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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. You misunderstand.....again. Even when trump is brought to justice for one of his crimes and wearing a jumpsuit reminiscent of his repulsive skin tone the prosecution for all his other crimes will continue. For what he's done I hope he never finds another peaceful day and is mercilessly hounded until he drops.
  2. Trump Made N.Y. Attorney General’s Fraud Case Virtually Unbeatable
  3. Speaking of MAGA fans they sure have gone awfully quiet since the double whammy of the Federal appeals court (mainly consisting of trump-appointed judges) ruled DOJ can resume criminal probe of classified documents from Mar-a-Lago and the Special Master "rogered" the trump defense team..
  4. And if that thought isn't enough to make you shudder then you're not living in the real world.
  5. Neither was it funny for the millions of people who had their votes cancelled by the old elite.
  6. So true. The old elite will resort to violence if election results again go against them and their place at the trough is threatened.
  7. Appeals court lifts hold on records found at Trump's Mar-a-Lago home "Two of the appeals judges who issued the ruling, Andrew Brasher and Britt Grant, were appointed by Trump. Robin Rosenbaum, the third, was an appointee of President Barack Obama." 'nuff said.
  8. Don't know what "plonker" means but sounds about right!????
  9. Wonder who'll break ranks first; Uday, Qusay or the one he desires..????
  10. Secure the country from those willing to work their behinds off, pay their taxes and respect the laws and election results? Maybe their time would be betters spent protecting the country from those trying to overturn elections and stage a coup attempt.
  11. And by that time you'll probably have sent your application for a reentry into the EU.
  12. Well, that's refreshingly honest and self-aware.????
  13. trump (the ultimate creep): A OK????. President Biden: Creepy???? ???????????????? So, how's the weather in the Twilight Zone these days?
  14. If you don't have a comeback it's better to shut up.
  15. "Meanwhile, perhaps people should remember why Hitler came to power, and it wasn't because they thought he'd make the trains run on time" Please do tell us why Hitler came to power. Seriously, go on....... Oh, and regarding the Nazi reference: Creepy, One-Finger Salute At Trump Rally Evokes 'Heil Hitler' Gesture "Wonder why Trump is popular?" White angst.
  16. And, while they're at it, round up all stray/out of control military strongmen/wannabe dict PMs and make an example of them.
  17. Are you actually asking a MAGA supporter to 'enlighten' you??????
  18. And that's where I tuned out. So "the left" can't see both sides while (presumably) "the right" can. And that is coming from a guy who's a fervent supporter of lying moron. You really couldn't make this stuff up!????
  19. I'm not sure how to express myself so that you might understand so I'll repeat what I wrote earlier; "No, we most certainly didn't. Only the cultists "eagerly awaited" trump's non-stop moronic brain dead drivel. The rest of us found it utterly boring and inane." This means his daily dose of BS was not "eagerly awaited", it was in fact dreaded because every time he opened hi piehole or posted something he reminded us that there was a total narcissist with very limited mental capacities in the WH, and anyone who found that entertaining needs help.
  20. He could be before being elected by a minority of the US population. Then he got his little fingers on the nuclear codes and that chilling thought stopped the laughter for me.
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