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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Makes me laugh at the prospect of the new 10 years retirement visa that was announced for September (80000 USD yearly income + health insurance). I got both, 100% legit, but I am sure that providing proof will be a total nightmare. I'll probably stick to marriage extensions which require a bit of work but remain "predictable". The only hope about this "new visa" would be that the credentials would be checked by BOI, which would issue a letter of qualification for the IO. But would, would, would...
  2. Good question, IMHO ageism is the only "ism" that remains socially acceptable, these days. Sometimes it is bordering plain sheer hatred; and somehow it never gets censored. This thread is amazing, an accident happened, caused by the company that let their wires dangle in the path of traffic, and now the victim gets blamed because he is "boomer". Seems that some people are jealous of the good life we boomers can enjoy here.
  3. Indeed, "first, do no harm". Any such operation should be subject to some court decision, irrespective of age.
  4. My understanding was that Thai boxing camps were places where foreigners paid to spar with apes.
  5. I fill in Surname, First name and Middle name. The TM47 print out shows them as First, Middle, Surname, while the last Receipt of notification shows Surname, First, Middle. Also @Mutt Daeng hasn't travelled much, while I have been in half a dozen of places that have probably submitted a TM30. I am gonna ask the Mrs to revive her TM30 online account.
  6. May I ask if you do a lot of domestic travel? Stay at hotels where foreign tourists would stay?
  7. Thailand pass to be back no later than August. All entertainment venues will be closed for another year. Domestic travel will require quarantine, etc...
  8. Has any one been able to get an online 90 days report accepted by the Buriram office since the new system has been deployed? The first one I did got rejected two or three weeks after my application, well after I eventually reported in person. The second one seems to be going the same way. Looks as if no one picked them up and the system flags them as rejected after a given period of time. May be BRR IO wants people to come to their brand new office, which looks a bit empty at times. A real shame as the old system was perfect in that reports were approved within seconds.
  9. Feel free to Google "Groenewegen Fabio Jakobsen". Obviously most guys here "know nothing" about cycling.
  10. Welcome to Thailand, where the only criminals are tourists.
  11. Sounds too good to be true, my UN pension alone would qualify me, and I could apply a IO? ????????????????
  12. I am currently watching "Narcos" and keep thinking that Thailand is much closer to the Mexico and isn't even close to most of the European countries. Here you have a reasonable assessment.
  13. Sounds like gutter press science "A new study shows ". Please quote sources explicitly, even on Aseannow this wouldn't be allowed. I had doctors asking me to stand on one leg, but with my eyes closed. I think it had something to do with inner ear. I Reckon that almost anyone can stand on one leg for ten seconds, so if not one has a serious problem. But we knew that, didn't we.
  14. Stray dogs are a much greater threat than Covid, and yet nothing is being done about it. While it would be so easy.
  15. My (Thai) wife enjoys kissing, she gives (not so great) BJs, and is quite shy she when it comes to me giving her oral sex. So I don't get much of the latter as a reluctant partner is a bit of a turn off. She is a lot more penetration driven than most of the western (non P4P) partners I've had. Which is a bit of a worry as I have no idea how I would get her satisfied if I couldn't get it up anymore. And I am turning 70 early next year. Maybe back to school?
  16. Limit and/or delay wage [pensions, benefits, etc.] rises.
  17. Bitcoin is something that happened before, and will happen gain...
  18. Yep, when I was on assignment there in 1981, the currency was the Colón, it was pegged to the Dollar at a rate of 2 Colóns for one Dollar, which was also legal tender. Now the Colón got buggered and is worth about a tenth of a Buck. So let's not analyse this to death, but the Bitcoin is a..holed too..
  19. I don't know much but I was educated to believe that a currency should reflect the strength of the economy of its country of origin. Speculation may create distortions, but these will correct themselves over time. Now, Bitcoin represents the strength of nothing and to me it seems that its value it set entirely by speculation, so we should see its value evaporate in due course, when the time is right, at the appropriate juncture.
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