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Posts posted by Excel

  1. How long is a piece of string ? In my family my Mother and her sister were identical twins so although not a geneticist, I assume their genes and hence their bodies were almost identical too, in theory.  My Mother was proud of the fact that the only time she needed support from the National health service was by a visiting midwife when she gave birth to myself and my sister. Never visited a doctor in her lifetime, except that is when she was suddenly taken to hospital after collapsing and a few hours later passing away from a brain hemorrhage at the age of 71. So her lifetime cost for treatment by modern standards was minimal. Conversely, her twin Sister had health problems throughout middle age onwards with several hospital stays and minor ops. At 78 she had a triple heart by-pass at Addenbrokes and went on to live to 96 when she passed away.  I wouldn't like to guess if you had to put a cost to it how much here lifetime treatment would have cost.

    Whilst of course those twins I appreciate are not you and you are currently only 54, it is an example of how you cannot second guess what amount of money you may need for future treatment, it could be minimal or on the other hand a huge amount.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Do not need a template or an agreement.  Both parties go to the Amphur where they married, talk to the head guy, sign the back of the original marriage certificates indicating no items to change hands and sign another form, Takes about 30 minutes, well it did for me in Udon Thani, and I received a Certificate indicating divorced, and so did she.  If it is not mutual and contested and they both can not go to the local amphur, then it will need lawyers and a court date.  If he has a house with her that he built, it will need to be sold and the proceeds split 50/50 unless he is giving it to her.  If she does not want the house then he has one year to sell it and move....If it is a condo in his name, well then it is his and not hers.

    100% spot on TR

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    I beg to differ.

    First, because the bulk of Chinese tourists were in group tours organized by Chinese companies, with all flights by Chinese carriers and accomodation, food, sightseeing payed in advance and the money never leaving China.


    Second, because in general "as many as possible" is a recipe for suicide. For a given infrastructure level and balancing with the impact on natural resources, every country should have a maximum number above which tourism starts to choke on itself. In Thailand, the 40M numbers pre-covid were madness.


    I do agree that Thailand needs Chinese tourists, especially independent travellers, I just hope with some moderation and long-term view.

    Its nice for people to have a differing opinion as that after all is what a forum is about. I much appreciate your counter post and how pleasant  it was for somebody to reply without a hint of bickering or intent on Trolling that some others on here are renowned for. and must say what you have put forward has much merit for which I thank you.

  4. 1 minute ago, Henryford said:

    If you get cancer later in life you are finished anyway. Throwing millions at it won't help, just accept the fact and plan accordingly.  I worked in the NHS and even there friends of mine who got cancer were dead within a year.

    My Father lasted 3 months so no amount of wasted money on private health insurance would have benefitted him. The only ones to benefit are the insurance companies and the brokers, the latter I suspect are amongst this forum's members judging by some of the comments.

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