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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Lifehacker? But these are there own words (hopefully improved): And: And for inexperienced OP:
  2. It changes your entry visa or visa exempt entry just as a TM87 provides a visa entry. You then get the permitted to stay time such a visa entry allows and can extend your permitted to stay with a TM7.
  3. Actually only reporting what is on a Google search. Have no idea how good/bad/indifferent it may be. as have been using VLC for years. But I would advise getting known and installed players working/updated rather than downloading new stuff that may or may not be of any use to you. And when downloading make sure the source is reliable.
  4. Indeed - but private hospitals outside of major cities are often not where you would want to get even emergency treatment.
  5. The person ordering should be able to provide some kind of an answer I would suspect. If already removed might want to have a TV repair shop tech check it - might be something they could fix cheaply. Suspect total replacement will be the only option by dealers, unless it is an older model and one that might have been junked can be located.
  6. If VLC is running best to let it run - it is a known viewer and highly respected. The more you download and install the more issues you are likely to have. And finding legit downloads can also be tricky. This comes up with quick Google of Pot Player:
  7. You are aware that any doctor will speak English to some extent? Speaking some English in not an indication of foreign training. Those working at the average upcountry private hospital are often not of the same quality as those working at adjacent government hospital (for the simple reason the government doctor is fulfilling a commitment - the private doctor is unable to obtain employment elsewhere. (yes I know that is simplistic and often not true - but believe it is a factor to consider).
  8. You know your prescription so it just a case of getting lens/frames from optician? If you need testing best to visit a hospital ophthalmologist as there are very few optometrists (who can also test) in Thailand. Many here, once they know prescription, use mail order to buy from overseas at often a much lower cost.
  9. I was accepted for major surgery by leading Thai government hospital based on medical tests done at a major private hospital. I was referred by a former student however so that may have been a factor. In the end it did not work out (no ICU vacancy so no operation). But in any case public hospitals are always open to Thai on payment basis (which normally much cheaper than any private facility).
  10. It will not work - the number must be verified and only Thai citizen numbers are eligible. Many threads on this subject. https://aseannow.com/topic/1277414-paypal-no-longer-available-to-foreigners-in-thailand/
  11. That was the .14 but now on .17 version and just installed with no issues and working fine for first hour. But make sure you remove previous VLC installs as not sure new versions remove old (had 2 installs on my computer) - I removed before install (was using .16 version).
  12. And that is 3 versions ago. Current is 17
  13. This is the same thing - it was in the future then and unknown what requirements would be but to get ready.
  14. And you are using operating system ? ? On my current version Windows 10 have not had any issues. On second thought did have some files that it would not play a few weeks ago - but WMP would not play either.
  15. You care to explain how you send PayPal without a PayPal account? You can no longer have an account without Thai ID if Thailand is your address.
  16. Indeed should be a new thread - and seems will help immigration but maybe not so much for applicants (as they will still have to visit immigration to obtain stamp, prove identity). Seems a simple face or finger print scan and download receipt to place in passport, like for 90 day reporting, would have helped everyone. Just hope software is better than first generation 90 day reports.
  17. And I said nothing about not using if your SS hospital or if needed for financial reasons or treatments. And indeed there are a few government hospitals that charge extra (more than paying Thai) and have special channels for foreigners which are fine to use. Just be aware many are very busy.
  18. USB3 should be able to provide a very good image - make sure the USB/HDMI converter you buy is rated USB3 (most are). Choice of monitor may depend on placement of old unit (just behind might be good to save on room).
  19. Was not talking initial visit - but even then extra patient will delay others - but there are limited slots for procedures - which may delay operations for months at a time.
  20. 1. Use of government hospitals, when not required, takes away a slot that a Thai without other options may need. 2. Private hospitals often have government hospital doctors - allowing doctor time for a more detailed exam. 3. Government hospitals are often too busy - and they know it - and will recommend Thai that can afford other treatment to do so. 4. Waits in government hospitals can be excessive 5. Run around system can be a total nightmare to navigate, even with Thai speaker. 6. As for English in Thailand - English has been actively discouraged here for decades, as other countries welcomed it. Even having a store sign in English entailed extra costs. 7. As for promoting private hospitals - have never got that impression from poster - indeed she goes out of her way to warn against such thinking. And actively recommends government doctors/hospitals when indicated.
  21. If USB2 (which is likely is) that will be too slow to run normal HD video but for basic text operations will likely work (but all you would need is the cheapest TV set with HDMI input as anything better would not be used). USB3 is required for a good video output.
  22. Have been using delivery service from website and never had that happen - so they indeed seem to be able to price items in that format. How many times have I seen customers drop item and replace in wrong position at store, or knock price tag off and replace in wrong position - that may account for many such sticker shocks.
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