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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. It would appear any hospital could work directly for covid but would have to read policy for confirmation. Have never heard of Tune but not well read on subject.
  2. It is not an approved insurance partner of Bumrungrad (or any hospital) if you have to pay first for medical treatment and then hope to obtain later. Not sure if you have option to use any hospital for Covid treatment but seems they will make arrangement to pay directly for that.. In other words probably not what you want if you can not afford to pay upfront and intend to use the most expensive type facilities in Thailand for medical treatment.
  3. How much heat generating equipment are you using in that 'office' - obviously not cooling enough if set for 20c and still at 28c but are there multi computers or such? The model indicates a 12,000 btu unit which should cool most medium sized rooms fine. Do you have glass walls by chance? You said had 3 techs check but sounding like there is something wrong - lost cooling during install perhaps. Can you get a temp reading direct in front of the fan coil unit air stream into room? Not sure what it should be able to get indications with Google search. As you say old units were same size and worked fine it must be they screwed up as inverters do work fine also. Sorry can not be helpful to original request but portable units are mostly <deleted> and more trouble than they are worth. Believe need to resolve reasons current units are not cooling more.
  4. This is not to a Thai vender? Normally they can accept payment to a bank account. If not Thai Wise can not handle baht payments (only funds into Thailand) AFAIK and understand PayPal Thailand is currently having issues and may not even be working from recent posts.
  5. But in context we are probably only talking about a fraction of 1 percent of customers who have such issues so a bit understandable under todays standards of service.
  6. lopburi3

    New Laptop

    Would add common sense - if you don't need it - kind of hard to justify buying it - and very few need it.
  7. Sorry but they never made that guarantee from what I read - and said so up front - if possible they would use Bangkok Bank but under some conditions that would not be possible is how I remember it. But now account must be tagged rather than tag or reason for transfer keying use of Bangkok Bank.
  8. That said there are a lot of experts as this is a very common operation. One thing to be careful of is new equipment - make sure they have good experience using it as even the best can fail (as my sister found out in USA).
  9. How would hot air make you sick? Or is it actually not hot? Blowing straight out along the ceiling? It sucks from the ceiling and blows from the bottom so you must mean adjusted to highest level and your heads are under the AC? This time of the year you probably do not even need AC so suspect it is not cooling much - but without knowing actual temps and your expectations hard to judge. Is a Thai bus cool or cold for you? Is a shopping mall cool? If the vanes are turned to direct flow to sides it can block a lot of air flow and auto is almost always lowest fan which also limits airflow. I would set fan to 2 or 3 setting and see if that helps but maybe 1 when sleeping. And make sure removable filters are cleaned every couple of weeks.
  10. What settings do you use on remote control? Full auto at 20c but how is air flow directed? Are the vanes blowing straight out? Is the horizontal control swinging? The temp is above 20c in the room? How cold do you want your room? There is nothing wrong with inverter AC units - most in use today are indeed inverter. But have no knowledge of that brand here in Thailand home split systems. Do you have a model number people could check?
  11. A unit is 1,000 liters so you are paying more than 3 times the public cost of water for a house here in Bangkok (about 10 per unit for my bills of about 50 units a month for family of 8). Condo has to pump water to top so expect would always be expensive.
  12. AC make water so that is not a factor but any bill should have the number of units indicated. Are you using public water or is this a private well source water? Indeed it appears you are paying about twice or more than most people using public water source.
  13. As most have said best to have outside is my take. Also saves space inside. Wife may want inside for easy turn off but that should not be required but as extra safety have the new type low pressure controls with button to stop flow in case of cut hose.
  14. Cook outside like most Thai - Western kitchen should only be ovens, air fryers and microwave. Thai burner cooking is very high temp and often a mess and much easier to clean with a hose than paper towels.
  15. Too much activity here I guess and electrons got into the air - wife just said we need a new two burner stove so had to pause to order Rinnai RT-902sc. ????
  16. That 5 years is a UK recommendation (likely from a seller) - as you have never had tube fail, and changed to two section rubber several decades ago when sun was a factor. Plastic did not appear to hold up well to UV. The link seems to offer hose in various lengths.
  17. I would go with copper AC for that length - plastic/rubber tube needs replacement every five years or so as they do deteriorate and no real way to know until fails. Also the local rat might find something tasty on in and eat a hole. That said believe gas suppliers can cut to length as have about a 3 meter length feeding main cooking unit from large LPG tank. Although after thinking suspect may have ordered from Lazada or Shopee. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/burning-i2666988430-s9597348528.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.118.3c4e4cbdV6YGZe&search=1
  18. Great is all respects but battery - sucks from reports I have read and old phone is likely to have even more issues with battery not being in that good a condition - but if you can live with that it sounds like a good choice.
  19. Outside it is fine (actually still some danger) - just as a BBQ - but it should not be inside kitchen not only because of leakage but because that is the most likely start of fire location and you do not want LPG tank exploding.
  20. Normally adjacent and turned on/off as needed here in Thailand for normal items if open to air. If using in closed room, as it seems, you want outside and copper pipes are indeed available to plumb (did decades ago for gas water heaters and ac shop has). You never want to fill a room with gas. And to help be sure the regulator has shut off button like this.
  21. The others must have. ???? My bill for 8 using 45 cubic meters is under 500 baht per month.
  22. Our extended family of 8 average about 45 here in Bangkok so unless you using for farm irrigation indeed does appear very high. But perhaps covers usage before you arrived? The measurement is in cubic meters (1,000 liters) below invoice date on MWA receipts.
  23. At some you are unlikely to find much more than cosmetics. Believe most private hospitals have Northern Hemisphere flu vaccine available this time of the year but as said Southern is indicated in about April as rainy season starts. Expect with the lack of international travel/visitors Northern version may be limited currently. Hope you already have the shingles shot as most effective Shingrix not yet available here - but probably worthwhile getting Zostavax if you have not had.
  24. All you have to do is ask for a detailed receipt. They can and will provide. It is all on the computer. Just an extra step that most patients don't require.
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