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Everything posted by watthong

  1. Yes, and yes and yes. In a way we've been kinda ignoring the elephant in the room and he would rely on pills rather than change diet (see my other posts before this one). But now the problem has reached the critical so it's do it or die time he feels, which is a good start. Will report back after taking a good look at the video.
  2. Totally on point. He does not have a primary doctor. Every 3 months or whenever his blood pressure/diabetes pills run out he would go to the neighborhood clinic (in Odum Suk) and be seen by which ever doctor on hand that day. He would have an "insulin" mini crisis now and then when out and about and suddenly he would need to eat something (sweet or not) real fast and we just rush to the nearest 7-11 to grab it. I know that seemed rather precarious but he's a big guy and we just thought he would need to eat more often (than someone average like me.)
  3. He has volunteered to give up rice and noodles. Also sweets (cake, khanom thai, etc.) Plus real sweet fruits, such as mango (maybe I should cross out papaya and guava as well). Right now we try to eat the not so sweet fruit, but still not sure whether that means anything?
  4. Will try this diet 1st thing. Fortunately we don't consume alcohol.
  5. Will try your "gauze/betadine" treatment as a stop-gap measure while getting things under control (doctor, diet, etc.) One thing is that lately we have started going swimming for exercise. Should my partner stop that for now - I'm thinking of the chlorine in the pool water?
  6. Absolutely and my partner always had to have those otherwise eating it plain (more like my style) would be "flavorless" to him. Regarding fruit, at his last check up the clinic doc asked him what he ate lately that his measure has come up high. He told her we been drinking mango smoothie lot lately so she said stop. (sorry have to go out now, but will resume later in the evening, thank you for the advice, much appreciated.)
  7. Unfortunately he doesn't know. Only at his last check up the clinic doc told him what he ate lately that his measure has come up high. He told her we been drinking mango smoothie lot lately so she said stop.
  8. Yes, he is on medication and the reading is 160. And the rice we eat is jasmine or the japanese sticky one. In the market we have the violet colored, or rust-color or just plain brown rice, are those low GI?
  9. This is exactly the kind of rush to judgement that I do not need. Have some self-respect and go blab somewhere else, thank you.
  10. Limb amputation is also "a strange way to deal with diabetes."
  11. His is 160, still under the 180 threshold. The afore mentioned hospital touts the "staple" method (with what looks like a wine bottle opener, circled in red in pic.) so I don't know that would help/speed the healing or not. He is not managing his diet too well, only recently cutting down on sweets/fruit, but still consuming rice/noodles as normal.
  12. Gardening is a also great pastime for me, blame it on covid. I have only a tiny balcony on the top floor but since we are in the tropics, there are numerous experiments I can conduct at very low expense and minimal space. It was the trend of hoyas that keep everybody all excited while cooped up at home during the pandemic. We religiously trek down to Chatujak every Tuesday just like folks going to church on Sunday. Now that "life as we knew it" has re-opened , and we start to travel again, the poor hoya plants all died out during our long absence, delicate little things that require constant care (thus perfect for covid.) Undaunted I start picking up other more hardy genuses/species (cactus and the likes) and the fun continues .In pic is the latest find, nicknamed "little mice" thai name "dragon eyes fern" latin name "lecanopteris crustacae." Recently a family of sparrows has decided to lay nest behind the air con machine that doesn't get used. So now we wake up to the chirping of baby birds. All this go on in our little studio amidst BKK concrete jungle, fantasizing what we can do with a plot of land in the province.
  13. My partner's diabetes has gotten to the level when his urine is now affecting his foreskin. Anyway it has begun to act up, small tears, skin thinning, itching, constricting etc. Looks like a circumcision is in order. We googled for info and this one Petcharavej Hospital came up, promoting the "Staple Circumcision" technique (a 10-15 min procedure, stitches-less.) Any advice on the prices or suggestion of other places? (We're in BKK). It's interesting that the cost for children is a lot more than for adults (28K to 35K vs 11k). Additional cost are 1k for pre-op consultation, 1k for covid test before surgery and 1k follow-up. [Also prior to posting this I searched "circumcision" on ASEAN forum and it came up with one single thread which debated mostly about the religious aspect of this practice, so please spare me that. My partner might need to resort to this for purely medical reason.] Thank you in advance for any helpful input. https://www.petcharavejhospital.com/en/Package/package_detail/Staple-Circumcision-bestprice#:~:text=Staple Circumcision (Children) 35%2C000 Baht,Doctor fees
  14. I am for one beyond overjoyed, say ecstatic would be the word. It's raining INDICTMENTS, hallelujah!!! To be honest I can hardly go to sleep each night these days, wondering what tomorrow might bring (Oops, sounds like I'm speaking on Trump's behalf - totally unintentional, I say.) The icing on the cake is those "fake electors" , deliciously age-ripe for the slammer!
