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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Fox News host wonders aloud if Trump could have tried to sell highly classified material to the Russians or Saudi Arabians "A Fox News host on Sunday wondered aloud if former President Donald Trump might have attempted to sell the classified documents he kept at Mar-a-Lago to Russia or Saudi Arabia. "And more questions are being raised this morning. Did former President Trump try to sell or share the highly classified material to the Russians or to the Saudis, or others?" Shawn asked." Gotta tell you Shawn, you're not the only one wondering!
  2. Really? Compared to which organization?
  3. Well, then we would be off-topic, wouldn't we.
  4. What don't you agree with?? That the title of the thread is "Trump under investigation for potential violations of Espionage Act"? "Tippaporn has raised some important points which have never been properly investigated." Tippaporn is talking off-topic rubbish, 'nuff said.
  5. No, you have in this thread clearly showed us what the very definition of nonsense is.
  6. "Okay, now let's pretend that there's never been a single negotiation with any FPOTUS before in the entirety of U.S. history." OK, maybe you can educate us on the history of this? When have the authorities been negotiating with former presidents regarding illegal removal of classified material? "And let's pretend, too, that the presumption that Trump was illegally in possession of what he had is not a presumption but fact." We should pretend to presume a non-presumption? I know they have 'kinda' legalized weed in Thailand but isn't it a bit early in the day? "And let's pretend that Trump didn't have the ability to declassify what he had in his possession." No need, we know the answer; There are limits to that (nuclear secrets exempt) and rules/procedures that have be followed. And we all know how well trump does with rules and limits. Trump says "it was all declassified" — how declassification usually works "And above all let's pretend that Trump negotiating with the National Archives is on par with bank robbers negotiating how much money the get to keep." No need to pretend, it's a very apt comparison - except for the fact that what trump has done is potentially much, MUCH worse.
  7. How does a thief negotiate with the authorities? Only when his name is trump and he has millions of lemming followers, many who are armed. IMO, as soon as they found secret/top secret material at Mar-A-Lamo they should have slapped the cuffs on 45 and bumrushed him to Leavenworth to await trial for high treason.
  8. LOL, says the guy who changed the subject from trump's crimes to Hunter Biden's laptop, Hillary's emails, [insert every lame diversion in the book]!
  9. Oh, are we talking about Hillary again??
  10. Oh, let's pretend you're not posting lame diversions.
  11. Because they don't want to rush this case would be the answer. AG Garland will make absolutely 100% sure all tees are crossed and all ies are dotted before making whatever move he's gonna make, Surely you can understand that, right?
  12. If your diversions and whaddaboutisms get any lamer now we need to come up with a different metric to rate you.
  13. Have you noticed who this thread is about?
  14. "Are you saying that its a complete impossibility that anti Trump people would try and use the law to stop him being re elected?" Since you're saying "use the law" and not "abuse the law" the my reply would be 'not at all'. "Recent events when the Left have been doing everything possibly to try and get Donald jailed, seem to suggest that the Left would indeed try and get Donald arrested for having documents in his possession ." Recent events have shown no such thing. Recent events have strongly indicated that trump did indeed illegally take secret documents out of the WH. Is it your opinion that such a possibly very serious crime should not be investigated and law breakers punished according to the law? "Although I am not saying they did , just its a possibility" Again, straws.
  15. "You Dems. are trying to get Trump for Jan.6 nothing else." No, you totally misunderstand.......again. "Us dems" will try to "get trump" for any and all crimes he's committed, and in no way is that limited to his attempted coup (which, to be fair, probably* is the big whopper). That includes blackmailing foreign governments for his own political benefit, possibly colluding with foreign dictators and handing over state secrets, tax evasion, bribery, blackmail, rape, assorted other sexual misconduct, serial lying, having tiny hands, being orange. *Note that I'm saying "probably" because in no way would I be surprised if I woke up tomorrow and found out he's sold the nuclear codes to Russia.
  16. You base MAGA guys keep proving Hillary right. You just can't help yourself, do you.
  17. Your main straw is that this is a political move by the FBI and that no proof of wrongdoing will be found. I mean, if that's not what you hope for then what the heck are you wasting your time posting fervently in his defense for?
  18. I'd probably get better advise asking a pedophile about child care.
  19. No, you were clutching at other straws.
  20. Actually, you've mentioned this in several posts.
  21. "I'm not a Trump supporter. I don't like him. But......." And that is where I zoned out.....
  22. Ahhh, the whaddaboutism is strong in this one. Sorry pal, better luck next time, even your buddies at Fox disagree with you. Fox News’ Bret Baier Shuts Down vandeventer: ‘Obama Documents Were Handled Properly’ "As it becomes increasingly clear that Donald Trump may have violated the Espionage Act by storing “top secret” government documents at his private residence, the former president has turned to a familiar excuse: Obama did it too. “There is a process,” Baier explained, noting that President Obama “followed those processes to get those documents to Chicago.” "
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