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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Just sticking with what the owner of Twitter has said regarding the amount of bots on the platform. And he should know, right?
  2. Being deliberately obtuse is not a great debating technique.
  3. So you're guessing no bots on Twitter despite what Musk has said regarding this issue? OK then.
  4. Trump's Twitter account has been reinstated, but his January 6 tweet attacking Mike Pence is missing "After Elon Musk reinstated Donald Trump's Twitter account on Saturday some of the former president's tweets from the day of the Capitol riot appeared to have been removed. A transcript of Trump's tweets on January 6, 2021, compiled by the University of California Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project, suggested several posts were missing after the @realDonaldTrump account was reactivated." What a surprise!
  5. Well, since just about anything that comes out of his mouth is a lie I wouldn't be too sure.
  6. Here's the opinion of one I know the cultists deeply respect: AOC responds to Elon Musk's poll to reinstate Trump's Twitter, saying the 'last time he was here this platform was used to incite an insurrection'
  7. OK, so you think the world's opinion on trump has shifted drastically the last year or two? Is that due to him transforming from a p**** grabbing serial liar into a man of morals and virtue do you think??
  8. trump has millions of fans overseas but far more millions that detest him. I know you're not into facts but here goes: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/01/08/trump-ratings-remain-low-around-globe-while-views-of-u-s-stay-mostly-favorable/ https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/06/10/americas-image-abroad-rebounds-with-transition-from-trump-to-biden/
  9. A software engineer points out that the massive brain drain might lead to technical issues down the line and you go postal on his "soy latte drinking" behind! PS. Do you have any friends? It might help to talk about it....
  10. Why do you post a link that does not support your claim in any shape or form??
  11. Yeah, like the ultimate swamp dweller was ever gonna drain the environment he's most at home in. It's like believing a pig would go all in to get rid of the mud.????
  12. Well, if there ever was a time to use the slightly moronic term "nothing burger" then this is it.
  13. You must be terribly confused. You're part of the cult sprouting all the conspiracy nonsense....????
  14. Yep, in many places they're never taken down.
  15. Have you named your tinfoil hat "Biden"??
  16. Lots of European countries celebrate on the 24th while the English speaking world celebrate on the 25th so you get to do two days in a row if you like.
  17. No, sorry. If you want a leader don't go to a carnival barker, if you want mental health care advice don't ask a non-professional.
  18. You must forgive us but since you are a Big Lie believer it's kinda hard to figure out what your BS believing level is at.
  19. Here, let me correct that post for you: You know why but I will put it here for the record: because it is not allowed pure unadulterated BS. If you really believe "The Big Lie" after hordes of Republicans have gone over each state election with a fine tooth comb and found basically nothing then you should seek help.......seriously.
  20. Funny. Must have missed those meetings President Biden had with despots like Putin and Kim. Only saw the love fests his predecessor had with them.
  21. "Me too - his actual record up until the 2020 election was pretty good, despite all of the efforts of the Democrats to turn him over." Yeah, great record. Especially that Big Beautiful Wall paid for by the Mexicans! "It will be interesting to see how hard the Democrats try to attack him now he has announced. I reckon they'll actually back off for a while." You mean back off and let him destroy himself? Yep, solid strategy.
  22. What's BS is that cult followers like yourself would support the traitor trump in becoming "president" again.
  23. "What's rational and responsible to you isn't necessarily rational nor responsible to other people." Indeed. Anyone who truly believes that trump acts rationally and responsibly should IMHO have his head vigorously examined. "I haven't as much faith in any politician as you imply that you have." I didn't imply any degree of faith in anyone. "Anyways with Trump involved it'll definitely garner more attention, good or bad." And is that a good thing?
  24. I must admit I have seen better comebacks/diversions/backpedaling attempts after egg-on-face posts. F-.
  25. Yes, speaking and acting responsibly and rationally can I guess be considered undesirable and boring by a certain subset of humanity.
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