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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. Without the carpets where will they brush the accusations and skeletons?
  2. By the way the 2 hour out out and 1 hour 40 in on the SAS flight was basic at best but was on time with a swift transfer, the Thai flight 11/12 hour was a bit <deleted> at best but on time and the baggage turned up where it was meant to SAS website and online booking much slicker and easier then the Thai offering, just for clarity and to keep the pedants happier, notice I didn't say happy....
  3. Pedantic it is then! for the hard of thinking: What Is a Codeshare Flight? Essentially, a codeshare flight is an agreement between airlines to sell seats on each other’s flights. This gives the appearance of airlines flying to more destinations. By doing so, the airlines typically share the revenue on that ticket. Say you want to visit the incredible city of Istanbul, Turkey. If you search for flights to Istanbul, you’ll find plenty of flight options on American, Delta and United’s websites. If you look closely, you’ll see the top results will usually have flight numbers matching the airline you’re searching on. For example, say you search for flights from New York City (JFK) to Istanbul (IST) on American Airlines’ website. The first result listed is a one-stop flight through London Heathrow (LHR). Both of the flights have American Airlines flight numbers, but neither are operated by American Airlines. Instead, you’ll find in small print that both flights are operated by British Airways: Similarly, if you search the same route from New York City to Istanbul on Delta’s website, you’ll also see flights with Delta flight numbers. But again, Delta doesn’t operate these flights. In this case, Delta is selling codeshare flights on KLM-operated flights with a stop in Amsterdam (AMS).
  4. No they code share! No idea if you're slow on the uptake or just plain pedantic but if you Google Manchester to Bangkok that will pop up The topic is about Thai airways and as the 11/12 hour part of said flight they are the the main contributing airline, they are also in my humble opinion a bit crap or they were on this occasion...
  5. No to Manchester airport Yes via Stockholm and Copenhagen
  6. No they code share, Thai and SAS work together so that they can offer BKK/MAN flights it's really not that difficult....
  7. There to kiss the emperors ring, probably in more ways than one...
  8. Well if there's one man who knows all about getting around law's he's your man! A true subject matter expert, I am sure he can get around the IUU fishing regulation after all as a convicted international heroin smuggler he managed to land a cabinet position, he must be very bright and persuasive, pity he got caught really! A truly shameless travesty that this creature should be in any position of responsibility but hey TiT...
  9. I 100% agree but unfortunately freedom isn't free, there is a price for it that must be paid and if a legal path is not available through rampant corruption then another method must be found If you are unable/unwilling to find a way then you must accept that the establishment will continue to bugger the populace as without major change that will continue just as night follow's day....
  10. Aaah the troll is still here, have read all the topic and not one point of his worth reading... We have a nice descriptive word for him begins in w and end's in r!
  11. Good drills! Play them at their own game.....
  12. I think of something I was told year's ago "Do not to argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience" I think it is apt on your case Ttfn petal!
  13. Bloody hell mate you got sand in your vagina or something....
  14. Mate he's an apologist troll who really ain't that bright, wouldn't waste your time!
  15. I bet you have and I bet you did! Obviously we have very different standards....
  16. Sorry I quoted wrong reply but they do! they code share with SAS so 2 hour to Copenhagen then 11 to BKK they also do the same through Sweden as well but can't remember the name of the airport Edit looked it up it's ARN in Stockholm just thought of a positive that turned out not to be, the transfer time for both airports was about 40 minutes, sounds good but was horrible off one flight and rush to queue up for the next then onto a 11/12 hour flight
  17. Couldn't agree more they beat them on every level but you live and learn....
  18. No I wouldn't, if I had the power he has I would not squander the future of my country for myself especially if I was a billionaire with many, many options I would have told the lackeys to play the game and not bow down to the junta. The only thing Thaksin has achieved is the death of his party and the betrayal of his followers all for his own self serving end's As stated many times he is an hypocrite he has spent years saying one thing and preaching to his followers to do certain things then betrayed it all for his own end's by doing exactly what he had been telling them not to do I don't care if he was innocent of the trumped up charges or not what matters is that he had the chance to do the right thing and he squandered it all for his own arrogant self...
  19. No whether he is guilty or innocent he has put himself above his country and his supporters for his own ends, takes a special kind of arrogance to do that The man leading the party saying we will never get into bed with the junta jumps right in there for his own comfort, yep that's special It's absolute hypocrisy of the highest order, have you google'd it yet...
  20. Like I said I could explain it for you but... Have you not worked it out yet I care nothing one way or the other for Thaksin what I do care about is the Thai establishment pissing down the back of everyone's legs then telling em it's raining, think you better google hypocrisy...
  21. I could explain it to you but unfortunately I cannot understand it for you...
  22. Your right it affects me personally about zero but it's still hypocrisy of the highest level and I will call it out where I see it online and in life! Maybe you struggle to recognise right from wrong, maybe you just don't care, maybe you think anything that makes your life easier is alright no matter the cost, maybe you don't have a set of morals you live to...
  23. Cos unlike you I can see the absolute hypocrisy of what is going on You appear to be an apologist who defends the indefensible, there's apt descriptions for the likes of you but they are mainly quite rude so I will hold off...
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