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Etaoin Shrdlu

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Everything posted by Etaoin Shrdlu

  1. I hear female pilots are good with a joystick.
  2. In the mooban I live in, there are basically four types of dog owners. The first type is the owner that never walks his dog or dogs. There are many of these, including at least one that doesn't let their dogs out of their house. This owner has at least four, but they are small dogs. There is also one family that has six huskies that spend almost all of their time in the house or yard. Instead of walking their dogs, they put them in their car and drive around the mooban with the windows down. I'm not kidding. The second type, of which there is really only one or two, walks their dog, but does not pick up the dog's poop. Everyone knows who they are, but this being Thailand nobody says anything. The third type picks up after their dog and advertises this by visibly carrying one or two plastic bags. This is the majority and I am in this group. The fourth type not only carries a plastic bag to pick up the poop, but also carries a bottle of water to dilute the dog's pee. There is only one of this type of owner in our mooban. This is a Thai that has lived in the US and probably picked up this practice there.
  3. My dog walks me three times a day, but I haven't been able to train him to clean up after me yet.
  4. In the US, the IRS considers debt forgiveness as being income to the debtor and is taxable. This is an issue when President Biden proposes relief for student loans. I could see how the RD could consider repayment of a loan that was remitted into Thailand but repaid with funds outside Thailand in a similar vein, or at least examine the provenance of the funds used in the repayment.
  5. My comment is about the RD's ability to obtain relevant financial information under existing international tax agreements. Enforcement, if any, would be undertaken within Thailand under Thai laws. I think that enforcement of a Thai court judgement would require the re-litigation of the issue in the second country's court. This would be impractical with the exception of very large judgements. But I am not a lawyer and have to defer on this to those with legal training and insight into this issue.
  6. The funds were remitted into Thailand so perhaps the only way to reverse the debt obligation without creating a potentially taxable event would be to send after-tax funds from Thailand to the person or institution that lent the money.
  7. Remitting money that is borrowed abroad may not count as income when remitted, but payments to repay the loan could be considered income even if the payments don't cross a border since they accrue to the benefit the debtor located in Thailand.
  8. The most likely scenario would be in the event of an audit and request for this info by the RD. Don't think the RD can't get this info if they want it.
  9. Option 2 is likely to be considered the same as Option 1 by the RD.
  10. Trump is finding out the hard way why billionaires with political enemies and legal vulnerabilities don't run for high political office themselves, but instead have cleaner-handed frontmen run.
  11. We've also had both applied. My understanding is that the spray is for roaches and ants and the bait is for the termites.
  12. I'm not sure how effective spraying would be when it comes to termites. Their nests are underground and they construct tunnels to reach houses. I think best practice is to use treated baits.
  13. My preference would be to use US-based advisors for anything to do with US taxes, investments, and estate planning. I would not engage any individual or firm domiciled outside the US legal system for advice in these areas. There are firms in the US that specialize in helping expats with these issues. Here's one: https://creativeplanning.com/international/
  14. Although this is marketed as a pre-paid card for use while traveling, it will work within Thailand as well, both online and at merchants that accept Visa: https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/cards/prepaid-cards/planet-scb-card.html If the pre-paid card balance isn't sufficient to cover a submitted transaction, the transaction will be rejected, keeping your bank account safe from being drained if the card number is hacked or compromised. Safer than using a debit card, especially for online purchases.
  15. Same thing happened to blacksmiths, tack makers and stablehands early in the last century.
  16. The lines for Thai passport holders at Suvarnabhumi have used automated gates for many years now, but there is usually one manned desk on exit and several on entry.
  17. I think most of the aftermarket head units available here with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay have only 7 inch screens. If you want a really large screen, you will likely have to go with a tablet and a windshield/dash suction or vent mount. I have tried using Waze as an alternative to Google Maps on my iPhone and it does have some features that Google Maps does not, but I've gone back to Google Maps.
  18. We had to replace our license plates for this reason. We took the car to the DLT with the blue registration book and registered to get the replacement plates. We were contacted a few weeks later to come back to the DLT to get the replacement plates. We went back with the car and removed and turned in the faded plates and were given the new ones to affix to the car. I don't think there was a charge for this because the fading was due to defective paint and not damage to the plate.
  19. Bangkok Bank's New York office isn't licensed for retail banking. You won't be able to set up an account with Bangkok Bank's New York office. You can open an account at a Bangkok Bank branch here in Thailand and set it up so that your SS payments are routed via the NY office directly to your account here. Or, better yet, simply have the funds sent directly by the SSA to your account here in Thailand. It then would not need to be a Bangkok Bank account as this can be set up with any Thai retail bank.
  20. Since Emiratis are Arabs, and therefore semites themselves, it would be strange for them to be anti-semitic. But in my time in the UAE I did hear Emiratis make anti-Jewish statements, so, yes, I understand the extent of their anti-Jewish sentiment and I find it deplorable. Many also have contempt for atheists.
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