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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. As has been said, Google Maps. Updated continuously with data from a multitude of users so also getting very accurate data on the traffic situation. No other system comes close.
  2. https://thepattayanews.com/2021/12/03/pattaya-and-other-chonburi-blue-zones-officially-allowed-to-sell-alcohol-in-restaurants/
  3. It is my hope that in the future people who have refused the vaccine are turned away from ICUs if they come down with Covid. IMO they don't deserve the right to be there.
  4. If you don't wanna get vaxxed I suggest you focus your energy on home improvement because that's where you'll be forced to spend all your time winning at life in the near future.
  5. Let me tell you a story. A 17 y/o kid grabs his fully loaded semi-automatic rifle and drives across state lines to confront possibly hostile demonstrators. Many Americans; "OK, and then what happens?" Some Americans (not nearly enough) and pretty much the rest of the world; "Wait, what???"
  6. Not in Thailand. In Thailand it's not what you know it's who you know, the current "PM" being a case in point. The man's so inept he couldn't lead a gaggle of geese across the road yet here he is "leading" a nation where he took power, all because of who he knows.
  7. Apples and oranges. Austria's measures make perfect sense, what they're doing in KSR in Bangkok is pure lunacy.
  8. Crime syndicate? You have any links to credible sources confirming this? Not holding my breath but miracles have happened (they claim). And do you want a picture of a really violent crime syndicate consisting of despicable traitors? Here you go:
  9. Let's cut to the chase here: Being an "internationalist" or "globalist" isn't in any way synonymous with thinking "they have the right to decide what a sovereign nation should do to satisfy their ridiculous virtue signaling nonsense". Got it?
  10. Amen. IMO people who are far-right or far-left are all a bunch of [pick a suitable derogatory term].
  11. When you can't think of a worse person than George Soros it 's time to have a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself who really is the useful........
  12. I've thought about it a lot and have no other explanation than white angst. Since the US was settled whites have totally dominated all aspects of society. That is slowly but surely changing and a large part of the white US population won't have it. It's the only explanation I can find to explain as to why so many people willingly dispense with logic, truth, science and common sense. And when people do that rational discourse and debate becomes impossible.
  13. "I am not a globalist in the way it is now used as someone who wishes to delegate all national perogatives to unelected officials or self appointed flunkeys in multinational organisations whether the EC, UN, or NGOs." I don't think any of us are. It's just a lame argument by the hard right that those who are against their poisonous nationalism is for giving away a country's right to self-determination "Nor am I in favour of illegal immigration." Again, I don't think any of us are. Hard right, lame argument etc. "An illegal immigrant is a person who prefers to seek riches for himself rather than stay and seek to improve his country. He supports criminals – how else did he cross the border if not by paying criminals? He is a cheat and a liar – he cheats by destroying his documents and he lies about his age, his nationality, and everything else the authorities ask him. All in all he is a despicable person." Sure, some of them are but not all. Agree?
  14. The nation state is a relatively new invention and hopefully in the future mankind will have evolved sufficiently to put it where it belongs - in history's garbage dump.
  15. That's not the definition of a globalist. There, I just wasted 10 seconds of my life....
  16. And I moved to Thailand during Chuan Leekpai's fist stint as PM (1993) and it's always amusing that noobs such as you think Thaksin was the worst of the worst!???? Thailand has always been divided but it was brought to the surface during the Thaksin administrations when the phrai for the first time really challenged the ammat. Obviously this was unacceptable to the old elite and, presto, another stream of coups. Obviously, Thailand will not be properly united until that endless cycle is broken.
  17. Nepotism and corruption is killing Thailand but I'd rather have elected nepotism than nepotism enforced by guns. Having said that I'd much rather have a person like Thanatorn being allowed (by the old and new elite, invisible hands etc.) to have a go in an election but we all know that won't happen unless there's a seismic shift in Thai society, and such a shift will not take place without massive unrest and probably worse.
  18. IMO dad did a better job than the present bunch of undemocratic dinos so maybe that would not be so bad.
  19. Well, if she was voted in (like her father and aunt before her) she would at least be a legitimate leader unlike the present one. I always prefer elected leaders to coup leaders. Strange, right?
  20. Learn from Russel Crowe? You mean THE Russel Crowe infamous for his violent outbursts and major movie diva attitude?? https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/07/nyregion/russell-crowe-accused-of-assault-with-hotel-phone.html https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/jan/18/when-film-stars-attack-russell-crowes-reaction-to-criticism-could-set-a-trend https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/russell-crowes-short-temper-once-landed-him-with-a-felony-charge.html/
  21. Clear as mud as usual. "There were also mixed messages on if tourist zones/districts in provinces (Like Hua Hin, Pattaya, Cha-am, or Chiang Mai) could sell alcohol in restaurants or if governors could allow them to do so and this is NOT YET CRYSTAL CLEAR. This will likely get further clarification later this weekend, although one may need to wait for the governor’s orders. The press meeting did mention 13 specific districts (which includes Banglamung/Pattaya) being part of the tourist pilot zones but was not clear on if alcohol sales would be allowed at restaurants." https://thepattayanews.com/2021/10/29/thailands-covid-19-center-committee-announces-more-covid-19-relaxations-effective-monday-november-1st/?fbclid=IwAR30sbzaANMDc54yhFTdv6pDsNRTnVggV_pyXMZ7B0DFdR5Wq0bGFg92sw0
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