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Everything posted by Briggsy

  1. Tell us about your decision to choose specifically Koh Samui. I am sure many can advise wisely.
  2. Tell us about what you have done so far to research buying a dog in Thailand. Tell us about your decision making process. Tell us what kind of residence and where you are living. Tell us a little about yourself and your history in Thailand before starting such a potentially incendiary thread. At this point, you appear to be a troll. @StillCurious
  3. Get stabbed, go to 7-11. Asked why stabbed, say they didn't like my jokes. This is one laid back Russian.
  4. I bet the uncle really appreciated #blabbermouthniece
  5. Ever since this route for Vietnamese tourists to visit Thailand by crossing through Laos by bus opened it, it has been an open secret that it is a heavily used smuggling route. It must be time for a re-negotiation of the distribution of the profits.
  6. For the safety of the public, this nutter needs to be locked up for a very long time.
  7. It all depends on how wealthy and how connected the family of the drink driver and the family of the victim are. This is key to determining the outcome. It will definitely cost the drink driver some money, more if you factor his loss on the vehicle. Assuming the family of the victim are quite poor people, I could see the drink driver avoiding prison for less than a million baht. I don't think this is right, by they way.
  8. Sadly, this was an accident waiting to happen. If not, this time, it would have been the next. No more than 2 on a motorbike. (Not adhered to) If you can't reach the footpegs, you don't get on. (Not adhered to) Helmets for all. (Not adhered to) No loose strings, cords, straps or clothing hanging down. (Not adhered to) Protective armoured clothing. (Not adhered to) I am sure they took a lot more risks, such as speeding, that we don't know about. Result. They are now all injured.
  9. He sounds like he is fairly new on the sex offender learning curve. He will only get worse and his offending become more serious. He is completely unsuitable to be working as a taxi driver. He needs to face consequences now before he starts attacking women physically.
  10. The number quoted was 150. The extensions were put through the Nong Bua Lamphu Immigration Office.
  11. I feel sorry for the son having his carotid artery cut and then dying an' all.
  12. The Chinese "businessman" would have lost face being turfed out of the club resulting in a furious reaction. The old Chinese tend to have very "big faces".
  13. You are best getting your kip in Laos. You may struggle to obtain kip in Thailand. The general rule is pay in the currency that is quoted whether that be dollars, baht or kip. You will usually be quoted in kip for most things. If you then say, "Can I pay in baht?" the answer will be yes but the exchange rate will be poor. There are one or two items that cannot be paid for in baht. I was not allowed to pay for the bus to Khon Kaen from the Vientiane bus station in baht, had to pay in kip. That was a hassle. So, to summarise, get some kip as soon as you can after crossing into Laos.
  14. 2 up from Bangkok to Phuket and not knowing the way. I wonder what they were riding. Not a lot of preparation. Even his helmet came off apparently.
  15. Yes, I enjoyed my visit to Ubon. I went to Pha Taem National Park. I tried Tam mua, if I remember, in a park that becomes a food market in the evening in Ubon city centre. I could imagine living there.
  16. Please rewrite your opening post properly. It is incredibly vague and severely lacking detail. You are claiming to be a company executive new to Thailand but your writing style meanders from stoner to long-time resident to wellness coach. This topic won't fly but have a think and try again. I am sure you can do better.
  17. Offer a green one. I bet they don't drink it.
  18. In Thai "reuang phua mia". Little or no police involvement as long as they survive.
  19. What is going on in that photo? 🫣
  20. A long time ago, I filed 2 years' returns to reclaim a small amount of withholding tax deducted from bank interest. I filed it at the Revenue Dept. The officer did everything. She also fined me 200 Baht for filing the first of the two years late! And told me not to do it again! 😃
  21. I also think graveyards are interesting and great places to pop in and visit. Was this a specifically Christian graveyard or mixed? I note all bar one of the foreigner headstones are made in the same style. Perhaps the same person is footing the bill or just the same headstone maker is used. I recently visited a Chinese cemetery in Sri Racha. I was having a whale of a time looking at the gravestones and admiring the scenery (water in front; hills at the back; all very Chinese) when a pack of around 8 nasty dogs appeared out of nowhere. I had to make a hasty retreat.
  22. Don't go to Phuket. The taxi drivers behave in a criminal manner.
  23. Yes, according to the video released by Immigration, "proper visas" are non-immigrant visas and DTV's. All the other visas and visa exempts are therefore outside the "proper visa" category. My own rule of thumb for what Immigration call "staying too long" is over 50% of your time staying in Thailand for a period exceeding six months. Exceed this without a "proper visa" and you could be denied entry.
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