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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Any link to credible sources that at least make it even remotely possible to consider such an astounding plot? If not then the answer is clearly no.
  2. When people post conspiracy garbage that goes against all the science and, more importantly, live and act according to the nonsense they believe and by doing so directly affect my life and just about everyone else on the planet I tend to become a bit vitriolic......., and I think that's OK.
  3. "As per all my comments- I treat and respect everyone the same, regardless of vaccination status as it makes NO DIFFERENCE." It does make a difference, it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE....objectively....without any doubt whatsoever. But nothing I can say will make you change your mind so I can only hope for a mandatory vaccine mandate.
  4. Harsh times call for harsh measures. Nobody will of course get jabbed without their consent unless we get a variant that's significantly more deadly and contagious. And even then Darwin's principles will sort things out eventually. To be honest I don't believe anti-vaxxers at this point should be forcefully jabbed but I'm all for making getting vaccinated mandatory if you want to live a semi-normal life. Fine, don't get the vaccines but don't expect to be able to go to work, restos, shops etc., and I would also bar the from ICUs if they came down with Covid.
  5. Suggesting that someone takes a nap is kindness to the individual (naps are healthy) and to those who have to suffer the posts of that individual. It's a win-win thing!
  6. But you refusing to vaccinate does so I want you to get jabbed with or without your consent.
  7. Reality? There cannot be reality without absolute truths. And the absolute truth is you're trolling now so I suggest you head back to your chosen bridge and take a nap.
  8. Oh, don't sell yourself short. Your posts are far from the worst of what's produced on this forum.
  9. If, by now, that is a question you have to ask then nothing anyone can say would change your mind.
  10. If you pay money only to read my posts then I pity you. PS. I will say you have great taste though!
  11. For rational human beings, yes. But it really is that difficult for a lot of people. And if the truth seems to contradict their beliefs they create their own truth.
  12. 1. Why, as a Marxist, are you concerned about "market value"? 2. I pay my ISP 750 Baht per month to read posts like yours and just realized I pay way over market value.
  13. Yes, a testament to the utter failure of the one that stole democracy with the excuse that it was the only way to fight crime and corruption. Fight crime and corruption my hairy white behind! Utter, utter failure.
  14. You're right and it's the most dangerous trend in modern history. When relatively well educated people turn away from facts, reason and science the outcome will be a disaster for democracy. It happens everywhere but is most prevalent and visible in the US. Will America’s disregard for science be the end of its reign?
  15. Really?? Seems like all the bars in Bangla Rd didn't get that particular memo....
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