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Posts posted by BIGJIMMY

  1. Why order Pizza Company when there's New York Pizza?

    ?? from October last says attachicon.gifNew York Pizza.png + is some 60 +km round trip from where i live/

    13 Coins is better and cheaper than Pizza Company, but 25 km round trip to get, so not worth it

    If 13 Coins (Soi Boukeaw) is 25km round trip then how can New York Pizza (3rd road) be 60km round trip, unless i'm thinking of different places!!

    NY Pizza House everytime.

  2. The thing that makes me laugh regarding the driving licence day out is that everyone has a different story, just by chance last night I was in one of my local bars and one of the guys had done his last week and his story was completely different from others - ha ha, the only consistency when getting your licence is that theres no consistency!!!

  3. I renewed my second 5 year licence last year, I still had to do the eye test and the lever test and watch a video about how to drive, it was in a really hot room with about 20 Thais and most of them were asleep, the video was saying about not flashing your lights to say your coming through and also not to flash your hazards etc, I looked around the room and wanted to shout to wake them up and pay attention.

    There was a Polish guy in our group going through all the tests, he was an older guy, well spoken and well dressed but he was clearly colour blind, he had no chance with the colour chart, once he had finished he was sent back to a nazi at the desk who snatched his number tag from him, found the relevant paper work and gave it back to him and waved her hand, the guy asked whats going on and she said 'your eye kaput, you have to go, you not get licence' the poor bloke was gobsmacked, he was trying to tell the lady that he'd been driving in Poland for 40 years etc etc but she just switched off, I felt really sorry for him, I love this country but the one thing that gets my back up is the driving etc.

    I'll shut up now.

    Just as a piece of info, when you get your 5 year licence they give you 5 years from your next birthday, I went last year around June time and my birthday is in January so I actually got 5 1/2 years - which is nice.


  4. The lady who died was attempting to overtake a bike in front, she didn't look behind her and basically drove her bike right into the path of the car, there was no time to react and stop, he WASN'T looking in the rear view mirror and he WASN'T overtaking another car, thats all false, it was a very simple and tragic accident that could happen to anyone.

    It's being sorted out with the family and the police (spit on the ground) so there you go. I saw the thread on here and wanted just to set the record straight for my friend, as you can imagine it's not a nice thing to have happened, it doesn't now matter who's fault it was, the lady is gone and my friend is being held responsible, he's doing what he has to do do end the situation.

    It's a lesson for all expats who drive here - be aware and beware.

  5. The guy in question here is a friend of mine and he called myself and another friend on the day it happened for help and advice, he was at the police station at the time. The only question the 'reporter' asked him was his name and as we know - that was wrong, also if you read the report in The Pattaya Mail today most of what was written in there was also wrong.

    He was driving from Pattaya returning home to Bang Saray, not drunk, not speeding, not driving recklessly, he noticed 2 motorbikes on the hard shoulder to his left and within seconds the bike that was behind drove into the road to try and overtake the one in front and this brought the bike into the path of the car - complete accident, happened within seconds and unfortunately the lady later lost her life. The police had all of details and I.D card etc when we arrived at the station and when asked about the state of the lady they said she was in hospital and being taken care of, the car was a rental car and had 3rd party insurance with up to 500,000 for hospital bills etc and also we found out that the lady was also covered under a works insurance BUT whilst at the police station all they seemed to be interested in was how much, who's paying etc etc and as we later found out the lady in hospital wasn't treated by the quacks as they didn't know who she was or who was paying, it was around 12 hours later that some bright spark at the hospital found and turned on a mobile phone that was in her procession did they find out who she was and that she was fully covered by the works insurance at the least, this was when the ladies friends and family found out where she was, the police hadn't contacted the hospital at all form the time she was taken from the scene of the accident.

    It's being sorted out with the family, police etc.

    Folks, we have all had near misses with bikes, trucks even large buses that jump red lights and honk if your in the way unfortunately on this occasion it wasn't a near miss.

    Make sure you have 1st class insurance, don't leave the scene of an accident and contact your insurance company.

    Safe driving.

  6. As far as i'm aware he hasn't been arrested, the day of the accident myself and another friend went to the police station to see him, he was sitting in an office (he has a Thai friend who was also with him at the station and prevented him from being locked up - he knew the copper) they had/have his passport and licence, at that point the lady hadn't yet passed, he met with a copper yesterday (away from the station) and was told that it's going to court, no bail has been posted but they do still have his passport etc, he's seeing a lawyer today, again regarding the family and compo - that was all sorted before it went to court, the police were asking for monies before it was going to court but now that it is off to court they haven't asked again.

