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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. This might shock you but your liberal use of capital letters doesn't make your posts more believable, quite the contrary. In about 10 years, when the UK is back in the EU fold, we will all look back on this period of temporary Brit insanity and shake out heads, and historians will in the future probably refer to this time as "The Lost Years". Looking forward to your next referendum!
  2. You sent an e-mail (presumably) in English to a Thai company run by stoners and you expected to get an answer?? You should probably aim to smoke a little bit less....
  3. Meanwhile, in the real world..... Half of Republicans support stricter gun laws, a double-digit jump in a year, USA TODAY/Ipsos poll says
  4. Why?? The OP is about the fact that the Thai army is continuing to throw good money after bad and we can all guess what the reason could be. And this despite the fact that the benevolent cou Gen PM graciously took power away from the elected leaders on a promise to rid the country of corruption and cronyism. If one was extremely cynical one could perhaps (after 7 years when very little has changed) start wondering if he wasn't entirely truthful back in 2015....
  5. Well, since very few die in comparable countries where gun laws are much stricter that would be my answer: Very few. Come to think of it there must be some stats/estimates on this. Willing to bet a lot that the answer will be......you guessed it; very few.
  6. So the US has lots more mental issues than the rest of the world? And only those with said issue doesn't understand that if you take the guns away the number of killings drop drastically. That's so painfully obvious it's mind blowing that anyone would argue against it. But hey, if it helps you sleep at night.....
  7. Which particular money pot are you referring to and who controls this pot? PS. Please only post links to sites/resources that are grounded in the real world, not some alternative universe.
  8. Thailand; great food, s**t beer. All it's neighboring countries; s**t food, great beer.
  9. What an thoroughly intelligent and intriguing post. I shall follow all your content from now on so I don't miss any gold nuggets! PS. Don't want to be pedantic but the correct transliteration is actually "som nam naa".
  10. So a fraction of a child's funeral costs. https://www.lhlic.com/consumer-resources/average-funeral-cost/#:~:text=The average funeral costs between,or other things like flowers.
  11. I'll never forget some years ago being stopped on Sukhumvit Rd by the Traffic Police station just north of Pattaya Tai. A fairly large number of foreign police volunteers were there helping the professional and incorruptible RTP and they were all decked out in what looked like regular police uniforms. What really made this incident unforgettable was the bus full of Thais slowly passing the check/chokepoint, - I so wish I had a photo of it. The Thais were howling with laughter while pointing at the volunteers and I remember feeling a bit ashamed on their behalf while thinking what kind of a person would expose himself to such ridicule.
  12. "Why would you need Thaksin to come back?" You misunderstand, I don't need him to come back. In fact, when he was in power I wanted him gone, replaced in an election with someone better. Someone like Tanathorn. Alas, the old elite will make sure that won't happen until there's been a seismic shift in the way Thailand is run. "If the theme is progressive left-wing politics improving Thailand, surely stepping away from the old guard of corruption, cronyism and lack of freedom of speech would be the way to go?" I don't think that's the theme of this thread although I very much agree that the only way forward for Thailand is getting rid of the old guard as a first step. But I do find it LOL funny that Pheu Thai (and the Move Forward Party) absolutely crushed it in Bangkok, which is generally considered a bastion against Pheu Thai and it's brown-skinned unwashed uneducated and unrefined sea of supporters. I bet there were a few Bangkok based Thaksin-hating farangs who choked on their croissants this morning when these results were published!????
  13. IIRC there were two groups of police volunteers, one of them led by H.E. Colonel Colov, Night of Rizal, Blessed by the Pope. They used to wear all black storm trooper uniforms and had tool belts with more kit than the average SWAT team member. They disappeared from view when Covid struck and hopefully that was the end of it.
  14. But that's not how Thais vote, is it, even in Bangkok, that island of civilization surrounded by great unwashed masses of uneducated peasants. Now THAT must have been hard for you to swallow! Mr. Thaksin; please pack your bags, your triumphant return is nigh. Cou Gen Mr. Prayut; please pack your bags, your humiliating departure is nigh.
  15. Wow. This can't sit well with certain Thaksin hating coup supporting farang Bangkok dwellers who view the rest of the country with sneering contempt! "If the Election Commission endorses all winners of the May 22 poll, Pheu Thai will be the biggest party in the Bangkok Metropolitan Council (BMC), occupying 20 of its 50 councilor seats." Pheu Thai, the biggest party.........in Bangkok!!
  16. Riding a car requires training and certification. Requiring the same for guns has got to be one of the biggest no-brainers in history.
  17. Following that logic and believing that your god is all powerful then "he" is behind all the killings. What a guy!
  18. OK, so parents in other comparable countries (I'm beginning to wonder if one can even say that anymore) do stricter parenting, it's not access to weapons designed for mass murder at all....
  19. " Evil has to be exterminated..." And in the mean time we'll have to restrict evil's access to weapons. "Letting others control and destroy others with no retribution is exactly why it's getting worse on earth." I agree, and since a large majority of Americans are for gun control measures the gun lobby needs to be defeated ASAP!
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