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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Reminiscent of 1989, it was then after 40 years of smothering. I had 3 missions with intervals of 3 months. Businesses popping up everywhere, HCMC in November 89 wasn't at all like HCMCH of March 89. This is Vietnam.
  2. Dual pricing is there and it won't go. So we take it, of chose to visit and/or stay in more welcoming countries. Xenophobia is a way of life here, be aware when you plan your holiday.
  3. I like this comment as an eye opener. The Thais display a great sense of responsibility, contrasting with ...
  4. Who could say so? But on the other hand I could have done better.
  5. Most of my career I enjoyed terrific working conditions and remunerations packages, and I am still benefitting from it. But I did it all by myself by accepted jobs, while I was studying, that no one from your generation would accept. My "macro level observation, and nobody should take it personally" is that your generation is slow to get off their butts, and then blame the current context for it.
  6. That's wise, Thailand will be under lock down within a couple of months, and some people here will be under travel restrictions from their home countries even sooner. BA.4 and BA.5 a going like wildfire.
  7. Went to the IO early this morning, and the lady at the reception told us that indeed the "system" wasn't fully operational in Buriram as well as some other provinces. It seems they are "working on it". This might be only a weak excuse as some people can get it to work, they are probably just to "tired" to analyse their data to pinpoint the issues.
  8. Seems complicated. I just turn on the air conditioner.
  9. I don't think nerve-sparing is a concern for any TURP, even simple prostatectomy (enucleation) doesn't cause ED in most cases. The nerves-sparing technique is relevant to the radical prostatectomy which is a prostate cancer treatment. ED resulting from BPH treatment in most cases just an acceleration of the sexual deterioration occurring in every ageing man. Anxiety will play an important role too; we must understand that at 70 we are not the studs we were in our twenties, and just be happy when we can have satisfying sex two or three times a week, instead of two or three a day. For @swissie I'd strongly recommend to look at Prostate Artery Embolisation, which treat BPH somewhat less effectively than other treatment, but fully preserves erections and sometimes improves them.
  10. I could understand [hardly though] someone from Europe considering Thailand as a winter destination, but during summer?? OMG!
  11. That might be the key, some of us manage the see what can be beyond those legs, Also, we produced to adorable little girls, becoming a family helps.
  12. Reading your post I can see clearly how "ASEAN NOW is a far superior Forum than the Bangkok Post's (BP)".
  13. Yep, and @scubascuba3phone may go into low battery mode, hence apparent limitations on data.
  14. Sorry to ask, but have you tried to use these apps on your phone, just to prove that the issue stems from tethering?
  15. Why would you do that there is Amari Don Muang Airport Hotel there. You can walk to the reception in 4 minutes.
  16. You see, the "Absolutely Zero" was most probably the problem in your relationship, it showed that you were unwilling to make any effort to adjust to local traditions, Neither my wife nor I were keen on a village marriage, so we decided not to have one, but I paid 800K to the ILs so they could build a decent house (SIL contributed too). 800k wasn't much for me in those years, a bit over a month of salary. Now we have agreed that if I am still alive on March 19, 2029, our 20th boom boom anniversary (we met on March 16 ????) we'll have some village celebration). She's great fun, isn't she?
  17. Confirms what I've always thought: most guys here can't afford a proper Thai lady. I can understand the underlying as they came here believing things would be easier then back home, only to discover that here life is.. just life.
  18. Over a certain bulk they should require people to buy two seats. Don't forget that take off weight is the main parameter to calculate flight fuel consumption. To be fair it may be that the fare for the second seat may be less than full fare.
  19. For me the "long time" so far has lasted 13 years, and still going.
  20. IMHO there should be something about Vlogging under the computer crimes act. It is an obvious invasion of privacy. I can understand the bar owner, drunk or not. And in this case the entitled appendage is the chap who thinks he has the right to make money by exposing the private lives of other people.
  21. Dunno, but in places like BTS, aeroplanes, etc.. It wouldn't hurt to keep them, no?
  22. Well, if you have a Gallic passport as I have, I'd agree. The section of the embassy that passport matters has a broomstick up its rear side. For instance they force you to pick up new passports at their offices, while the Australians will EMS them to your home, for a fee. And that's just one thing...
  23. See with your embassy if they can issue something like and emergency "laissez-passer", some do. But that would only allow you to return to the country of origin of your passport. You could then reenter Thailand under your other passport and void any Thai visa you had running, unless you exit and reenter one more time.
  24. Sound like a strain that would be as potent as Delta and even more contagious than the original Omicron. So super lockdown soon. Glad I have splashed out a bit during the past 6 months, as the future looks grim, obviously.
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