    Thanks for the replies, I posted the question for my own benefit as much as anything i.e if (god forbid) I were to have an accident whats the proper way - it seems to phone the insurance company and let them handle it.

    Let's not turn this thread into a argument, all input is good and as you say different law peeps have different outcomes - T.I.T.


  7. Thanks for the replies, my friend is now consulting a lawyer as it's going to court.

    The lady was riding the bike and overtook another bike on the hard shoulder which brought her in to the path of his car, there was a police car up ahead so he drove to them and they took him to the station, he wasn't drunk or speeding etc, she literally rode into his path, the family haven't been on his case, he has paid them some money with more to come later but he just wants to get it resolved legally first, the police didn't help the lady at all to the point of her being in hospital with no-one knowing she was there and the quacks not doing anything as they didn't know she was covered with any insurance - turns out she had insurance from her work and also my mates insurance did cover her, we asked the police about her and they said 'no problem' etc while all the time they had her ID at the station and were more concerned about who's paying what, how long has he been here, where does he live etc - anyway it's going to court.


  8. Long story short, a friend of mine was driving in a hired car (3rd part insurance only) and knocked a lady off her bike, she came out of nowhere, she has since died and as you can imagine theres all sorts of demands being made on him from the police, family, car rental people etc, I have asked several people this question and never seem to get a straight answer:

    If you have 1st class fully comp insurance and you have an accident - weather or not it's your fault - what should you do, call the insurance company first, the police, do you leave it all up to the insurance company or can you still expect a knock on your door later from people wanting money, have you any rights on the road with the best insurance (being a foreigner) at all if you have an accident??

    Has anyone had a similar experience with a better outcome?

    Thanks in advance.

  9. That's why the delivery time is just perfect...I live on the DS and my pies arrive just short of piping hot and very fresh. You might want to give it a dry if you haven't already. Doubt there is enough demand on just the DS for them to open a branch here.

    I may do that. You're the first person I've spoken with who has experience with deliveries from NY Pizza. I think it's the best in Pattaya. And their radio ad is forthright enough to identify the product as "Italian American style pizza." Some people, I know, prefer the wafer thin pizza served in Rome. It literally shocked me when I ordered a pizza there while on vacation. I thought, "Wow, how great is this REAL Italian pizza going to be"? ... Umm, it wasn't. Not for me. :-)

    We live in SSCC and have had food delivered from The NY Pizza many times and its always bang on, even fries were piping hit!!

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  10. I remember we went to Koh Chang a few years ago and went to check into one of the larger hotels (before it was as big as it is now), we knew the island was half empty and the hotel had many rooms free, whilst sorting out the details with the receptionist she said 'oh hang on, today now peak season' so on that the price went up by 350 baht per night - ha ha, the place was half empty, that really irked as we'd stayed there many times prior to that so we left and found another hotel on the beach further down the road and we now go there everytime and I send all my mates etc there.

    Just me ten pence worth, or 350 baht's worth.


  11. I forgot to mention The Courtyard, this is on the soi that connects Soi Siam Country Club and the top of Non Pleb Waan, I think it's Soi Mapyaialia or something, the place is owned by a Brit, you get a soup or a salad as a starter and a fruit plate as pudd's, the roasts are very nice but not the cheapest but the gardens they have behind are lovely, a really nice setting.

    I'm done.

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  12. reading the OP's post he mentions freshly cooked veg, yorkshires etc both The Chill Bar or Nana Deli do this and at Nana's you can have a small yorkshire or a large one with all of the roast in it - blooming lovely.

    Nana Deli is co-owned by a English guy Nick - hence Nana Nick.

    I assumed when a 'cheap charlie' roast was mentioned the OP meant some of the more choicer places in town - 99 baht etc, The Chill and Nana DEFINITELY do not fall into that category, give em'a go.


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  13. I need to complete the sale of a friends condo, I have the deeds here etc, he hasn't been in Thailand for at least 3 years, I have a Thai power of attorney form, I've been told that my friend will have to visit the Thai Embassy in the UK with the deeds, the form and a copy of my passport, can anyone with any experince of this elaborate at all, am I correct??



  14. as I was reading the post I immediately thought of two places, The Chill bar, we eat there regularly including yesterday and it's always lovely, it isn't the most expensive available but that doesn't reflect the quality as it's very nice, the place is owned by an Aussie guy who taught his Mrs, well worth a trek, the other place is Nana Deli on Soi Kow Noi, again not the most expensive but very very nice and cheap drinks as it sells them as a shop rather than a bar but they have waitress service, it's on the left hand side right up the top just before the right bend, well worth a trip, we eat between the two places on alternate Sundays etc.

    Bon appetit!!


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