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Everything posted by watthong

  1. "why not focus on what's said." by whom? by you? or @susanlea? or @Yagoda? But of course I do, alll excellent posts for verbal chop practices.
  2. Or better yet, don't go into any of his/her/its threads. Give no oxygen.
  3. Go ahead, just keep in mind Trump felony charges make a longer list (34 items) - and ALL of them supported read "convicted."
  4. Trump felony charges make a longer list (34 items) - and ALL supported read convicted.
  5. Simple medical knowledge, "Giggle giggle" are often sign of upcoming epilectic fits. Make sure you have a spoon at hand, and no, not a plastic one!
  6. Unlike Trump who traded sex for felonies (34 of them in one, erh, "oh swoosh...")
  7. Or simply not bite the bait ie come to this thread and give it oxygen. It will die on its own lonesome, believe me. (And move over here instead...Support your local non-fascist forum member.)
  8. Wish he changed the setting, too much of a "Louis XVI last days at the Tuileries" vibes for me...(For those into French history, maybe a "Nuit de Varennes" is in the works?)
  9. And apparently in exile, or prepares to.
  10. Floundering? Again? Here's looking back at 2020...
  11. Actually he was counting on Vance eyeliner and "beard" (in more ways than one, if you catch my drift) to be plenty enough!
  12. Back in California I used to live across the street from a large household of VNmese "boat people". Naturally VNmese was the prevalent language spoken inside the home. Among them one fob (fresh of the boat) couple did nothing but made "welfare babies" year in out. The first one came from this batch was a prett gitl named Rose. I would play wiht her now and then when I came over, and after she learned to walk, she ran with the street kids crowd comprised of her older siblings and other kids in the neighborhood. Soon they all started speaking English. Including Rose. One day I was in their living room, Rose came by and answered my question in perfect sounding ie native English, and in the same breath turned around and said something to her Mom in VNmese. For a two year old, I don't think there was much thought processes going on inside. I venture to bet that Rose had no idea she was speaking different languages.
  13. Looks like it's alphabet block game time again. Quite addictive to some people.
  14. You're veering into the field of syntax. Here the topic deals with what comes out of OP mouth. Which supposedly has gone through his thought processes and is now at the stage of being "vocalised."
  15. Please talk in the present tense, not to mention live in the present tense? Some of us are not used to self fantasy indulgence.
  16. and to get much needed new prescription glasses.
  17. Introducing: All the above + 34 convictions + (real) felon for life (not mention progressively advancing slurred speech pattern):
  18. Yesterday was "Biden" today "Hillary" I guess tomorrow we'll hear "Nixon"? Just to give a heads up, "Carter" has already been mentioned.
  19. Correction: this is actually a shot of JD Vance practising his run for Congress. From "Hillbilly Elegy" Netflix upcoming series, known in the trade as Netflix own "Buyers Remorse."
  20. It happened to me recently... IIRC what I did was cancelling the transfer and then tried again later. The next time the transfer proceeded as normal.
  21. No we've gone past that, right now it's "calculating your odds of winning" or like they say in the WH "measuring the carpets." (Unlike the other party, still stuck in "waiting for manna to rain on their rallies" mode. if you catch my drift.
  22. It was a ruinous miscast. Garland has never been a "go getter" or "go get um" kind of guy, though he could have been an effective SC justice. Too bad for him - and for us - he missed his chances.
  23. Brilliant, however more fitting for a MAGA cabinet, unfortunately will be set up near the spot where the Jan6 hanging gallow was installed, when the time comes. See you all there on next Inaugural Day. From high beyond the fences...Remember to bring the Rambo Trump flag, our favorite, make sure to add "Part II". That way we can see who's coming to the party, haha.
  24. Please be fair when you quote some one... Please specify who quoted what. That quote was NOT from me, originally it was fr @susanlea and I was confirming its originator! You can see the whole "chase scene" a few pages back!
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