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Everything posted by watthong

  1. Yeah, Trump perspective is he can't take it like a man. "Oh, she didn't say hello, ask me how are you, how rude..." Real men don't whine like that.
  2. Don't worry I just gave you one. Hope that'll do for now...
  3. You too? Sorry you've got dinged by Tail. I guess we have to go without his emojis for a day or two. Maybe @susanlea can flll in in the meanwhile...
  4. So where did those confused emojis come from? from @susanlea? I don't thin Sue is as crazy about me as you are...Or were (sniffle)
  5. No I was worrying that @Yellowtail decided not be my no1 fan anymore. That would break my heart!
  6. No I don't. But women do. Should learn to see things from different perspectives. They teach that in high school.
  7. You forgot to leave confused emojis on my posts this morning. How could you? I'm so disappointed!
  8. One helpful hint: self-righteousness usually works against one's own credibility. Go easy on the syrup.
  9. Only numbnuts would listen to Vivek the clown. McDonald wouldn't hire him to be theirs.
  10. It's not the questions that are "hostile and full of spite," it's the topics themselves: such as "she's got blood coming out of her, er, everywhere.." or more popular one - "just grab them by the pvssy." Respect is a give and take thing, so is hostility. "He gets the raw end of the stick" because he gave them "the raw end of the stick." You should have learned that in your kindergarten.
  11. Excruciating, the spectacle of an old, demented (white) lamb straying into a (black) foxes lair. (Lucky for him, it seemed his flesh a bit too rubbery, not to mention, tasteless, to their liking...So they spit him out.)
  12. @4:55 "Because she was Indian all the way...And all of a sudden she made a turn and became a black person!" Trump on Kamala "turning" black. Can't make this stuff up. I'm so glad all this stuff happened NOT on an international stage.
  13. Where were Trump's handlers? Why did they let him wander in here? @15:17 Host - "What is exactly a 'black job', Sir?" interrupting Trump as he was saying illegals taking up "black jobs." Trump: "A 'black job' is anybody that has...a job."
  14. Oh so now it's time for campaign wardrobe inventory? This is what happened when desperation slipped into dementia.
  15. Biden dropping out? That could only means...
  16. Dear brainless one, that's a running series - each episode a representative of a movement/party. Again, leave it to MAGA cult to always go for quantity. They derive strength in number, nothing else. The larger the herd, the stronger they feel. Whether each indidual of them has any redeeming value (ie quality) means zilch to them ("I love the uneducated!" I guess he meant "the brainless.") Nevermind, Trump kool-aid gives them all the power they need.
  17. From those who once voted from Trump:
  18. They are all out doing that to one another, It's called "fluffing." @Yellowtail himself is this forum resident fluffer, always on the look out for a new partner. Echoing/smooching each other comments, even when there's no one around. [He's also quick on leaving confused emojis on a post he didn't like, just like a lizard leaving a turd on your open page. I can always tell whenever @Yellowtail has read my latest post.]
  19. "you're okay with killing them" Where did you get that part? btw finished your spelling lesson early today, Cul-jaune?
  20. One can always count on this troll to come up with gory details when concerning human bodies, babies and women especially. Graphic and excruciating imagery is his specialty, a la Mengele. What a sadist!
  21. Learn how to spell @Yellowtail Us here already having a hard time taking anything you said seriously, please for Christ sake (no this is not a reference to the Last Supper, Christians around the world beware) don't make it any harder.
  22. I don't know how the Last Supper theme came up. It just showed how Christendom really wants a global claim of everything as christian. Btw, this is how the French have their Sunday brunch in their back yard. Or Louis XiV had as his nightly dinner setup whenever he visited one of his lords (Fouquet for example, who ended up paying dearly for the privilege.) Personally I was slightly amused by the blue god. He kinda reminds me of the movie "The cook, the thief and his lover" starring the excellent Michael Gambon and the ever delightful Hellen Mirren. The final scene was staged that way, except that the guy that was laid out on the platter was served as a substitute for roasted pig...One of Peter Greenaway's bests.
  23. I bet it was by design, knowing some folks, especially prudish Yanks would get epileptic over a rather minor detail (at least this one was shaven...) Reminding me of Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction that caused a national rukus wayback. Or James Cameron taken to the woodshed for one supposedly nude scene of Kate Winslet posing for deCaprio in Titanic. FWIW, the last two instances cited consisted of showing one, just one, female nipple each time. I myself have a hard time suspending my disbelief at the silver screen whenever I see American actresses humping away with their male partner while still wearing a bra.
  24. Again, but as usual ie true to MAGA form, you're over-estimating your own kind. No, the majority of MAGA cult are not fascists. They, like you, tend to dress funny, and, like you, ready to regurgitate any nonsense that Trump has managed to pump into their empty skull. There they don't have enough room to hold any ideology, let alone fascism, having drunk Trump kool-aid they have given up their critical thinking and simply do what he told them to do ("But my prez told me to storm the Capitol, I did nothig wrong!") In short, Trump promised you greater power on the condition that you subsumed yours to his. JD - recently downgraded down to PC (as in "Please clap") - Vance is the latest Hillbilly numbnut sucked into Trump orbit. (But oh there're some many of them, just don't call them all fascists.) Talking of Vance, the fly in Trump's ointment, masquerading as the fly in Pence hair, was Pence refusal to Trump wish of annuling the electors votes, and for that he wanted him hanged in 2021. Project 2025 is Trump brainchild, put forth by his clique of "washed-up has-been wannabes" sycophants, out of the White House and/or out of jail, to make sure that there won't be another Pence in any corner of any federal and state buildings next time. "If at first you didn't succeed..." - who said that btw?
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