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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. MRI also use contrast if there is a need for it - such as cancer detection in my case.
  2. Move South - there is a reason to hug the equator. .
  3. They used to reuse it - food would appear wrapped in immigration forms and back sides of paperwork was used for new forms. That seems to have ended but well recall walls of Suanplu Immigration processing room piled high with paperwork of just those within the 45 day processing range so suspect a lot of room is reserved to store it still.
  4. I can not make reports online - total of one or two reports online ability since it started - so have to visit immigration or mail report. One mailed report receipt not received so had to visit anyhow. All this paper pushing for no change of address since 1992.
  5. Next due 31 Jan 2022. Last due date was 1 Nov 2021 for report processed on 2 August and was processed on 01 Nov, Was mailed on 13 October/received 14 October. Receipt received last week.
  6. Bakers dozen. ???? Post meaning likely that many large bumps in area.
  7. Suspect that is a key factor - outside of major cities many private hospitals do not deserve the name hospital from my understanding - and even in cities some are not much better.
  8. Very good point - I had this done at a government hospital by doctor (staff - not chief) and often have hospital provide what they call a Medical Report for operations and such (this is a multi page report of issues/treatment and such with timeline - not the Medical Certificate that is routinely issues for a visit which provides diagnosis type information). Normally medical report will take a day or two to compose but no issues getting.
  9. If you have to do it toilet can be removed in a few minutes and re-installed same day. Have had to do as have one that sits above septic tank so to pump tank out had to have removed. Worker had no issues doing - just have to chip cement seal from around bottom/clean/re-cement. You might be able to use water proof cement to seal the pipe hole without removing if you can stop flow long enough for it to set.
  10. Expect that is all they have available - clinics are rare in Thailand for anything but beauty work. Even if computer records they have to print out on A4 so can be a lot of paperwork in my experience. But many places still have paper files.
  11. The procedure is to visit home BBL location with both and they will make copies and fill out forms to sign. Maybe 20 minutes. And yes it needs to be done if you want to make over the counter transactions as expired passport is not valid. If same number expect no one would notice but when different they indeed do and believe will have to be done before new Passbook/ATM cards are issued.
  12. I know what happens because I have done the process at about 5 hospitals in Bangkok, including two government facilities. Been here awhile. ????
  13. Question was for Bangkok and my response was based on that. Says I am 130 days overstay (which means my last extension in June at CW for July 15 was not entered into 90 day database and doing 90 day reporting not updating that).
  14. If you use a hospital you are registered and records are kept and available but as said a power of attorney type statement would likely be required and a 3rd party to send them. And if a government facility what you get may not be what you need. At private hospitals you can indeed obtain full records/medical reports and such either free or at small copy charge.
  15. It does not appear to solve anything - my mail report was processed weeks ago but show overstay on app.
  16. Something like this is what you need - or you can make from various parts.
  17. Be sure to have flow control on the gun side if you have high water pressure in home.
  18. It is often much less of a project that it appears if you have a good worker fix - cutting cement wall and fix should not be much of an issue and if same tile not available a design type can be used if required. Make sure replacement is brass insert threads type.
  19. More often just called Teflon Tape. But as said cracked pipe is the leak so that also needs repair.
  20. You do not need a phone app was my meaning - the bulb itself can sense light and turn itself on and off as I posted above. As we age such matters do take priority.???? Obviously I am not of the smart phone zombieation.
  21. Any mall anchor should have a selection in furniture section. Been years but used to be top floor. Often also sellers on ground levels of malls selling major brands if talking matrass more than foundation.
  22. Today you can buy LED type tubes and bulbs, at very reasonable cost, with built in light detectors to turn on/off when dark/light so in most cases the old timers are not needed. Power loss also not an issue as works again when restored. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1115747?lang=th&gclid=CjwKCAiA1uKMBhAGEiwAxzvX97aKGhBTYQgndV4ZykLzzfPkw-pHcSrAhRh9WQFSP2HbtzHzJ6WUcxoC2lgQAvD_BwE
  23. Either EMS or Registered have proof of delivery available online than you can make a copy of.
  24. You have to send TM47, original receipt, copies of passport data/visa/extensions/arrival card (6 pieces of paper for me) and stamped return envelope. Once done they seem to be returning paperwork at Bangkok so next time same batch plus new TM47/envelope.
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