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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. I'll have to ask about them then. that's what they want from me roughly from PCH at age 47 (but in and out patient covered 100%). And I'm told PCH cheaper than most. Many exclusions in their standard exclusion bin. Any conclusion to whether WRlife is a company western regulated or thai regulated?
  2. what rate are you paying at waht age? if you are ok to answer this ?
  3. Trying to decide on an Insurance company here now as well. WRLife not been in the mix. AA recommended Pacific CRoss Health and April (thai though it appears, and not global). Many think Aetna has been pretty good to them too. Only problem with all these is @Sheryl highly recommends ONLY going thru global/western companies. And none of these foot requirement. Still awaiting a response from Wim at AA to provide those types of choices. My first "ask" for this said April is French company, PCH is Tokyo headquarted... So I replied I want exact clarity...if the policies he showed me are goverened by Thai laws or western laws. Still awaiting response as I want to look over some international policy choices. **Side note, working with PCH direct (as I simply thought I was going with them from a friend recommendation)...he's telling me they fully underwrite and do not require moratoriums. I replied, your offer directly states you have a 30 day waiting period (moratorium) for X diseases and 120 day moratorium for others. --Blatant ignorancy or lying like that is very worrysome from the person I'm trusting my future health care choices from as the 'expert' to help me.
  4. Not sure how to read this? They do? or do NOT take care of those problems for customers?
  5. I've not gone in and done it myself so I can't tell you.. I just know there is a sign there saying training needed. This began after July this year. Hope it doesn't last if true...what a waste of time for experienced drivers. link to app please? and thank you
  6. question already answered in following pages.
  7. Dpone MUCH homework on this in the past week. You HAVE to go twice yourself. No agent can prevent that. I pay agents for many things. This service they can only really help you with getting your med cert and residency cert. That is it. There is no other convenience. Agents charge 5000 to 6000 for this. In this case NOT worth it imo. However, I DID pay agent to go get my residency cert for the two licenses costing 900 baht. Why? it saved me a lost half day at immigration. They pick up and deliver after. Well worth it. med cert go to a clinic. 2 minutes and d100 baht. *hosptial wanted 550 plus half hour with a dr. a high end clinic wanted 300 plus time with dr. Go to first visit and schedule. They will give you list of all documents you will need for 'real' visit. BAD NEWS. If you are renewing...it appears you must take a 5 hour training on second visit to get your license renewed. Ironically, people getting first thai license (with valid license from home country) do not have to take it LOL.
  8. My certs are just a small paragraph with a stamp. No pics. Not when I went in myself, and not thru an agent. Just written word. I am also under impression they only good for 30 days but unsure, especially since I can't even read it lol
  9. what paperwork do you need to bring with you to get the books?
  10. I just asked my preferred local agent I found 2 years ago. She charged me 900 to get driver license one. Not sure if she would have charged more to get a bank one at same time? probably would though but like 500 baht extra I bet. i'm in Pratamnuk. Pattaya area. You could probably start a thread with that question or ask in FB group of your area for recommendations.
  11. As my question above, I see western insurance companies seem to be the preferred choice long term...so I'm now awaiting more quotes from other western companies too. I WAS set to go with Pacific Cross Health and agent said it would be 48 hour to OFfer, but after turning in my app, their was a Thai holiday then agent was sick and it was over 10 days. During that time, I started coming across threads like this. Now, even if I go with them, I'm going to follow @Sheryl advise and get my full underwriting done instead of their moritorium offer where they don't check you at all before giving you insurance but with a 30 day wait period. It appears they have the best 100% coverage for BOTH in and outpatient with ZERO deductible at 61k year for me. However...does anyone have positive things to say about them or horror stories so I can make a better judgement.
  12. Refresh me on this, people. I know I read reasons awhile back: Why do we want to avoid the Thai companies for insurance? and only seek out International/western companies for policies? -What is the big knock(s) on using Thai insurance? or the big benefit of using western over thai? if that is a nicer way to put it. -Or is there any difference at all really? (they are all thieves lol)
  13. This is straight out of Aprils Exclusions: 2. Any pre-existing or related medical condition which occurred or was treated within a 24-month period prior to your effective date or has one of the following characteristics will be excluded from cover: Was foreseeable Clearly presented itself You have had signs/symptoms or you were already aware of the condition You have received treatment for or sought medical advice on the condition or a related condition (including medical check-ups) To the best of your knowledge you were aware you had Requires monitoring according to medical advice or opinion 2.1 Any pre-existing medical condition or related medical condition may be covered after you have had 24 months’ continuous cover under the plan and within that time you have not experienced signs or symptoms; asked for advice (including medical checkups); or required or received treatment, medication, monitoring, or a special diet. 2.2 If within a 24-month period following your effective date, in relation to a pre-existing condition you have experienced signs or symptoms; asked for advice (including medical checkups); or needed or received treatment, medication, monitoring or a special diet; then you will have to wait until you have completed a continuous 24-month period when none of these apply to you. Such pre-existing medical conditions or related medical conditions may then be covered **As you see, they even say if you asked for advice, lol, you get denied. ***The way its' all worded is so ambiguous in the insurers's favor that it lends to the nature that they say that a past incident could clearly be associated with whatever you go in for now. ------ Thank you for sharing the info that these companies have Global and just Thai. I would have assumed they were one in the same. ie Aetna and Aetna Global. I also thought Bupa was now Aetna? And have also seen that Aetna and Allianz have merged. Not sure if they still doing separate policy offers though. ----- I did not express any premium range at all. Only what was a quote for someone my age and nationality for both 100% in and outpatient coverage. They only sent me brochures after that, for the most part. A second follow up, I did mention I have an offer in waiting from PCH for that full coverage for 61,000 year...but in waiting for an extra long period for the agent to get that official offer to me (over 10 days) I started talking to people who had hidden limits within limits issued on payouts... and another who was going to switch to PCH change his mind when Aetna showed him that PCH excluded over 17 additional (kind of common) diseases that Aetna covered. Again. Thank you on even more wisdom in telling me I can ask for no moritorium with full medical underwriting. Would you be so kind as to share what the medical check up like that fully entails? I'm now extremely glad the agent was not on the ball when I turned in my application. If he would have had it back to me in 48 hours as promised I would have paid in full already. Thank you for all the valuable education and wisdom you are imparting here Sheryl.
