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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Aircon day and night, 24c. Air filter/humidifier in the bedroom, uses over 2 liter a night.
  2. I am always struck by the lack of foresight. It is a near certainty that, before the end of the year, there will be another outbreak, possibly B5, in Europe and US. The Thais should ensure that they prepared to respond without getting into yet another panic and unduly shut down everything. Is it so difficult to understand that, just like the seasonal Flu, there will be yearly outbreak, with some [a lot] worse than others.
  3. That's a robust piece of kwaidung. Most things that make life worth living cost more than back home.
  4. Use to go to Savoy, right at the corner with Bangla. Took out my wife there a few days after we met. Think it was a first for her in a decent restaurant, and to have a good Cabernet Sauvignon with her seafood. 13 years ago...
  5. I use the bus stop on Sukhumvit, just in front of a hotel called "Ruamchitt". There must be some big office nearby, as they are many girls waiting there in the evening. They seem to be working quite late though.
  6. My late Mum in law used to say that some girls know they are pregnant before the their partner has zipped up his fly. Your ex GF is obviously even more crafty, she know the gender of the egg before its first division.
  7. To beat the inflation I had decided to replace my 7 years old Honda CRV. Good plan: replace the car before it needs major maintenance, so far it got only one new set of Michelins, get fresh airbags, and beat the anticipated price rise(s), which could reach easily half a million within a year. Unfortunately the snag is that Honda, as we have been told by our dealer, have topped making the current model and are concentrating their resources on the 2023 one. Which is a real bummer because I wanted a 2WD with 2.4L and CVT 7 speeds, a perfect combo. While the new one will be likely to be AWD only with one of those stupid, fanciful hybrid power sets. My wife is now calling dealers around Bangkok and Chonburi, but they have only AWD models and/or some of these totally impractical 7 seaters. Last thing: same story at Mazda, had a look at CX5, nice car but too small in the back, and no cars to sell anyhow. Reminiscent of the stories of pre-Nazi Germany my Mum was telling us, where people couldn't buy a suit to get married. And shortly afterwards needed a wheelbarrow full of banknotes to buy a loaf of bread.
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