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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. That sounds more like a cheap hose (have not seen in years but probably still available) of very thin steel (feels like tin can) over plastic that gets dark and easy to pull apart. Better quality hose does last much better but probably a bit more expensive.
  2. I take 2.5mg (1/2 pill) nebilet and takes my average home reading down to about 100/67 (which I can live with but does rule out sudden rush to door). With no meds home would still be below 120/80. But at hospital it normally is at least 150/90 and if more anxious can be higher (even taking the nebilet). Not fun as anxiety can cause more anxiety as nurse panics and doctors say they can not treat you if you have high blood pressure (which of course only serves to increase the anxiety). First covid shot was a nightmare but doctor did try to calm and next two they did not check BP.
  3. Not sure what you are using as have not had any rust issues with normal SS hose (which is actually plastic inside) or even the cheap plastic hose. Perhaps your house pipe is gal steel and rust from that clogs the spray head? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/zigma-home-shower-hose-stainless-shower-hose-spraying-line-stainless-steel-spray-i777504487-s12156345721.html?search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.6b6f14991fVtav
  4. I am sure many have - but in Thailand that CC may not be accepted, be charged more and have overseas fees charged. Very few expats have local credit cards. Then we had the issue of out of sight 1 minute and a clone made. Yes money may be returned in time but can cause real issues if depending on it and card is locked out.
  5. But that is not what its like in America. Suspect poster is talking SWIFT specific and he does not have a signed electronic payment on file. I have no trouble transferring online between banks or to Wise for transfer to here in Thailand.
  6. This may be new and they can take action so be good to advise them about it with a copy. I could not read on forum (too small) but if you send as PDF they should be able to read (advise them date/times as best you can and full header information). You may save someone else.
  7. Not against having a phone - but for my use it is phone calls or sms. I do not walk in a trance with my eyes on the phone as we see all too often these days. That said many people can control themselves in use in a responsible manner and it can provide a great deal of information and help. But to require people to have/use such computers for simple food payment just does not make sense.
  8. But many Thai do not have smart phones or the ability to own them and pay for data service or even charge them (as shown by the Covid apps issues). Cash is still in use and expect will be for the rest of my life and probably many others.
  9. "For the points"? Not because it is new tech - not because it is easy - not because it is better? As one whose work life moved from Morse code/radio teletype/crypto/computers/satellite/packet switching/internet and had no issues find it hard to consider myself a dullard because I do not make the choice to live for my phone. It should be a choice.
  10. You should be calling PayPal about it and providing them what you have. Starting to sound like a backdoor on PayPal software allowing access (perhaps only for limited time) and something that needs to be fixed. I closed my PayPal account some months ago when Thailand was getting locked out (which did not happen). Stopped using Ebay even earlier so had not need for them except for an occasional fax service.
  11. Suspect usual great reporting. Google translates from Thai as "Currently applying to be a professor at a famous university....".
  12. I read all 4 pages and know I am probably in the minority but not convinced I want to use something I can not see without it being too large to hold or pocket and take chance of theft due my error or 3rd party. Cash is cash and I am able to count, even in old age. Will stick with my Nokia basic phone, which I can hold in one hand, does not require recharge every hour and I can actually hear a phone call - and I don't have to submit to a body search to use. ????
  13. Do your old PayPal message from lines look like that? Mine looks like this: PayPal <[email protected]>
  14. 1. On second check of PayPal you typed in the address so got the real PayPal site? 2. On first check, from email link, you did not click any links on that page (to question the invoice - which would likely have started a scam dialog)? 3. For sure a scam not knowing and using your name. 4. It may have been one of the scammers from India active now - they claim to be employed by whatever firm and help to refund charge by payback to your bank account (while they have access to your computer) and overpay (false screen) and beg you to save their job as you must have typed amount wrong and then send you out to buy gift cards or if your bank indicates large balance maybe have you transfer direct (the 30,000 they inadvertently sent you in fake balance screen - but letting you keep a bit for all your trouble).
  15. Manila deals with a large number of people and expect most without issues but there seems to have been more issues during covid lockdowns than normal but PI is just about back to pre-covid now so expect things will be improving. Manila is the proper channel to use so if it were me I would give it a go.
  16. Do you know Bangkok (CW) requirement? Got impression everyone wanted statements with the new 800/400 requirements but have not tracked posts.
  17. You may know this but almost all Thai are cared for by family until death - very few use assisted living or nursing homes (so there number is very limited). As said above the cost of home care, even if provided by non family persons, is normally reasonable. I have not seen any recommendation of facilities in Pattaya so it may be a hunt and pick search but Google often can help or Google Maps and once found check them out as best you can. There may not be much choice.
  18. Actually not true in Thailand as most have very little chance of success in such attempts, or access to lawyers or the money that is often required - and just trying can be a death sentence. Not a good idea to make others lose face even if it means you take a loss.
  19. She did not pay the bank - she paid the owner from her bank account seems to be what is being said.
  20. Based on residence - not nationality. Residents pay local tax - out of state do not.
  21. This sounds very suspect (in that she was never going to be able to own house) but have no information on real value so hard to know. But 4400 per month is likely less than a normal rental rate so does not make sense that house would be owned by her in less than many decades (also no information on that). Another item is "contract" but no information on what that called for or how it was recorded. I suspect paying errors and taking over bank payments is beyond her ability - but appears it might save the house if it could be arranged and even more so if keeps owner from getting bad treatment from bank. There are all kinds of scams these days and really can not understand the very low monthly payment and 100k being able to buy a house over any period of time - but not sure owners default was part of a scam plan (but would not 100% rule it out - especially if bank contacts are not done in the bank).
  22. Can say we have used Pao for the last 30 years and wife is very sensitive to any smells and Silver Nano line has none for her or me.
  23. The worst kind of publicity stunt putting lives at risk to make a name on social media. Yes - more than a little upset with such garbage. Sorry but idiots are idiots - on video or not. ????
  24. And that would be relevant if a high percentage of population/tourists could read Thai perhaps. Here most tourist and Thai can read English. I would expect it to be in Thai/English/Chinese.
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