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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 1 hour ago, teacherclaire said:

    In relation to students’ complaint about being forced to cut their hair short, the ministry said it is considering this regulation but is holding off on any immediate changes.


    While some of these "teachers' continue to cut students' hair off in a way that it's considered Mayhem. 

    Claire as we know doing that anywhere else in the world is assault and they certainly wouldn't be teaching again....

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Pottinger said:

    It's about time a leading Thai virologist came right out and said this. These people sneaking back into the country, paying only a few hundred thousand Baht to be repatriated, should be flogged and forced to stay at least two months in a windowless cell, with rice gruel three times a day (no egg) and definitely no WiFi from now on. Oh, and wear a face shield as well as a mask while asleep too.  

    Harsh but fair but not sure 2 months is long enough lets make it 6 just to be sure....plus tagging lets tag the blighters...

    • Like 1
  3. That's an absolutely cracking photo of Pinocchio 


    'The Prime Minister’s warning coincides with increased anti-government sentiment among students, which has spread like wildfire across the country and into many educational institutions, including high schools'


    What a nice man to show such concern that must be why the little green men are there in order to keep a check on their welfare...


    *sarcasm alert for the hard of thinking*

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  4. 1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

    This is right, but what is the alternative?


    Given the geopolitical situation in Thailand, the Thaksin reds are sure to win all the general elections, and then set up governments including highly respected characters such as Chalerm and sons, among others.


    Then they embark in Duterte like policies, including the lawless killings of thousands under the pretense of a war on drugs (remember the early 00s?), or similar.


    And by the way, Thaksin and his merrymen were not expats friendly...


    There was (is?) a state of emergency, but then what?


    Conditions, and freedoms, under this state of emergency were still far better than those imposed on the French, Italians or Spaniards, by their very democratic leaders...

    There is always an alternative but the main issue is the never ending cycle of coups and interference by the hi so's who control the Army, BiB, judiciary and all the other important institutions


    The Thai's chose Toxin repeatedly their country their choice, the last joke of an election with it's predetermined winner insult's even the dimmest of observers 


    I have said it before and nothing has changed my opinion there needs to be a reboot and that will take blood, that's the only way there will be any meaningful change, wonder if they have the stomach for it 


    Once that's done the Army needs to be decimated and their leaders jailed or hung and then the Thai's need to make some hard decisions, whether that is Expat friendly or not is by the by...



  5. 2 minutes ago, Guderian said:

    People confuse a second wave with localised spikes and resurgence of the original "wave" of infection. There is no proof at all that a "real" second wave of infection will happen, but people are terrified of the prospect because of the dreadful consequences it had during the Spanish flu. Little is known about what caused that second wave and why it was so much deadlier than the first, but there's no reason that it's bound to happen with SARS-COV-2. This guy doesn't think it will, and he knows his stuff:




    Good to know


    I think covid is here to stay unless a vaccine is forthcoming very quickly, unless the junta is willing and able to completely lockdown the country for the long term and enforce it, essentially financial suicide then this is coming


    I am completely unconvinced with the figures quoted for LoS but for some reason they appear to have got off lightly for whatever reason. If there are multiple strains then that may be part of the reason who knows...


    Cannot imagine how it can be controlled other than complete isolation, anybody know how N Korea is getting on....

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