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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. I don't use it as I like to get the "full picture" of a thread, even if it means wasting precious minutes of my life reading garbage. Maybe I should reconsider.....
  2. I've come to the conclusion that the poster you're replying to must be a troll. Only a troll would write something that inane.
  3. Merrick Garland says DOJ filed motion to unseal Trump Mar-a-Lago warrant and property receipt Merrick Garland just called Donald Trump's bluff Fox News host calls out GOP for attacking the FBI after raid on Trump's home: 'Whatever happened to the Republican party backing the blue?'
  4. "An ex President had documents related to nuclear stuff securely locked up at home?? Whatever next?" Yes, that is bad, that is really, really bad. An ex-president just grabbing nuclear documents with no oversight and bringing it along to his temple of tastelessness is beyond bad and only the most delusional would find that even remotely OK. And how do you know how "securely locked up" it was? Ahhhh.....what's even the point. This poster is clearly one of the "5th Ave supporters".
  5. You're right, because that's how cowardly traitors roll.
  6. What's curious about it? Oh, and "Just The News"........
  7. Huh? Trump accuses FBI of ‘planting’ evidence in Mar-a-Lago raid with sly statement
  8. Why? He lost bigly the last time he ran, remember?
  9. Correct, and neither is there anything in the headline about harassment. That's something you've dreamt up yet when I bring up his self-admitted harassment you get your titties in a twist?? For pete's sake man, get a grip.????
  10. "Because this thread is about the left using government agencies to harrass right wing politicians." No, this thread is not about that. This thread is about an ex-"president" finding out that karma really is a b****, and that b**** is not happy about his p***y grabbing. This raid would never have taken place without a mountain of evidence to support the request to the federal judge - not in a million years and it's time for trump to be afraid, very afraid, and it really couldn't have happened to a worse person. "If Trump is re-elected and Biden's house is suddenly getting raided by the FBI you will see me argue the same point from the Dem side." Forgive me when I tell you that I don't believe you....not in any shape or form.....actually, I would be more inclined to believe trump when he opens his mouth and his lips move....and we all know what happens then. No offense.
  11. Kinda puts your claims of this being political in perspective; Eric Trump's Accidental Confession About His Father "One day after the FBI executed a search warrant on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, the son of the former president claimed that President Joe Biden must have approved the action and his reasoning was; That’s how it worked when Trump was in office. Most modern presidents have taken pains to distance themselves from Justice Department operations with political implications. In this case, the White House said Biden found out about the search warrant the same way as everyone else: from the news."
  12. I never thought I'd see the day where I'd applaud anything Dick Cheney said but here we are, and that really tells you something about how bad trump is. It genuinely blows my mind that anyone would even consider voting for him again.
  13. Well, personally I don't need acronyms to describe your claims of impartiality as in the English language there's an abundance of words that would suffice. But, as with your acronym, those words would not be accepted as per forum rules.
  14. Yes, my heart bleeds for this moral beacon, this non-p***y grabbing, non-mocker of people with disabilities and war heroes, this never-liar. Why are the evil communist/socialist libs so mean to him!????
  15. Could you please try to be a bit more creative when composing a biting retort? That type of comeback was stale when Nixon was president.
  16. Indeed. I will never again underestimate the MAGA crowd's pathological need to cut off their nose to spite their face.
  17. He's had a defense fund going since he ran away from the draft as fast as his bone spur riddled little feet could carry him.
  18. You mean you expected more from President Biden than from trump? I did too and he certainly has delivered but unfortunately he's not a miracle worker.
  19. Imagine the hearing when they've indicted Garland and he just piles up the mountain of evidence that they surely have or they would never have made this move - not in a million years. Looking forward to it, gonna be epic!???? McCarthy is up the creek, damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, as you rightly point out.
  20. Check the definition of being 'civil'. If stating someone deserves the ultimate punishment is uncivil I would suggest your definition of the word is somewhat "touchy".
  21. Wrong. After the dumpster fire that was the trump "presidency" electing a syphilitic donkey with a particularly dim intellect would have been a vast improvement. President Biden is not an ideal president by any stretch of the imagination but he has morals and scruples and would never dream of betraying his country because of a bruised ego.
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