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Posts posted by BIGJIMMY

  1. Our little fella is now 8 weeks old and the Mrs has been giving him water after milk to 'clean his mouth' the last time we went to the Dr's the Dr said that a little bit is okay, i've been looking this up on the net and EVERY website says it's a NO NO until at least 6 months old and even then little sips. Our baby now drinks it for a good few minutes a few times a day, the wife was fed water when she was a baby as were her brothers and sisters and the Mother In Law was adamant that it's not a problem, this being Thailand etc etc and our first baby whereas the M.I.L has had 4 and upteen grandchildren etc, i've said no more water for now as I would like to ask a different Dr.

    Anyone with a similar experience and their wife?



  2. Thanks for the info, the wife had a 2 year visit visa before and it was cheaper than they are now, I read somewhere on that occasion that they only give out 10 year visit visas if you've had one before, do you know if that's true?

    I think perhaps that's the way forward then, a 10 year (if we can) or a 5 year vv, it would be nice to get a settlement visa so Mrs E can get an NI number etc but we're not moving there so it does seem pointless to go that route.

    On the subject of Schengen visas is it right that although we're married we still have to show flight tickets and hotels etc, I read on a Schengen website that if the person applying is married to an EU citizen then all of that - including insurance isn't required, when we've done the Mrs Schengen visas we had to provide all of that??



  3. I always buy Bensons at the airport before I fly to work, you could always buy as many as you want at the airport and leave Thailand, it was up to you, they never asked where your flying to and they still don't but when I flew in October I was told that I could only buy 6 sleeves per shop but could go to many different shops within the airport and buy 6 in each, as they are all the same company I just put it down to

    T.I.T, when I flew the other week I was told by one shop that I could only buy 6 sleeves, I went to another shop (same company) and after he checked my boarding pass said that I had already brought 6 so can't buy anymore, I thought I'd try one more shop and surprise surprise they said I could buy a total of 10 and let me buy 4 more, I asked why the limit and they said new company rules, at no point was I asked where I was flying.


  4. The Mrs has been visiting the UK for over 5 years on visit visas, this has been okay as we don't stay for more than a few months at a time within a year, we've also had a Schengen visa a few times, again no dramas. We've just had a little boy and he'll have a UK passport and a Thai one so that's cool, I'm wondering would it be beneficial to obtain a settlement visa for the wife, she'll be able to get an N.I number, open a bank account etc and come and go as we please without worrying about visas etc, with the baby we're probably going to be there for the 'UK' summer and Christmas times, but we're not intending to live in the UK, my questions are;

    Does it make obtaining a Schengen visa any easier, we get it now but have to show flights, hotels etc, is that still the case if we just want to pop to France on the ferry for example??

    Would obtaining a settlement visa and not settling in the UK ie spending maybe just a year out of the 2 years in the UK cause any problems later?

    How much time do you have to spend in the UK to get the ILR??

    Basically is it worth doing or shall we just stick with the 6 monthlies visit visas?

    Thanks in advance,


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