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Everything posted by watthong

  1. Too bad Tulsi G, aka MAGA Joan of Arc, never got a chance to grab these guys gonads and give as good a tug as Kamala did...but to end up in GOP closet shelf as one of Trump favorite "washed-up has-been wannabees." Quel dommage!
  2. Just wondering who's "gaslighting" who? btw thank you for the warning to innocent folks who might volunteer their time to assist Dems Abroad event. Just to show what good samaritan you are...
  3. Don't talk with your mouth full (of sour grapes.)
  4. In short just the appropriate settings to the spectacle of Trump melting down on live TV. (With medics standing by in case of self-induced heart attack.)
  5. Case in point: defense of Trump being laughed at at the UN...
  6. Seemed like there are more than just hearing impairment on your part. Cognitive testing is highly recommended. ( And not the type "Camera, man, woman, thing...")
  7. Oh dear, now we know why poor Trump has to go back to hawking on line his digital Trump cards collection. I remember the Fake Elvis was my favorite, though seemed to have sold out. Second favorite, the John Travolta "Staying Alive" strut (how apt...) is still available. I'm going to put that one in my shopping cart anyway, as" There comes a time one should feel empathy for one's opponent," according to Lao Tzu, "the Art of War." (Though "And be clement, make it swift" seems to be the underlined message...)
  8. Not good to stutter. ..What happened to your Uncle Trump ABC blocks?
  9. Yep, that's MAGA debate tactics. When ran out of argument, 1) make childish faces. Or 2) play dumb "whatever". Or 3) play impaired. Trump does that all the times. For example, making funny face and laughing along with the audience laughing at himself at the UN. Or playing geriatric, "Horrible questions, didn't say hello or ask how are you, so rude..." at the NABJ Con. All MAGA playbook.
  10. Thanks for the invitation to Trump Roast Open, we dems are having a blast! The sound of MAGA fans smacking their chops on sour grapes alone are worth the price of admission! As for the debate and subsequent fall out, everybody on all sides know what's gonna happen: it's a Mac Guffin.
  11. SHE. CAN'T. WAIT.
  12. Sorry, can't feel any better, been on party mode since Trump fell into NABJ trap. Whoever the heck sent him there, Tulsi? Definitely "Wrong Turn" 2024. (Here's one past trailer, just of a taste.)
  13. Here with better audio, I hope, for the hearing-impaired.
  14. They laughed AT him Then Trump laughed WITH them AT himself. (Good sport!) "Applauded at the end as well" ie common courtesy, probably something so rare in MAGAland to the point needed to be mentioned...
  15. Turn on your volume, if that doesn't work then you'll probably deaf in one ear, maybe both.
  16. See above for reference...
  17. Just wondering who was the one first to have caused such hilarity...
  18. Look, Trump is already NEVER recovering from the onslaught he received from the NABL panet earlier this month. That's why we dems are having a blast watching Trump melt down as a result in real time - while his MAGA base running around clutching at straws like chicken with their head cut off. Welcome to the party!
  19. How? Everybody gets a good laugh. Including Trump himself. Such a sport!
  20. Great, "Sweet Tulsi" - you did your ring kissing number, now quietly go back to the GOP closet where you belong. Too bad you didn't have the chance to grill the big bad Barr, like Kamala did (see clip attached.) As you can see, sweetie, success depends on being at the right place at the right time and having the cojones to grab the bad guy by the cojones. Sorry you missed your chances...Now you can try a second time to grab the brass ring, "been extremely helpful in this campaign" you say? Yeah that does show in Trump spectacular meltdown for sure - guess that must've something to do with Trump passing you over for shady JD? Ouch.
  21. To which I add: Where are you now "Sweet Tulsi" ? Seems like haven't gone nowhere in no hurry lately? Like not much, nada, zilch, nyet and no have...except maybe aged well to a "seb seb" vinegar. Take care and stay in the GOP closet "Sweet Tulsi", they will need to prop you up time to time, when "straw graspings" has reached its critical mass...
  22. In the "what I found rattling around in the attic..." category, here's one oldie but goodie. Watching Harris make Barr squirm always bring joy to my jaded heart...
  23. Case in point, "Black Jobs" Another, "DEI definition" Utterly brilliant!
  24. "I believe in miracles Where are you from you sexy thing..."
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