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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. 1. I can see reading comprehension is not your strong suit. 2. Again, it warms my heart how you've turned into a champion for Black Lives Matter. Well done, Sir!
  2. God given rights?? ???? When you write such utter drivel it's clear for all to see there is absolutely no point in debating you. PS. Did you miss that part in your bible where it says you should turn the other cheek?
  3. "So why is Chuck Schumer refusing to bring it to the floor?" So when the Dems don't bring it to the floor because obviously it would be dead on arrival it's "doing nothing" and when they bring a doomed proposal to the floor it's "grandstanding". OK, gotcha! "Still, the legislation does nothing to address the tens of thousands of black men killed every year, does it?" Would love to debate that but this thread is about the scores of children murdered every year because America has a sick gun fetish. But why don't you go ahead and open up another thread on that subject. I would like to add that I just love the way these threads let the MAGA crowd discover that they do have a social conscience. Who knew that they felt such profound sadness for all the black lives needlessly lost every year. Dear I say they've discovered that black lives matter?
  4. Of all the inane posts I've read in this and similar threads yours is by far the worst. "Yes, the left loves the little school kids that get shot, and they want to do all they can to stop the killings, but they never get from the wanting to do something, to outlining exactly what it is they want to do. They play the same tire chin-music after every shooting, but never do anything." The Dems clearly state every time there's another atrocity what needs to be done and every time they're blocked by the GOP. EVERY TIME! "As much as the left cares about the kids (at least the ones they can't stop from being born) getting shot, it is interesting that the left does not seem to give a whit about the tens of thousands of young black men killed each year with hand-guns." Every time the Dems try to introduce some form of gun control measure they're blocked by the GOP. EVERY TIME! Only a person completely lost in a different reality could write a post like yours. You should reach out and try to get some help.
  5. Regarding the "It's not a gun issue it's a mental health issue": Is mental illness really driving gun violence in the US? Here's what the research says "Swanson called those who have a mental illness and commit a mass casualty shooting a "very small and atypical group.""
  6. Funny how MAGA guys suddenly discover a social conscience and start talking about e.g. US poverty whenever there's talk about the US help another country.
  7. GOP Congressman Chris Jacobs (R-NY) Claims He'll Back Assault Weapons Ban After Mass Shootings "A majority of Americans favor an assault weapons ban, with 67% of people surveyed in a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll saying they’d support one, and a raise on the minimum age for firearms purchases was also supported by 72% of those surveyed in a Reuters/Ipsos poll. “If an assault weapons ban bill came to the floor that would ban something like an AR-15, I would vote for it,” Jacobs said. “Individuals can not buy beer, they can not get cigarettes at 21, I think it’s perfectly reasonable that the age limit – at least for these highly lethal, high-capacity, semi-automatic weapons – should be 21.”" To the US of A: Please, no more stupid "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" bovine feces. Two thirds of you are sane enough to understand that this is the right thing to do. If you use your voting powers accordingly things will change. Get it done!
  8. Don't know about that but if it had been hard for him to get his hands on assault weapons some or all of those dead kids might still be alive.
  9. Nutters with easy access to weapons capable of killing a large number of people in a short amount of time. Mass shootings is a uniquely American problem and unless you believe that US people are way more crazy than people in comparable countries the one big difference is the prevalence of guns in the US.
  10. People get bullied in other countries as well. But in the US the bullied can buy weapons of war without any requirement of a license, something you do need if you wanna go catch a rainbow trout.
  11. "But wouldn't that be really important to know............ BEFORE turning our whole society upside down?" Introducing sensible gun control legislation is "turning our whole society upside down"?? Have you ever heard the term "hyperbole"?
  12. Let't agree to disagree on it being anything natural about Ted Cruz. Here he is fleeing inconvenient questions: Ted Cruz Storms Out on British Interviewer When Asked Why School Shootings Only Happen in America
  13. I'm afraid you're right. That sick gun cult will continue to prevent the (mostly) spineless GOP politicians from ever agreeing to any restrictions.
  14. I disagree. A blanket ban on all guns would never fly, baby steps are needed. Start with banning and confiscating assault weapons and greatly enhance background check requirements. In addition there should be a requirement for a gun permit, complete with training and certification.
  15. As this person is devoid of principles and morals his views are completely controlled by the latest polling data from the MAGA crowd.
  16. Made sense way back when muskets were the most potent firearms around. But any pot bellied NRA card carrier with an AR-15 who thinks he and his buddies can fight an army with satellites, killer drones, fighter jets, tanks etc. is completely delusional.
  17. Well, the founding fathers are dead and the world they lived in is no more. That means the country this constitution was written for is no more so no reason at all not to remove the anachronism that is the 2nd amendment.
  18. Funny, it has in other countries. Are you saying that Americans are particularly evil and that's why it won't work?
  19. *Deleted post edited out* You present your assumption as facts. They're not. If assault weapons are banned and confiscated the number of murdered children will go down drastically. And I'll tell you one thing that won't help; doing nothing!
  20. "And you can't solve the "gun problem" with laws, suppression, and enforcement......... when the problem is already so large......... that a mere 0.3% residue........... still allows anyone to get pretty much whatever they want, whenever they want!" What a load of rubbish! Banning certain weapons and confiscating them will remove millions of weapons from the market and make it much harder to obtain said weapons. The animal that killed those kids bought two semi-automatic rifles as soon as he turned 18 - legally. If that had been illegal those kids might have been alive today. "And we need, as a people, to quit being so fascinated by these events........... meaning the media that talks about over and over, again and again, won't............. and these narcissists, be they alive or posthumously, don't keep getting the attention they crave!" Yes, we shouldn't talk about it. Surely that will make the problem go away!
  21. The 2nd amendment must be removed from the US constitution and semi-automatic weapons must be banned. All banned weapons must be handed in against compensation from the government. That, as a minimum, should be the first step in weaning the US public off weapons of war.
  22. And what would you call someone who isn't even willing to try?
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