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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. I am in full agreement it is very strange - if not unbelievable.
  2. The only thing I can imagine is multi CT/pet scans (which are expensive even in government hospitals) and she not authorized to use that hospital under 30 baht plan. Normal government/top private difference is much more 2.x times in my experience (more than 10x at private hospital for me a few years ago).
  3. Must be hurting after 2 years of almost no customers and charging for normal welcome basket items. Is that a Thai doctor calling it baby aspirin? Must have had training in USA. Here they took completely off shelves when Reye's syndrome became the news and although still used in 100/125 size for blood thinning never given to children anymore. If you ask for baby aspirin at most pharmacies here they stare at you like you are a baby killer.
  4. Indeed pull down push up seems to be a hard concept for many of us (we just want to push up). ????
  5. Indeed makes trouble shooting easier but not sure that for most a change of operating system is justified - especially as most workers are not going to have a clue. As for light have flashlights within reach as power fails much more often than have RCBO trip. I am still using an original Safe-t-cut from 1978 but have several sub panels with own RCBO these days.
  6. Unless there is a specific reason (like some circuits not on RCBO) I would let sleeping dogs lie. That one RCBO should provide good protection if tested occasionally and set at 30ma or below. You start placing individual breakers and nobody is going to know how to fix, much less install. In western countries they are the standard - here one RCBO is the standard and with missing earths - very much needed.
  7. That appears to be a normal welcome kit - not items that would be itemized on any bill (included in cost for in patient treatment). A "baby asprin" in Thailand? Been there/done that/you never - ever refer to low dose aspirin as for baby here. Killer stares if you do.
  8. Do you have plenty of space in current refrigerator? Often there is a shortage here as need to keep more items in rather than allow high temps and vermin attacks so second refrigerator/freezer might be worthwhile. We keep three 18cf units full with an extended family (and several hotel size). Believe defrosting may be an issue to be considered with small freezers but have not owned here. As for buying in bulk at cheaper price - check that out as many things cost more here in larger size (makes no sense).
  9. That new strip outlets do allow up to four or more right angle in a row seems to negate that thinking however?
  10. Appears better as directly screwed down into terminals with flat plate to hold wire down. Have not used yet.
  11. The standard plug for Thailand is specific to Thailand and has 3 round pins. They have only recently become available for sale but have been used for several years on equipment sold here. And yes they have the rubber shell that is normally used in USA. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2369806542-s8019649935.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1
  12. This is not making sense as Bangkok Bank NY has no issues direct deposit transfers from government (what changed was ACH had to be international format starting in 2019). And at no time would any other bank be involved. The fee was never $30 or $50. Were you getting paid by government checks by chance? Was payment to Wells Fargo rather than Bangkok Bank account here? Suspect you may have had SS deposited to a US bank and then used ACH transfer to Bangkok Bank NY for onward credit to account here in Thailand. That would not work after the change in 2019 for international format of ACH. At any rate that is water under the bridge - you really need to know what is being deposited to who and how it is getting into your account - as you have used several conflicting paths to set this up (you are required to do via office in PI when living here from my understanding) things may have gotten garbled. But if you have paperwork would try to unscramble the government gobble de gook to get a better handle on it. Good luck. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/Transfer-money-from-US-to-Thailand-via-Bangkok-Bank-NewYork-branch
  13. Actually it easily translates into English on computer using Chrome and believe it actually has English option now - I just use right click/translate.
  14. Which branch is this? Have never been told any such thing from Bangkok and have never provided the same day.
  15. Know they have strange rules but that seems very strange as a statement is for a set period of time which only needs to cover the last 12 months of deposits and is normally more than 3 days old when provided as local branch just provides what they are sent from Hqs. The current bank balance is another letter from branch and indeed that is time sensitive, needing to be same day in Bangkok.
  16. She what to use a private or government hospital? She plan to pay for government hospital or want free treatment? Bangkok is the center for medical care in Thailand and Chula is one of the biggest and best of the government facilities and they have both normal and pay systems.
  17. Believe they still want at least 5 workdays to obtain.
  18. Indeed and the voltage is varied to what is needed. On new dryer systems this seems to be usable unlike in the past when drum speed was fixed and a wire coil was used to provide the heat. So at 79 have also learned something - but learned long ago wife wants no part of dryers and know that is most important thing to understand. ????
  19. It was a reasonably accurate estimate of the total cost in my experience at major private Bangkok hospitals. That it was a bit higher than actual bill I suspect reflects allowance for worst case. It is an estimate - not a set price.
  20. I always receive a quotation for procedures - and sign that paperwork to proceed. It is often a higher amount than actual bill but they seem to be very capable of providing an estimated cost.
  21. Suspect you would have to contact company making unit as there is no standard. Or a shophouse fixing units (who might be able to find in scrap somewhere). Spare parts is not a strong suit in Thailand. In meantime suspect you could cut some foam plastic to make do.
  22. That is eye pressure and in my experience done by the same staff that checks your blood pressure and weight at major hospitals in Bangkok. It does not require a doctor to operate.
  23. And you know this how? As said there is a serious shortage of optometrists in Thailand (this is a six year or more study and only recently has been available). This link makes reference to the severe shortage in 2018. https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CMMJ-MedCMJ/article/view/144499 https://news.iu.edu/stories/features/thailand/university-partnership-helped-establish-optometry-in-thailand.html
  24. Can you provide reference? I kind of doubt it.
  25. A fridge has a compressor like airconditioner so yes it should be cheaper to vary the speed but for direct heating element and a motor spinning a drum that I had on dryer not sure how it would help - but from another post they seem to have other types of dryers these days so not sure how they operate (mine was US export model bought back in 1978) and required a whole lot of amps to operate and had to be hard wired to electric box.
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