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  1. 1953 Chevrolet Coupe. 35 dollars in 1967. Flathead 6 with 3 on the column. Ran so quiet and smooth that, in the beginning, I would grind the starter at stop signs not realizing that it was indeed running. Capacious backseat (fun zone). Best car I ever owned.
  2. Boone's Farm Apple.....lol
  3. Avoid Chevys like the plague.
  4. English is hard. There was no viewing audience in the studio where the debate took place. There were millions of people viewing via tv etc. No live audience present.
  5. Picasso said it best "The best aphrodisiac is a new woman." If you know, you know.
  6. McBoeing: When the job absolutely has to be done wrong.
  7. In the 70s and 80s I ran a business on the road from phone booths and motel phones. Is it easier now? Absolutely but it's obvious that it all got done before the advent of the internet and cell phones. I still remember my first cell phone: Had a regular handset and a keypad. Weighed about 5 lbs. Just about zero coverage. Had to use phone booths most of the time. The range on that thing was about as far as I could throw it.
  8. RFK jr trying to plant a brain worm in Convicted Felon Trump.
  9. RFK jr. That guy is seriously out of plumb. Maybe Convicted Felon Trump will replace jd vance with RFK jr. The potential excitement is palpable.
  10. Imagine what it must be like for them. Ease up a bit.
  11. Last two years in Phuket was a very shortened or no cool season at all.
  12. Ukraine will leave that bridge up so that as the Occupanti begin to panic there will be a route open for all the Orcs who moved to Crimea after the original invasion in 2014 and took over the housing of Ukrainian and Tatar residents to flee. That will simplify the retaking of Crimea and remove a lot of useless mouths that will have to be fed and cared for. Better to leave a route open so that the Russians may remove themselves.
  13. Better (less anxiety ridden) living through modern chemistry.
  14. Elena Bobbit started something.......
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