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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. Lets not get into the legality of whether the charges against Thaksin were just or not after all he's done bugger all goal time as of now Lets discuss whether it is justifiable/legal to have a convicted criminal as a political advisor (and MP as well but that creatures a whole different subject) whereas it is not justifiable/legal to have a bloke who inherited shares from a defunct company in parliament even though he has never been convicted of anything and 14 million people backed him Seems the corruption is just jumping out and butting you in the face in its intensity surely nobody is so blind they can't see what's happening I hope the world is watching this pantomime unfold as they are looking more and more dodgy by the minute, how can any potential partner take anything they say as truth as clearly the law is a joke. How can a potential business partner take any contract seriously? What does Singapore call the country? Lieland, that's it, Lieland seems apt...
  2. So do I Doesn't excuse his hypocritical behaviour, the man who stated was against the junta now in bed with the junta He had the chance to be a force for good, a force for change but his selfish actions were his priority I had been lulled into a false sense of security with Thaksin, i believed he was a man of principle who given the chance would put his country back on track I was wrong I had forgotten he is first and foremost a hi-so Thai, a part of the old establishment, an ex RTP senior officer I had forgotten the Thai me first state of mind, his actions have amply reminded me that the vast majority of hi-so Thai's cannot be trusted to do the right thing Thaksin is just another old hypocrite whose action has betrayed his people and have tarnished himself and his party, and for what, selfishness that's what!
  3. Wasn't he an RTP Colonel????
  4. Can't beat a good old lump of nepotism in Thai politics followed up by a corruption chaser and a dash of dishonesty, Thai politics 101....
  5. Succinctly put, bang on!!!
  6. No sheet Sherlock!! The whole charade is an insult to the country's intelligence!!
  7. More quality Thai politicians!! PTT are a disgrace in fact all the incumbents of government house appear to be corrupt to the max!! So drug dealers people who have dealings with Mugabe in Zimbabwe and people covering for a cop killer, quality leaders and role models eh!!!!
  8. It seems this present batch of leaches and ne'er-do-well's in government house are a special lot even by Thai hi-so standards In a country racked by rampant corruption and criminal going's on they do seem to be very well placed to deal with corruption and criminality seeing as most of them seem to be as bent as a nine bob note!! It's all going to aid MF as it seems the power's that be can't even be arsed to camouflage the fact loads are far, far from honest, what with drug dealers and people sanctioned by the US wonder what will be next...
  9. Let the game's begin! Anything MF do that annoys or disrupts PTT and the other lying leaches is fine and dandy by me if they can shine a light on the lies and hypocrisy so much the better Love the squirming when MF starts playing by the same sneaky underhand behaviour that they have been subjected to by the other parties and the establishment...
  10. New government same as the old government! 14 million voted for change and this is what they get, laughable if it wasn't so predictable and depressing....
  11. I agree with everything you say, but, always a but, Thaksin has put himself and his needs above doing the right thing for the country He had the chance to do the right thing and chose to put his own needs above that. He could have been a power for change but chose not to He has said one thing to his supporters for year's and stated he would never get in bed with the Junta then done exactly that I have always been anti junta but by Thaksin's action's I have had to face the fact that every Thai in any position of responsibility is first and foremost self serving and corrupt That's why the action's of Pita and his party are so rare and commendable and that's exactly why the actions of Thaksin and co are so reprehensible
  12. Slightly off topic but agreed in the main however you still need to remind most American's what an 'amendment' means as some seem to believe that mean's that it's set in stone from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/amendment 'amendment, in government and law, an addition or alteration made to a constitution, statute, or legislative bill or resolution. Amendments can be made to existing constitutions and statutes and are also commonly made to bills in the course of their passage through a legislature' I reckon Thailand needs a few 'amendment's' in order to right the wrong's of junta anti democratic policies, unfortunately that would need a none corrupt and functioning judiciary which in Thailand is rarer than rocking horse faeces....
  13. Why we listening to a mouth piece of the most corrupt gang in Thailand? Nothing they say can be trusted, they are undeniably rotten root and branch All their spokesmen and leaders have come up the same way, for the hard of thinking that's through abject nepotism and absolute corruption They are beyond the pale, they are beyond redemption, the only thing that can change any of it is a full reset The hard reset requires the people to demand it and fight for it, unfortunately I won't be holding my breath but I can guarantee there will be something similar wrt RTP in the next week or so....
  14. A man of honour and integrity, a rare politician anywhere but absolutely unicorn like in their rarity in LoS! He has made the right call again and shown yet again he is a man of principle unlike all the other specimen's in the ruling parties!! He would have been a breath of fresh air, an innovator, a man able to reset the wrongs that are so entrenched in Thailand Who knows maybe he will have his day after all public enemy number one for the last decades back in bed with the junta in the hospital so never say never....
  15. That Sir is spot on, could you please pass this on to the PM as clearly he is not the brightest if this policy is anything to go by...
  16. Because overwhelmingly they are a bit dim but many are as thick as two short planks, that's what you get when promotion is paid for rather than earned or merit based! They are incapable of critical thinking and due to their vanity and need to have their five minutes of fame they are willing to say the most stupid of things, they simply cannot stfu!!! The whole charade is an insult to anybody with one iota of intelligence, must be terrible to be an intelligent or worldly wise Thai person I can only imagine how ashamed they must be by their so-called leaders and compatriots Before the Thaksin support crew start bunching their panties I couldn't give a monkey's one way or the other for him, I care not if he is innocent or guilty of the trumped up charges his action's have shown his true character and it ain't pretty I do care about is the way he's betrayed his supporters and shown such mind-bending hypocrisy for nothing but his own benefit, essentially he has stabbed his supporters in the back and one can only hope for karma to come back and bite his wrinkly old ass!!
  17. Wouldn't falling short imply they had actually done something? As far as I can see the Generals have pretty much told them what they are going to do and not so much the other way round I think PTT has sold their soul to the devil in order to get Thaksin home and a turn at the trough, I really hope the people remember all these lies and betrayal....
  18. What's the phrase, I think the one that best describes this announcement is 'more piss and wind' I doubt the local 'influential' people are quaking in their boots....
  19. I thought the whole role of government is to implement changes? I didn't realise they had to 'negotiate' with the business sector, wonder if this negotiation involves brown envelopes...
  20. Hatred for Thaksin has nothing to do with it, but hatred for the blatant double standards being exhibited by the establishment and the utter contempt they hold their people in yeah I really hate that! One rule for the rich and connected and zero justice for anybody else, true double standards and true hypocrisy, no honour and no shame...
  21. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! There are no respected military men amongst the powers that be in Thailand, there are many corrupt, nepotic, nitwits who are subject matter experts at self enrichment and betraying their countrymen, yep a whole shedload of them....
  22. Good drills! looks like they are holding PTT's feet to the fire and calling out the lies I hope they are comfortable being uncomfortable because I foresee plenty more of this but that's what you get when you betray your country and people...
  23. You are absolutely right but the truth is that freedom is not free, there is a cost that has to be paid, if not today then tomorrow If you are not willing or able to pay the price then you must accept that nothing will change The powers that be will never, ever leave the trough of their own violation, they need to be removed and if there are no legal avenues then another way must be brought and indeed paid for, generally that involves blood and pain...
  24. This was a link in the Op makes some interesting reading and explains a thing or two: New Cabinet shines light on the dark side of Thai politics | Thai PBS World : The latest Thai news in English, News Headlines, World News and News Broadcasts in both Thai and English. We bring Thailand to the world
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