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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Yes, and this is not a court of law.
  2. This is a private forum where a few expats talk trash, it's not a court of law. Get a grip. And, yeah, I would definitively like to see him tried and convicted for treason. Couldn't happen to a worse guy and might prevent future wannabe dictators form trying something similar.
  3. You know what terrifies me? It terrifies me that there are enough "independent thinkers" (being extremely polite here) out there so that there can even be talk of a rerun for the worst president ever, a person so spectacularly unfit to lead that even if he led a gaggle of geese across the road you'd expect a disaster to happen.
  4. Hair? Don't like it but then again I'm quite conservative when it comes to my taste in hair styles. My intense dislike of trumps stems more from his spectacular ineptidude as a leader, his moral and ethical bankruptcy, his constant lying and insincerity, his bully boy persona resulting in a willingness to trod on anyone and everyone (including war heroes and people with disabilities), his misogyny, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,, etc. But most of all it is the fact that he is a filthy traitor who couldn't handle losing the election and actually tried instigating a coup. For the one with the ultimate responsibility only the ultimate punishment fits the crime.
  5. I'll take connivers over traitors any day.
  6. Probably. Gotta give it to the [what Hillary said], they don't let new information and evidence rock their cultish beliefs
  7. This is the perfect thread for all the trolls stuck up in Nakhon Nowhere who are forbidden by their (ex-Pattaya working) wives to go anywhere near the place to get up from under their bridges and slag the place. Happens every time there's a thread with "Pattaya" in them.
  8. "He did well. Media against him." He had the most watched cable tv network basically functioning as his private 24/7 cheerleader so obviously bs. Despite that he lost by an astounding number of votes. "W dc against him." Is that some sort of QuackAnon code?
  9. "Expert at marketing." Didn't market his reelection very well, did he. "Not an expert at everything." Understatement of the millennium?
  10. I'm talking about trump's treason and you're being deliberately obtuse. That's called trolling so get back under your bridge.
  11. Because everyone hates a one-termer traitor.
  12. But the investigation continues.
  13. "I was talking about trump, not the insurrectionists." What part of this sentence do you have a problem with understanding?
  14. I was talking about trump, not the insurrectionists. And let's agree to disagree on trump being a dirty traitor or not.
  15. Let's see what the courts say. Certainly a judge has agreed that the case merits a Grand Jury investigation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/07/27/trump-georgia-investigation-explained/ "In January, Willis asked a judge to convene a special grand jury that has broad investigative powers. In May, 26 people were chosen to serve."
  16. He was the C-in-C of the armed forces of the US. There are laws against "traitoring" (treason). "Acts of treason are punishable by confinement for fifteen to twenty years, and confiscation of property, or death penalty." Military Crimes Code IMO he richly deserves the ultimate punishment for trying to turn the US into a dictatorship.
  17. There should be an emoticon for indicating someone has completely missed the point.
  18. Which, of course, is much better than the morally corrupt criminal leading the "reality challenged".
  19. Comments to the linked articles?? Did you also read the replies to the comments to the article and the replies to the replies to the comments to the article? And what about the replies to the replies to the replies....
  20. As usual, statements posted without supporting evidence. Classic diversionary tactic for those who got nothing. Here are more people who feel the need to comfort trump and themselves: Fox News Comforts Trump After Bad Poll
  21. As has been pointed out repeatedly the headache is entirely self-inflicted. You can't tell the EU to eff off and then expect to be treated as VIP's. As they say in Thailand; Som nam naa!
  22. Correct, and that's why I have empathy for those poor sods who experience it even when going back home. Except for those who voted to leave, of course.
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