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Everything posted by watthong

  1. He was simply confounding garbage wih dissent. I guess @mogandave motto is "never under-estimate garbage...."
  2. Comedy gold if you ask me. Here's one such gem by @susanlea(sorry for the cut and paste, could find a way to directly quote ) from another current thread: "All humans have energy fields. I can feel energy from 15m away. When a negative person leaves the room the energy changes a lot. If sit in a room close to a negative person I feel ill after 5 minutes. With a positive person I feel good."
  3. Great illustration...though does not quite fill your daily dose of gore though. Pass.
  4. Absolutely, SNL should recruit you. What comedy gold they are missing, here's one sample:
  5. Judgemental seems to be the tool of your trade...Even in a topic as neutral as this. Something not quite right in your childhood?
  6. As I have mentioned before. The native could hear foreign right away the moment the first (non-native) sound reaches their (native) ear. So being fluent per non-native standard doesn't always guarantee a smooth transaction. And when that happens the annoyance that happened happens first to the listener, something along the line "wtf this guy is saying?" - which then produces the second annoyance on the part of the (non-native) speaker as the (native) listener reacted accordingly to his/her own annoyance. OP should ask who ought to be annoyed first, but it seems that what the native might be feeling was not in his consideration. Sad to say, a behavior quite prevalent among expats.
  7. One thing Melania hasn't been sharing with her mushroom-head hubby is her bed.It was official soon after they moved in. Should have changed her title while living in the WH from First Lady to First Lady in Waiting. Waiting for the end of his term to renew her prenub. (In the meantime, the whole bevy of Secret Agents were ever present to profect, sorry - Freudian slip - to protect her whenever a need arised...)
  8. So do most of those who are not "highly proficient" non-native speakers on even more occasions. In other words, it's irrelevant the notion of "hightly proficient" when it comes to non-native vs native (fluency of the language.) The locals still hear something foreign, and some don't like to deal with it. You are the foreigner, not them.
  9. The Art of the Debate per Trump Trump: What's DEI ? (at NABJ convention) Host: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Trump: Give me definition of DEI? Host: I just did! Trump: Ok, give me definition of DEI? Host: *wtf* Host: What do you mean by a "black job" Trump: A "black job" is, er, anybody that has...a job. Host:*wtf* Trump: That's what it is.
  10. Absolutely, it also annoys me when someone claims that he could speak "Thai to a high level", and when the local Thais don't understand them, he turns around and asks if they speak their own language. That is what I called "conceited" - a word I believe is widely used among the "master"-class
  11. Don't use words that your master couldn't comprehend, Such as: Trump: What's DEI ? (at NABJ convention) Host: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Trump: Give me definition of DEI? Host: I just did! Trump: Ok, give me definition of DEI? Host: *wtf* In other words, The joke is on you,
  12. Remember the Queen of England parachuting out of a helicopter down to London Olympic Dome? With Bond in tow? That's the Brits laughing at themselves. And the world laughed along with them. All the money in the world could not have bought that spot.
  13. Ok, breaking news (for me!). It's not a "sharpnel" but a frigging bullet, one Remmington that can travel 3 times the speed of bullets fired from a handgun, and over the range of almost half km. The shooter positioned himself 150 m away from Trump. (Being anti-gun violence, my knowledge re artillery is nil, so that much I could gather in 30 minutes or less.) So it's way worse than I thought. Initially upon hearing there was some snafu prior to the shooting I took it that some sort of collateral explosion had taken place near by and a piece of sharpnel hit Trump's ear. But the event got swept away so quickly by the next one so I missed the chance to watch it closely... Yet some MAGA numbnut immediately jumped on me and instead of correcting me, started calling me names. Such is the pettiness of their cult. (But of course by now we know there's no lows that they won't stoop too.) Anyway I was glad to see Trump getting up from under the podium and gave fist punches. You lucky dog, really really lucky dog. And as I said before, this is way way worse than I thought and I am surprised that the incident was swept away from the news so quickly!
  14. NYC subway CANNOT compare to BKK BTS. So don't even suggest it. Thailand throws away a tourist spot made by Apple for free and delivered on a silver platter because yes, "This only net effect of the ad is to make people come to Thailand. To do business, and see the sights." If only for New Yorkers to see how decrepit their subway system is.
  15. Praising playing golf as "...so rare in a politician." Talking about " Dozy is, dozy duz." Only in MAGAland.
  16. What a fire to frying pan dilemna, no wonder they're acting beserk-er than never before. See what's going on on this thread as proof...them grasping as straws - or anything, such as "Trump looks good..." (sic) - for "arguments."
  17. Good to hear. His campaign should jam-pack his rally schedule like there is no tomorrow. Harris surging the polls should be a great motivation...and oh, don't forget the prospect of being a 80 old cellmate.
  18. Though from Slovenia, she knows a thing or two about "buyers remorse???" So she bought some insurance and got herself a pre-nup, renewable every 4 yrs...
  19. Trump doesn't exactly answer. His ways of "answering" questions are: 1) ask you to re-define it ("Please define D>E>I> for me?") ie senility appeal. 2) whine: "She's horrible, didn't say hello, ask me how are you, such rude questions..." ie appeal to others (not his, lack thereof) modicum of civility. 3) when really pressed, say things like: "A 'black job' is anybody...who has a job", ie appeal to stupidity (on his part, which he has plenty.) He used to be more agressive and gung-ho than that, but that thing on his ear seems to have dampened it somewhat.
  20. She will find there will be no nuts to grab! Empty shunken sacs only...
  21. Or Ari Melber - also something about the B word, except this time it's liked with not just one, but two Ps. (hint: presidential pardon)
  22. Let's see what darling Joy has to say today - I think it's something about the B word (hint: bribery)
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