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Everything posted by LittleBear57

  1. Looking at a video of the place there's a few places that are very poorly fenced off, somewhere you have to be very careful.
  2. Hoping to drive that way myself in December so will monitor your post. Been south from Mae Sot to "Thi lo su" waterfall that's quite a trek. Mae Ka Sa waterfall looks interesting just a short drive north of Mae Sot.
  3. Living close to it and travelling past it many days certainly bring home this unnecessary loss. Yes I too think there may be more to deaths to come. Lets hope some good will come from it, in improvement to fire safety. Though from past history it seems people soon forget and revert back to cheap construction , locked fire exits, overcrowding and poor policing.
  4. Vietnam is more diverse in both climate and geography. It has high mountains which are cool and wet, beach resorts , historic towns and Halong bay. Cambodia has Angkor and nice beach resorts too. For scenery and climate options Vietnam wins hands down , both are relatively cheap. Cambodia is nearer and therefore easier to get to, don't even have to fly. If it was me I would go Vietnam more places to visit, and cooler weather in the north.
  5. It's a list of S.E Asian cities. Not China or India.
  6. He needs to get the right coaching and this is expensive. Will it be available in Thailand, I doubt it. Also will he have the dedication required to keep the training up. I certainly didn't.
  7. The excuse will be transportation costs.
  8. Ah! The game played by the working class for the working class. I remember paying 2 bob to stand on the Kop. I don't bother much these days.
  9. Only have to look over the borders Myanmar and Cambodia to a lesser degree. He should go however but as been said he like Putin will change the rules to hang on to power. And of course the Army will always back him up.
  10. I meant Koh Samet has no elephants.
  11. Whilst I love Koh Chang now is not the time to visit. Trat is one of the wettest provinces in Thailand and Koh Chang has high enough mountains to hold the clouds and make the rain last longer. I would suggest waiting until November or going to Koh Samet which gets much less rainfall. The island is low lying and storms blow through quite quickly. It's not the same but has good snorkelling and kayaks I'm sure can be rented. No elephants though.
  12. When I last returned to UK (pre pandemic) I shopped around found the Arab airlines were charging way too much and prices were different at different times and days. BA gave the same price for every flight and it was competitive. Only issue was I had to fly to Heathrow. Anyway I hope they will return soon to Bangkok to help keep pricing competitive.
  13. The beaches are both lovely, went to koh Lippe earlier this year whilst it was still relatively quiet and that beach was very quiet and relaxing. It would definitely make my Thai top 10 along with Maya Bay which I would rate higher if they were both pretty empty. No mention of my favourite Railay or any of the amazing island beaches around Krabi. Each to their own.
  14. Had a similar thing about a year ago. Missus got a couple of kilo's of rambutan and they were priced as beef. Huge difference which we picked up straight away and now I check the description of everything weighed. Also got potatoes priced up as oranges too.
  15. Sorry don't have anything but there are properties for rent on most estates for the condos too they will be let by individuals. I recommend popping down and taking a good look around. East of Sukhumvit has most of the estates and rental houses, west of Sukhumvit and around the village has the condos. Not planning on visiting the village as driving is difficult at the moment. Broken thumb.
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