  14. Yes. an exageration. But not by that far. They go two years back in their exclusions, and anything seeming related they say they will exclude. I'm not happy about what I read either. I'm only looking at the ones that people recommend here, and in facebook, and also these are the top 3 that a Broker wanted me to pick from. (Aetna, April, and PCH). Trying to do my homework on this. More I learn, the more I am alarmed and disheartened by the industry. Can you recommend an international one?
  15. how'd you get so lucky? or me so unlucky? I had all docs and everything properly filled out and took 1/2 to 2/3 day in Jomtien. BTW. what are the requirements for bank account at Kasikorn? Specifically visa type?
  16. Complete bargain of a service. for getting this cert. However, for getting my Driver licenses I decided that the service doesn't remotely equal the cost for this service. I'm not paying an agent 5000-6000 baht to do my driver licenses, as I feel they are taking advantage of ignorance of most since you still have to go twice and wait all the same amount of time at the DLT with or without an agent. there is no time savings except they build in getting the residency cert into it and medical cert (which if go to clinic is only 100 baht and 5 minutes though). Like anything. do a little homework and decide what is right for you and your own situation.
  17. I got one for bank account took me 2/3 day at immigation. No, they were not busy. Just lots of passing me arround after each dept gave stamp of approval. That day, I paid a girl 300 to fill paperwork for me. another 80 for pics and copies. Then whatever to immigration itself. So, like 580? You could fill the forms yourself , but that just leads to errors and anger usually from officers lol. But... Beyond frustrating having to wait 2 hours a time between departments and spending all day there Today hired agent to get me another cert for car and bike license. gave passport and tm30. They picked it up from my door and delivered it back for 900 baht total. Complete bargain of a service. **however, not paying an agent 5000-6000 baht to do my driver licenses, as I feel they are taking advantage of ignorance since I'd still have to go twice and wait all the same amount of time at the DLT. there is no time savings except they build in getting the residency cert into it and medical cert (which if go to clinic is only 100 baht and 5 minutes though). Like anything. do a little homework and decide what is right for you and your situation.
  18. How much cost to get those books? and what's the process? of course, what else do I need it for after getting bank account and licenses?
  19. thank you everyone. i decided to pay agent to handle it for 900. All I had to do was give her my passport and tm30. She Came to my door and drop it off back at my condo after. this saved me at minimum 2 hours from my day, even if I went there and had zero problems or long lines. Because even there I have to fill out all paperwork again, (or pay a gal there 300 baht (I use her many times and very worth it to me, 80 baht for pics and copies blah blah blah) pay for pictures, and see several department in jomtien.
  20. Did not know that. But fudge me. took more than half a day out of my life with their process. Get one thing approved. told come back for dif department in 2-3 hours. see them. Then repeat one more time. smh.
  21. AFter doing homework and trying to work with the agents and companies...it feels like one huge farce. Looking to exclude you for anything. One guy just was denied coverage for something because he had spider veins which they said is a pre existing condition so it wipes out all the other coverage. I thought Aetna was international. Now I read above that it is not. PCH excludes almost all aging diseases coverage. PCH denies you coverage if you get hurt from exercising (weight lifting). on and on and on. April will deny you if you attended any doctor for just going in for a cold in the past 2 years when you sign up. It's just disgusting imo.
  22. oh. I did open an account there too though. Again, can't remember what I was gonna use it for, but no harm to put $20 in. I spent it on womething within the week and have like $1 in it now.
  23. dunno. But I'm looking at Pacific cross health, Aetna (bupa), April, and maybe Allianz right now. Very unhelpful agents I'm finding. Typical response is "read our unreadable brochure with hidden fine print" as their answer to any question. Beyond aggravating.
  24. @ubonjoe Think I can just get a copy quickly? or do I have to repeat the whole process?
  25. Or can I go there and simply get a copy of it quickly for a few bahts? Getting this was a huge pain in the butt the first time. take almost a full day. Get something done. Then they tell me to come back in 2 -3 hours... TWICE. I only got it roughly 1 month ago. (I actually didn't lose it. I just noticed that the bank I got an account at did not return it to me in my paperwork). Thanks
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