  15. Because handsome is as handsome does. As for the GOP clown crowd, substitute something else for "handsome." Something starts with an S and ends with a D - with "tupi" in between. First they went for investigating the investigators (spelled "Durham") which went no where and cost millions for staff salaries just for twiddling their thumbs, now they go after the current president' son as tit for tat for you know who. I really pity my country, for the animal house that stands for the people's house, and for a supreme court that eats from the hands of billionaires, just like lapdogs. And last not least for some of my fellow country men rejoicing in this nonsensical spectacle, just like fools.
  16. I believe that registered mail for all the extra charges and delay still does its job, or at least the essential part of it in making sure the mail is delivered (whether that shows in tracking or not.) Whereas regular mail ie unregistered does not offer that certainty. Keep in mind that if you get the 2nd request that does not mean one way or another that your 1st response got there or didn't by unregistered mail - whereas by registered mail at least you could deduct that your mail did get there however it missed the time window (that's why I referred to this shenanigan as trying to hit a moving target.) Now that I've been reminded that the cost is 355 and not 95 baht for registered mail, I would go just unregistered (59 baht) for the 2nd request. As for the 1st request I will go unregistered and registered (59+355) , the 1st dip is for my response to get there quickly, the 2nd dip is to make sure that it gets there at all, however belatedly.
  17. You're correct. I just checked my snapshot and it was 355 baht for registered mail. Somehow my mind still held onto the good old days of 95 baht or something in that neighborhood. I stand corrected "and myself reprove."
  18. Last year my tracking showed delivery with a person's name. Unfortunately I can't find the screenshot now but I remember taken aback when seeing that.
  19. Thanks Pib for the recommendation. Personally I don't bother with these 7162 hoops anymore. By which I mean I don't pull my hair out over it. With the bad guy still at the helms and hell bent on throttling the working of USPS, the SSA insisting on these return time windows seemingly not concerning with how unreliable international delivery has become, etc, it has become a game of trying to hit a moving target. I have called SSA and talked to them when I had to switch bank account for check deposit earlier this year and that seems the best way to deal with the situation if/when my checks are stopped. For the rest of the time, any time I got a letter from SSA I would do this: send back one by regular mail, then another one by registered, with a note saying this is a backup so if the original has arrived then please discard this backup one. The whole "operation" costs less than 200 baht. And I will do that on auto-pilot either with 1st letter or 2nd letter regardless.
  20. In my case it was the opposite. RE extension was issued in CW (Bkk) so I went there to do the stamp transfer. After waiting in queue and all that, the IO summarily told me to get this done at where I am living now, which is in Samut Prakan. And which I should have done but thanks to advice on this forum I went to CW instead. Back to Samut Prakan, the transfer was done but took a long time and by the time that finished the office was ready to close and I had to come back the next day for the 90 day report.
  21. I concur that. Just came back from Phimai where the price I paid to enter the ruins is 5 times of the local price. Not only that I did it 4 days in a row. The only gripe I had was that they didn't give me extra days, like they do in Siem Reap (pay 4 get 7). At the other end of the spectrum, there are places in BKK that they couldn't pay me to go in.
  22. I'm glad you asked. (I kinda left it in the back of my mind and not been bothered...) So here's the latest: 1st pic from thaipost, 2nd from USPS.
  23. We plan to go back (to Phimai} as well. Probably May 2024, that's when the museum re-opens...a not to be missed event!
  24. Phimai is a gem, superbly restored by the "master" Bernard Groslier. Whereas the average sightseeing time is 20 minutes, we spent 4 days just taking it all in, considering the site an extension of our hotel grounds. The town itself is still struggling to get back on its feet post covid. By 8pm, Lotus and the rest of the town turn off the light and leave it to the vampires. We didn't do Phanom Rung, figuring Nang Rong would fare worse than Phimai serving as a base...but we will be back!
  25. 9 years ago a nation-wide election was held post BKK Shutdown in the spring of 2014. The whole population obediently went to the polling station and voted. A week later, it was cancelled. Just like that. Nobody, except farangs like me, batted an eye. Everybody went about their business as if the "erection" never happened ("Erection? What erection?" replied one Thai lady friend of mine.) It was as if I just got a new pair of prescription glasses and started to see things for what they really are.
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