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Posts posted by AndrewMciver

  1. 18 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

    Bali is apparently open for tourists from 11 September so let's hope it works to give confidence for Thailand to open up.


    ...at least let us condo owners in ????


    Indonesia has not controlled the virus, and at the stage it is now, they will be unable to surpress it. So like Europe they are keeping the numbers small enough and controlled not to over burden the health care system. In this scenario allowing in a controlled number of tourists will make little difference. 


    I doubt very much there would be massive numbers holidaying in Bali. 

    • Like 2
  2. 14 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    This is just for London , other places in the UK  and its still rising and out of control and lockdowns keep getting put in place

     Not even proper lockdowns. Few shops closed in one area, but you can travel 10 minutes in the other direction to another town centre. 




    I was at the airport today, saw passengers arrive from the USA, and even INDIA !!! All told to do a quarantine - which by all accounts is barely being checked at all. 


    You elect idiots like Boris, Trump, The Brazilian nut, and you get these horrendous results. 

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    And now you understand why they want you to have a 100k USD policy to cover you for there ineptitude. You have to admit that they don't really truly care about foreigners at all, or for that matter there own citizens related to those foreigners. Stupid is as stupid does. However, as much as I rant about things I just accept them and it makes me sorry for the people as there is nothing I can do about it.


    Not just foreigners, but if one non test Thai person starts infecting other Thai's on the plane - they are going to have to pay to treat that patient. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    It's not right that the foreigner has to jump through ALL the hoops to only be exposed to a plane full of un-tested people. So that when you arrive, you have increased risk of popping positive at the hotel... then you are off to the hospital at even more risk and expense. 

     How are you at increased risk at the hotel ?


    You will be self isolating. 

  5. On 8/9/2020 at 6:39 PM, geriatrickid said:

    It is not jumping through hoops, but a reasonable  precaution intended to  reduce the potential for the introduction of the  infection. Considering the selfish behavior  and new surge in cases in  Europe, USA, Australia etc. is it any surprise why Thailand would be cautious?


    The  screening requirements prior to boarding are intended to reduce the potential for infection. Keeping the infected people out reduces the burden to care for the infected should they arrive in Thailand. The more infected there are, the greater the risk to health care workers and to other people. I don't want to get on an airplane if there are known infected people aboard. Is it fair to the other pax and to the aircrews not to screen?


    The isolation requirement is intended to add a second step to pick up the people who are asymptomatic or who are infected and received a clear test result.  People can be infected during transit or may not have detectable levels of the virus in the first 72 hours of infection.


    You can complain once the world gets rid of the covidiot problem.





    His point was that 80% of the passengers on the plane to get back to Thailand will not have been tested - because Thai's are exempt from getting tested. 


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  6. 10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Fairly meaningless mumbo jumbo figures with the single piece of truth in there that numbers are going to be very low, regardless of when the border does open. The tourist industry is not going to see meaningful business any time in the near future.

     Teflon Thailand (as it's often called) may well achieve growth when this pandemic is over.


    China's economy is growing, thus Thailand's major market (although ethically and morally this would be horrendous) may well come back. 


    One thing for sure European numbers will be down. 

    • Like 1
  7. The system of non refundable flights, also encourages people with symptoms to go ahead with the flight.


    For example, a Thai youngster on a repatriation flight, may develop a fever and a onset of a cough few days before the flight. He never had to take a test as that's the rules. He thinks of taking a test, but is worried about losing the flight so he takes his chances and goes. 



  8. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I left the hotel at 9:30am (no need for a rush after two weeks !)... 

    I have some friends who left their hotel at 5-6am - so an early start is possible. 


    Other than the usual hotel check out bill etc you are also issued with a ‘release letter’ signed by the 'Deputy Permanent Secretary for Public Health and Communicable Disease Control Officer’ (how’s that for a mouthful). 

    One letter in English, the same letter in Thai. 


    No one disinfected my hand held baggage - lap top etc was fine. But if they do, I think the spray is harmless enough. 





    Well done buddy !!! Go enjoy. 

  9. 1 hour ago, meechai said:

    Exactly & the non Thai travelers all had to buy 100k USD medical insurance to cover Covid & get tested showing not infected within 72 hours of flight


    So now non-tested/Thai Nationals with Covid are on plane & infect not only travelers to Thailand that were covid free but airline workers who then carry on to other countries


    It is beyond Stupid that Thai government makes this discriminatory selective rule 


    It is even worse that a traveler who started out covid free & then shows symptoms in Quarantine after coming off a flight with Thai's that test positive in Thailand will need to use their own insurance to pay for Thailand's selective negligence


    Even more bizarre - because by all accounts if the Thai repatriated citizen gets Covid from someone on the flight, it's the Thai state paying for treatment. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    You're aware of the risks before travelling, it's up to the individual whether they're prepared to take it or not.


    Personally i'd have no problem with it.


    1) As a non Thai, who has to get tested 72 hours before the flight, you would have to research that the Thai you may be sitting next to did not have to go through a test. Most would assume everyone went through the testing process.


    2) It's also a risk to fellow Thai's on that flight.


    3) There are risks in everything, but surely a responsible decision would be to mitigate certain risks. A test for EVERYONE 72 hours beforehand would not catch everyone with the virus, but it would catch some. Those people can then take the next flight when they are recovered. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 9 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    It's not risky at all, the Thai's still have a 2 week quarantine on arrival so they'll get tested and monitored.


    The only risk is the infection of other passengers who will also get tested and monitored on arrivals, what's the problem?


    If you were another passenger on the plane. That's the problem. 

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  12. These repatriation flights are getting riskier and riskier.


    It's criminal that they are not getting Thai's tested before boarding. Yet expect foreigners on the same flight to test. 


    If you live in Europe, or the USA, you can afford a test, just to give some extra layer of protection to the quarantine. 

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    Assuming you have the recipients bank account details then using Transferwise will likely be the easiest and cheapest way, assuming you are in a country in which they operate.


    Yes have recipients bank details. 


    Do i need to mess around with ID?



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