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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Sure, if you're grasping at straws you work with what you've got, right?
  2. Call me psychic but personally I think there is a clear connection between him stealing boxes of secret documents from the WH and him being investigated for stealing boxes of secret documents from the WH. But hey, that's just me!
  3. Imagine unloading all that debt on Russia - game, set and match for President Biden! I would say though that I do feel sorry for small Russian contractors who inevitably will bet fleeced by a certain someone.
  4. I think it's called due process, probably a term most MAGA individuals aren't too concerned with as it wasn't long ago they bleated "lock her up" on more or less a daily basis.
  5. Ask her. Is it OK to call you a she?
  6. You mean we have to wait as long for that as for trump to release his tax returns?
  7. "It will only Triger a civil war if you leftist cheat at voting again....." Wow, they do actually exist, the "big lie" election deniers! But seriously, thanks for letting it go this one time..........
  8. No, that's more of a common school shooter name.
  9. Little more than one could expect from clan mom.
  10. In addition to the classified material listed in the link from my previous post is also; -A document about pardoning Roger Stone, a staunch Trump ally who was convicted in 2019 of lying to Congress during its probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election. The Stone-related material taken from Mar-a-Lago was listed in the warrant receipt as "Executive Grant of Clemency re: Roger Jason Stone, Jr." -Material about the "President of France." For a natural born grifter like trump this is pure gold.
  11. Key lines from the search warrant and receipt for Trump's Florida home "That document reveals FBI agents removed more than 20 boxes from Trump's resort and residence in Palm Beach, as well as binders of photos, sets of classified government materials and at least one handwritten note. According to the search warrant receipt, federal agents seized 1 set of "top secret/SCI" documents, 4 sets of "top secret" documents, 3 sets of "secret" documents, 3 sets of "confidential" documents. The warrant receipts were signed by Trump attorney Christina Bobb, who has since complained that she and other Trump lawyers weren't permitted to observe the search while it happened, but it is not standard FBI procedure to allow observers during a search.
  12. Friend? Those guys don't have friends. Is trump a massive fanboy? Most definitively!
  13. "I am so looking forward to the truth coming out." Look, another MAGA guy having had an epiphany and now is suddenly caring deeply about "the truth"!
  14. I think you'll find that it's those who try to overturn an election that are the real threats to the "whole Democratic process". Duh!
  15. Quoting yourself again????????
  16. Without the link (to the nutter website you copied this rubbish from) your post is in violation of forum rules.
  17. You have to excuse their total confusion. After 4 years with a wannabe mobster godfather as president it's kinda hard for the MAGA crowd to get used to an honorable person in the WH again.
  18. Gotta love the irony of this???? Trump Made It A Felony To Mishandle Classified Documents In 2018
  19. You know, whenever a poster attempts to come across as even remotely credible they always link to credible sources. It's interesting and telling that you don't do that.
  20. . Thanks, really needed that!
  21. ????????????????????????! Honestly, someone get this guy a mental health care professional.
  22. Really? What brought about this epiphany? I mean, you seemed fine with it during 4 years of trump.
  23. Yep, maybe a straight jacket and a one way trip to Leavenworth would have been more suitable.
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