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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. What I don't understand?? Yes, there will in all likelihood be more and more demands for vaccinations but you still posted as a done deal/decision made something that hasn't been decided yet. What part of that do you not understand?
  2. You post your guesses/assumptions as facts and I call you on it. I would gladly give you several things but I'm afraid an apology isn't one of them.
  3. Oh phu-leeze! Slavery.....seriously?? Wish there was a vaccine against hyperbole, you definitively need a shot or two.
  4. Mandated vaccines have been around for many decades. Do you disagree with mandated vaccines in general or just this one? And comparing not taking the Covid-19 vaccine to having a high risk job is not like comparing apples to oranges, more like comparing moon dust to fish farts - completely meaningless.
  5. Of course it will. Thailand will be a DeFi hub by then and using cryptic crypto currency will be as smooth a process as dealing with Thai immigration!
  6. It wasn't in reply to your opinions on the Great Depression and I probably picked the wrong article to reply to. My point (which is supported by the liked article) is that the world of DeFi (although new and exiting and possibly the Next Big Thing) is something that should be approached with a great deal of caution and healthy skepticism. In other words, the opposite way of how the OP and a couple of other fellow devotees seem to regards DeFi.
  7. 1. What's obvious? 2. When dealing with anti-vaxxers and people who "just need more time to do their own research" stating the bleeding obvious is sometimes required. Not because they can be enlightened but to make them tone down their anti-vaxx BS.
  8. Those who uncritically sing DeFi's praise are not normal people, they're devotees. For a more rational and somber look at the world of DeFi have a look at this article from The Economist. The beguiling promise of decentralised finance and its many perils PS. For those who're not subscribers you might need to register but it's free and it gives you 3 free articles a month.
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