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Everything posted by watthong

  1. Sorry that's not "Se/He/IT" fault! That was how "Se/He/IT" taught way back in "Se/He/IT" kindergarten!
  2. My new nightly vespers, thanks @susanlea Hope this will atone me for all the insults @stoner keeps accusing me of....
  3. Now, this is what I call gibberish. From something the cat dragged off a bar stool, I guess.
  4. Oh no, Frank's back! Let me get out my new heavy duty BeeMax plunger...Hope this one does the job!
  5. the ONLY post of @connda here approved by OP. Go get jabbed , all you MAGA fans - instead of gibberish.
  6. You were absolutely correct - and you're not bad... (No, no double-entendre there, absolutely not!)
  7. Je me tiens accuse'? (No that sounds too Les Miz... let me get back to English.) I stand accused.
  8. Now, now - don't start throwing things out of your pram! You can't take words of a 5yo (that's the age Auntie @susanlea assigned to me...) seriously, can you?
  9. Thank god you finally got here. Take care of @stoner will you. Oh yes, the baby bottle is in the fridge. You can take it out after you change his diapers. Then you can re-watch "A Night at the NABJ Convention" 5555
  10. Forum rules do not censor truth & verifiable facts. Thank the Almighty.
  11. Calm down and stop foaming at the mouth. It's called "the Art of Writing," sweetheart. Where you leave many things unsaid and watch idiots hurry to fill in with their nonsense. Got it?
  12. Personally, the one that takes the MAGA cake for me is: "The Oranges of the Investigation." Priceless. That one got a resounding laugh around the world, (Only the one Trump got on UN podium, where he literally got laughed in real time and in the face, ever comes close...)
  13. Please keep this thread on topic, or go somewhere with your "holes."
  14. 14 pages and counting, most filled up by MAGA trolls. Guess they want their cake and eat it too...
  15. You mean "nutti-er"? The rest of us, being polite, settle for "neurotic."
  16. Sure, and the election was stolen. Yawn.
  17. Now you're really lacking not just comprehension, but reading skills also. Adult education available in your district? If not, blame it on your master. heh heh.
  18. You missed the "scary" part. So brush up on your vocabulary and don't keep repeating 3 words in a row and thinking that's a sentence. The way your master often does...
  19. Blame it on your comprehension skill, dude - or lack thereof. I guess the latter.
  20. Now that's scary. I just felt something on my sphincter...Was that you?
  21. It's the vocal delivery and word enunciation. Fluency has nothing to do with it. If you started learning a foreign language when you have reached mid teen it's already too late. Your vocal box (mouth, tongue and throat) has been too well "tuned" into your own mother tongue by then.
  22. funny you mentioned "meltdown"...Just wondered who got hosed off the stage and off the feet of those 3 black female journalists at NABJ meet the other day. I heard they had to throw away all those darn expensive shoes they wore, just couldn't scrape the goo off!
  23. Again you're over-estimating, as usual, whenever your master is concerned. No, it only takes one, just .one time to be a felon for life. One sympathizes.
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