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Everything posted by torturedsole

  1. Not sure where this line comes from. Could be, but can't be certain. All we know is two kids are dead.
  2. I just want to go shopping in peace and quiet and don't want to be stabbed, assaulted or shot. Inflation is another story.
  3. Praise be a potential convert, brother (and nothing to lose). Thai FiL isn't in best of shape and experienced some form of stroke a couple of years ago and giving him a few drops of CBD oil (isolate) every day is showing results, alleviating his obvious discomfort and tics. He can't tell us this as he's blind and laid out but we can see with our own eyes that he's more comfortable with the oil, than without. It's pretty amazing.
  4. Fair enough. But given the OP has the facility to redirect via family, then that's my safest bet. It keeps things simple.
  5. Okay, now I understand. I would direct the card to your mum and have it sent over as I very much doubt WISE would post to LoS. Notwithstanding, a foreign address merely adds unforeseen obstacles so best not bother.
  6. What I'm trying to understanding is whether you're expecting to be issued a debit/credit card 'issued in LoS' by WISE. And what difference would it make it your situation.
  7. That's a difficult question as not sure what you're trying to achieve. WISE most certainly don't issue debit/credit cards in LoS. But you can bring your WISE issued cards with you!
  8. Agreed and no point trying to make sense of it all. Big day tomorrow which will certainly provide more entertainment in the coming days.
  9. I suppose I'm middle class in the UK due to my salary bracket and you'd be surprised by what high earners get up to in their spare time. Those with good jobs generally understand the art of discretion.
  10. Good luck and hope you find what you're looking for. ????
  11. Up to you but doesn't seem too drastic and they're available. Insurance is also another point to consider. What happens if the truck crashes and all your belongings are spread across the highway? Have you considered this? If 35k is too spicy, can you negotiate?
  12. It's a freaking minefield. If one's repairing an olde worlde iPhone or iPad then I can sort of see the attraction of gambling on any old repairman but if the repair is for a newer Apple product then I'd stick with Apple because you'll sure get your device back properly fixed and the repair guaranteed.
  13. Is that such a bad price and obviously a fair old trek?
  14. Is that such a bad price and obviously a fair old trek?
  15. What direction? Surely take off from LHR and land in BKK and same return. Don't have to worry about Taipei if you're only going as far as BKK and back. Unless...EVA pilots are flying via the Falklands or something.
  16. There's no doubt that the prevailing interest rate will fall off a cliff from and including day 159 so my question would be, can you withdraw principal and interest at the end of the 158 day term, penalty-free? If not, then the promotion is obviously all smoke and mirrors.
  17. What an emotional rollercoaster the past 24 hours have been. Can I sue the RTP for false advertising or something?
  18. ... and? What is your point other than picky.
  19. I didn't use any emojis, unless I'm missing something.
  20. Please don't insult my intelligence. I've no interest and it's my wife's decision. Blimey. You okay?
  21. It could be an advertising stunt. A trained rat does the business and drums up enough business for next year or two.
  22. If you don't mind me asking, what's your alcohol and/or cigarette/weed consumption, if any?
  23. Yes, there's the bills. They don't help.
  24. I'm not a fan of assigning labels. We all have bad days, but have to deal with them. First stop is to identify what makes you unhappy.
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