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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Sooo, you rabid hatred for the guy stems from the fact that he (in your opinion) thought he was above the law? Tell me, what are your feelings towards the "former" junta leader currently in power who really is above the law and who presides over a cabinet who are obviously not completely free of unusual wealth (to put it mildly)?
  2. What do you call those who impose their will on a whole country using the military?
  3. Sooner or later they'll be back. Wouldn't shoot my mouth off too much if I were you when that happens, you might get some tough love.
  4. Again, then why are you participating in a political discussion? There are plenty of Thailand nightlife forums that should be much more relevant to your priorities.
  5. Disregarding for a moment all your posts makes that statement "less than truthful" then why are you even participating in a political thread??
  6. I don't think the elites only just happened. The clue is in the fact that I called them "old elite". Get it now? PS, Could Asean Now please supply us with a "slap the forehead emoji"?
  7. "Well said. It's good to see a poster that wasn't taken in by the pro Thaksin BS." Very few here are taken in by the "pro Thaksin BS". What most of us realize is that we prefer for Thailand to have their crooked politicians elected instead of imposed on them by guns because if that vicious cycle is never broken Thailand can never progress. "Far as I'm concerned he was the worst thing that happened to LOS, and under him the farang night scene was ruined and has never recovered to what it was prior to him being PM." But, of course, for someone who places the greatest importance on "the night scene" I can see why you wouldn't give a flying.......
  8. It means a whole lot more than getting your power from the muzzle of a tank!!. If you can't grasp that concept i fell sorry for you.
  9. Yes, and just let the old elite continue sucking the country dry while allowing no opposition. Great idea!!
  10. Well; if you ventured outside the Bangkok city limits and sat down with some of the and tried to explain that the tax payers in Bangkok should rule the country without their input I'm sure you'd get a very hearty welcome. Please do it!
  11. I'm so glad we have a resident farang spokesperson for the tax paying elite in Bangkok telling the unwashed masses how it should be!
  12. "No, that was not the only thing. The coups removed Thaksin and his little sister from power." Wow, you really didn't get the point, did you. "And since the last coup there are no red shirts in the streets anymore." Yes, rather eternal military rule that street demonstrations, right? "And lets repeat it one more time: If Thaksin would have been an honest PM then he could probably still be in charge now - without any coup. He was so greedy and corrupt that many people hated him and wanted to get rid of him. That is what the army did." For the n'th time (it's like talking to a brick wall): The old elite didn't remove Thaksin because of whatever greed and corruption existed. They removed him because he was a threat to them and their access to the trough!
  13. "Thaksin is obviously not the only bad and corrupt politician." What??? I thought he was evil incarnate, the devil in person, original sin! "But he is a prime example how he undermined everything in Thailand. The police was on his side, the prosecutors worked for him (and not against him), the judges didn't dare to convict him. If there would be independent police and independent courts then politicians could be held accountable. But that is not the case in Thailand. As far as I see the only way to remove Thaksin was with a coup. Because the prosecutors didn't dare it and the judges would likely not have convicted him (even with lots of evidence)." I could ask you if you realize you just described to a T (no pun intended) the coup leader in power today but the I remember there really is no point.
  14. No, it's because one is a threat to the old elite while the other one is part of it.
  15. "It will be up to the Thai people (well, sort of) to decide if they want her to be their next PM." I very much doubt that without a fundamental change/tectonic <deleted> in how the Thai political power structure is set up. "I guess that's if the current government will allow elections." Exactly.
  16. And the envelopes are still flying today, sent by all sides. But flying envelopes still beat rumbling tanks any day of the week.
  17. Yes, there we have it. Irrefutable proof that the Bangkok elite Thai people don't want leaders elected by the brown masses but leaders that are elected for them, not by them!!
  18. It's not a war, it's a special operation! Just ask your fellow apologists and whatabouterists.
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