  21. MAGAs were afraid of trans women in women's restrooms and Haitians eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio.
  22. Ok, but then require publicly traded US companies disclose these payments, including names of recipients and amounts, in their 10k filings and annual reports to shareholders.
  23. An insurance agent's primary duty is to his or her principal, the insurance company. Agents have no obligation to provide advice. They often only know the features of the insurance product or products that their principal offers and cannot provide options from other insurers and can only explain the features of the products they sell. Under the law of agency, the principal of an independent insurance broker is their client, not the insurer. The broker will therefore have an obligation to act in the interest of the person seeking insurance coverage. Brokers can provide options from several insurers and can explain differences in coverage and claims-paying attitudes. I would suggest finding an independent insurance broker that has distribution agreements with several insurers and ask that broker to provide quotes after discussing your specific needs and objectives. A good broker will be able to give you guidance and options. Good luck.
  24. When the accident occurred, was the insurance company notified promptly and did she take the car to the garage that the insurance company specified? Is the car being repaired at the dealer's garage? Did the insurance company authorize use of the dealer's garage in advance of the repairs?
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