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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Perhaps because they come off smarter than the user. Include myself in that equation. Which is why I have returned to a Nokia 3310 without data. Understand they can be useful for many people - but for selfies/social media? Expect artificial robots will soon be more social than humans if it continues.
  2. They smiled. That was the Thai Smile era - now is the Thai Gaze era.
  3. Normally a long permitted to say is accepted. And who could refuse a face like that.
  4. But Bangkok Bank is very strict on requirement for a reference letter (normally from your Embassy) last few years confirming your identity and outlining reason for opening any account in my experience.
  5. I went a decade not being able to do as arrival date too early for their data base - then had one success when they updated software - then back to rejects after passport renewal until they started the new web site and software: https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login - now seems to work. But for you seems officer did not like how you wrote address or some such thing so make sure to do as they want. I live in Latphao but had to write it Latphao, Latphao for one official (technically correct but normally understood as being Latphao area of Latphao if just write once).
  6. Sparks could have been metal on metal - just as you would have sparks if you hit a wire fence.
  7. That makes more sense as Baht rather than 28k Pounds or Dollars. Trying to limit speculation as Baht just went below 38/$ so expect many trying to take advantage of best exchange rate in years which may go down Monday with PM just being allowed to return to office?
  8. The old information was still correct (not a new extension/passport/address)? The country was selected from the list provided? I did mine last week and approved next day (but that was Bangkok).
  9. If ground floor would remind that tile just requires a wash after flooding - other materials - not so great.
  10. Actually there have been some such threads in the medical section. Perhaps a google search of forum/subject might being some up if you are adverse to reading that section. But in general nursing homes are not part of the landscape here so expect few have had any real experience. Home care by family or hired help is much more common. In what area of the country do you require?
  11. They seem to be on an established Central complex - Big Box stores have parking lots in my experience here - as stated this is designed for the have generation; not the bus/train travelers. ???? I gave up on Marko after several tries as they did not even have taxi service available - if you are not adding to the driving problems you seem unwelcome at many locations these days.
  12. Bad smells are normally from drains. Most here, if have any, use bell type trap and these become dry if you do not keep BR floor washed every day or two and will then allow smells to enter from gray water (which may be black septic tank in some cases). They can also become full of hair and prevent trap - remove top cover and clean - and make sure no cracks in the bell attacked to cover. Quick check is to cover drains with water filled bags and see if odor is reduced. Normally tank full will result to slow/incomplete flush. Most tanks only require pump out every 5-10 years (and could be even longer) but as said simple process if use government workers and not expensive. Beware if have to use private however as they tend to be cowboys.
  13. This is not a Costco from my reading - it is an independent start of a new chain by Central. They mentioned some brand items from Costco - not that is was a Costco. Costco has no operation in Thailand or Viet Nam per Weki.
  14. There is no more Tesco in Thailand. The name is Lotus's now. And 7/11 is also owned by same group.
  15. Suspect that is true - payment is for discount and free delivery. They started a 99 baht a month for unlimited free delivery here in Bangkok a few months ago from normal Tops stores (which I have found very useful and order several times a week for delivery in an hour or two). This when Lotus restricted MC delivery to local stores having no stock (at least on my one try 4 of the 6 items ordered, and listed as in stock, were not).
  16. Appears things have changed as there was no meet and greet and you had to find your own way up to 2nd floor to get to a large waiting room/reception. I was just going for CVFT as my hospital did not have a testing unit at the time (they now have) but had to go through the eye testing first. Sounds like it is a better experience now.
  17. Unless it has changed you went into an optical sales area on ground floor - but all medical activity is on second floor - but you have to pay bill on ground floor - once you see one person you are told to sit (and hope that someone will actually call or get you for next stage). Yes I would call it a very confusing experience the 5 or 6 times I used them. But worth the effort. It is not a Bumrungrad experience however.
  18. A 220km/h 4meter by 8 meter drone for rally surveillance? Think maybe a DJI Mini would do that fine.
  19. Actually it could if you consider illegal activities including hijacking. Drones are today. But then again isn't safety often the same as defense?
  20. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-signs-contract-buy-israeli-made-hermes-900-drones-2022-09-21/ July report says 7 aircraft. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2022/07/04/thailand-israel-hermes-drones/#:~:text=The Royal Thai Navy has,billion baht (%24112.2 million).
  21. Although other can be less expensive find this brand the best as are dry and do not stick together (much better for cereal).
  22. Good luck - my experience with shippers makes me avoid at any cost and as this is not something you can afford to let them keep would make me very anxious. My last shipment of a medical item was reported to me as being held for special customs clearance a week before it even arrived in Thailand (was bouncing in Europe due Covid) and when actually arrived would have cost me more than double price paid to have company take care of import if there were no issues (they wanted a packing list in Thai to even start). But suspect you will be fine - many people use such providers without issues. As for Maine being basic values - our camp was taken by government in late 60's by eminent domain laws to widen road (actually a turnout on road for tourists to view pond) at a fraction of our cost.
  23. Actually it is and direct pumping from mains is not allowed (not saying some do not still do it - but they are much fewer than previously). Holding tank filled by mains. Be sure it blocks all sun (not light blue tanks used for farms). Pump from tank. Choice of normal well type pump with built in tank that keeps pressure - or pumps that operate full time when water used. The idea that 4 psi is going to make people happy is nonsense in my mind and experience but it is a personal opinion - but you do not see many homes with water towers these days - most of us are used to about 40 psi I suspect and anything below about 20 psi is not likely to make us happy campers. Be aware pumps come with various noise levels so that is often a real concern in city. Grundfos is normally on the very quiet side.
  24. This is logical as retirement extension of stay by bank deposit is now dependent on keeping funds in account year round. Do not believe it would apply to other extensions of stay that do not have that 12 months requirement to keep funds in account.
  25. Was done about 30 years ago so may be different now - had to get paperwork from MEA and take to bank - once set up payment is automatically made on due date each month. Same system with Water and TOT/NT landline. Probably best to ask bank as maybe they can do with just a copy of bill/your agreement these days (but perhaps that is hoping for too much).
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