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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. What I don't understand?? Yes, there will in all likelihood be more and more demands for vaccinations but you still posted as a done deal/decision made something that hasn't been decided yet. What part of that do you not understand?
  2. You post your guesses/assumptions as facts and I call you on it. I would gladly give you several things but I'm afraid an apology isn't one of them.
  3. Oh phu-leeze! Slavery.....seriously?? Wish there was a vaccine against hyperbole, you definitively need a shot or two.
  4. Mandated vaccines have been around for many decades. Do you disagree with mandated vaccines in general or just this one? And comparing not taking the Covid-19 vaccine to having a high risk job is not like comparing apples to oranges, more like comparing moon dust to fish farts - completely meaningless.
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