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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. I see the Russian trolls and apologists are creeping into this thread...
  2. Disregarding the ridiculousness of your claim are you telling us Churchill called Hirohito and told him the Pacific Fleet of the US navy was mainly in the Pacific Fleet home base?? Wow, must have blown ole' Hiro's mind!
  3. Yes, shame on Ukraine for fighting for their country against the friendly Russian forces on their "special mission"!
  4. "The question is, did NATO by Stoltenberg and Biden hype up a situation via media that led to the war by their aggressive rhetoric before the invasion?" This is not bad communication, we hear you loud and clear. You actually question who is to blame for this invasion and most of us find that mind boggling (and not in a good way).
  5. Yes, "couldn't care less" seems to be your thing. Hope you don't get hit by the bus and the only people present are your type of people.
  6. "You had a similar thread about BKK to CNX." No, I did not start such a thread.
  7. 1. Fire up Google or any other search engine. 2. Find out which airlines service the Utapao-Chiang Mai route. 3. Go to that airline's website and check their Covid policies 4. Check again just before departure.
  8. They're no more the future of Thailand than the dinos in the government are.....LOL!!
  9. You're sooo wrong ANALYSIS: BANGKOK BY-ELECTION RESULTS SIGNAL A WIND OF POLITICAL CHANGE "The ‘spectacular’ loss suffered by the ruling Palang Pracharath Party MP candidate Saralrasami Jenjaka in a Bangkok by-election on Sunday will leave many pondering what went wrong and its repercussions for days to come. The results means there will be no incentive for Prayut to see both the general elections, and particularly the Bangkok gubernatorial elections, any time soon. The wind of political change is blowing at least in one constituency in Bangkok and probably more given the faltering economy under Prayut and political crisis suffered by the Palang Pracharath Party which purged twenty MPs earlier this month."
  10. This is gonna get really interesting since Pheu Thai absolutely crushed the PPRP in the latest by-election in Bangkok. Can't wait for the dinos to start huffin' and puffin' when it dawns on them how deeply unpopular they must be for PT to trounce them in....(wait for it)... BANGKOK! The following scenario is highly likely: 1. After a humiliating loss in Bangkok the dinos will try to outlaw PT (for the n'th time). 2. Massive demonstrations and unrest. 3. Military coup (for the n'th time). But who knows. Maybe the Thai people have had enough of the same ol' feces and we see a certain someone flying in from Dubai while a number of smaller jets head for Myanmar, China, Russia or to whatever hideous regime that will welcome them. Party time! ANALYSIS: BANGKOK BY-ELECTION RESULTS SIGNAL A WIND OF POLITICAL CHANGE "The ‘spectacular’ loss suffered by the ruling Palang Pracharath Party MP candidate Saralrasami Jenjaka in a Bangkok by-election on Sunday will leave many pondering what went wrong and its repercussions for days to come."
  11. Unlike you I'm not a tourist, I've been living here since the early 90's. You being fresh off the boat explains a few things though.
  12. "Many reports of requesting "petrol money" etc." So the answer is no then. Thought as much. "I personally refused to have a home visit" How can you refuse that? If they visit your home it's a done deal already.
  13. Ah, another keyboard warrior who (when safely tucked behind his PC) is bravely standing up to the Thai authorities... PS. You should leave they soi dogs out or I might suggest some interactions you'll probably not like.
  14. Goons?? Did they try to extort money? Did they appear threatening towards your wife? Were they rogue officers? Has this happened to no one else but you? If the answer to all those questions is no then this is a storm in a tea cup, nothing, nada, ziltch.
  15. Why? I hate dealing with Immigration but it certainly is their right to come and check up on us, and of all the things you could get your titties in a twist over here in Thailand (e.g endemic corruption, social injustice, worst/rudest drivers on the planet) a quick home visit by Imm. shouldn't be an issue at all. If you're that sensitive it's a wonder how you can stand living here at all.
  16. He could have done better? What should we think about someone who leads a coup against a democratically elected government and then gives himself godlike powers? Well I have the answer to that question but forum rules won't allow me to post it.
  17. That was probably the incident where water entered his brain and short circuited it which then resulted in him posting inanely that his skipping and hopping around SEA is somehow proof that there's no pandemic.
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