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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. thank you everyone. i decided to pay agent to handle it for 900. All I had to do was give her my passport and tm30. She Came to my door and drop it off back at my condo after. this saved me at minimum 2 hours from my day, even if I went there and had zero problems or long lines. Because even there I have to fill out all paperwork again, (or pay a gal there 300 baht (I use her many times and very worth it to me, 80 baht for pics and copies blah blah blah) pay for pictures, and see several department in jomtien.
  2. Did not know that. But fudge me. took more than half a day out of my life with their process. Get one thing approved. told come back for dif department in 2-3 hours. see them. Then repeat one more time. smh.
  3. AFter doing homework and trying to work with the agents and companies...it feels like one huge farce. Looking to exclude you for anything. One guy just was denied coverage for something because he had spider veins which they said is a pre existing condition so it wipes out all the other coverage. I thought Aetna was international. Now I read above that it is not. PCH excludes almost all aging diseases coverage. PCH denies you coverage if you get hurt from exercising (weight lifting). on and on and on. April will deny you if you attended any doctor for just going in for a cold in the past 2 years when you sign up. It's just disgusting imo.
  4. oh. I did open an account there too though. Again, can't remember what I was gonna use it for, but no harm to put $20 in. I spent it on womething within the week and have like $1 in it now.
  5. dunno. But I'm looking at Pacific cross health, Aetna (bupa), April, and maybe Allianz right now. Very unhelpful agents I'm finding. Typical response is "read our unreadable brochure with hidden fine print" as their answer to any question. Beyond aggravating.
  6. @ubonjoe Think I can just get a copy quickly? or do I have to repeat the whole process?
  7. Or can I go there and simply get a copy of it quickly for a few bahts? Getting this was a huge pain in the butt the first time. take almost a full day. Get something done. Then they tell me to come back in 2 -3 hours... TWICE. I only got it roughly 1 month ago. (I actually didn't lose it. I just noticed that the bank I got an account at did not return it to me in my paperwork). Thanks
  8. I opted against it after research.. Don't remember why though.
  9. How long ago was that? I broke my ankle and had surgery in Pattaya memorial and it cost me 180k, plus weekly doctor visits for checkups after that for almost 3 months. They tried to get me to come daily for 'cleanings and rebandaging' . NO WAY
  10. If actually using for sport, yes you are right. My best luck in Thailand for authentic gym shoes at decent price has been Sportsworld in Terminal 21 or online. Not paying $200 USD, more like $50 to $100 there.
  11. Wouldn't it be better just to go get a new pair of running shoes? **or new Knock Off's at Mikes Mall for 300 baht? I understand repairs for dress shoes and boots. **Sadly...You cannot do this if you wear a size 11 US or bigger.
  12. Money literally grows on trees. they hate that part of this legalization. In states in USA they've been trying to get it both legal, but under Mafia style control where only the wealthy can get the license (I mean WEALTHY), and it'd still be illegal for everyone else to grow and sell it... . Instead of letting it be a free market. Honestly, the wiz kids at home probably grow the best lol
  13. I found a very helpful group in FB to clear all this up. I was gonna use an agent, but there is no advantage this time to do so. And they are asking for 5,000 for the service. I have no problem paying that when there is a time savings benefit, but they get no special perks at the DLT. I'll share my total experience once I go forward.
  14. ok. thanks for sharing. Yeah. 20 years ago does make for many changes. I'm USA. Have my photo driver license and valid for both car and motorbike. can get medical certificate of course and have residency. If It's still the same as it was for you, I'd prefer that be how they still operate. If not, (OP this might be what you want to do to), I checked with agent and it'll cost me 3500 to get it all done for me, no two days of classes and tests required. However, I'll have to go to the DL twice for some reason. thank you for your help
  15. What I meant was it as simple as going in with your countries driver's license, paying a fee, and getting a Thai license? or did you have to do that 2 days of classes and tests as seen in the video shared above to get your thai license? https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&ei=UTF-8&p=how+to+get+thai+driving+licence&type=E210US91215G0#id=3&vid=e3688f8dc4ca5e76ec9831ff26c6fac6&action=click and also seems confirmed here(i do not know, and why I'm asking you what your experience was) via the official link https://www.dlt.go.th/en/renew-license/ In advance, I appreciate you sharing your experience in this. BTW, which region office did you go as well? Thank you ***Just dropping by their office to find out what I need to do is a massive time suck as I do not live close to one. The intention is to find out prior to going so I don't lose an entire day just fact finding, and have to go there multiple times.
  16. I have yet to see a hospital charge less. But I will certainly check this out. That is a huge savings from 700 baht for 30 Firide brand. Maybe I should check pharmacy for FINAX as well.
  17. You've done it this way? just go and they give you one?
  18. Just got one in Jomtien easy enough. Well, I take that back. Took 3 trips and 2 days because of their process. Maybe you could get it done in one day if show up at exact opening time.
  19. Check the avg age of posters and you'll find that these complaints are typical at that age group anywhere in the (western) world. Seems to be a right of passage to just start complaining after a certain age haha.
  20. this I'll give you. but you are talking St's vs OF now. Not talking theoretically btw.
  21. no. many pre make content and have it posted when they desire, even if they are asleep they can have it posted. Then if smart, pay some poor dude to do that chat for them lolol.
  22. Is his number different from OFfice number? The office lady are the ones that told me to forget about it
  23. Online = Less work. No boss. Freedom daily. Definitely more money if they move to OF instead of freelancing. Less punishment. Less threats. Less diseases (if not eliminate totally). Overall much healthier and more lucrative. if you comparing bar girl work to an online only freelancer that isn't that good looking and lazy? Yeah. that's basically a jobless girl, of course they not making much. If they HAVE to show up for work at a bar, something will drop into the lazy, ugly girls lap.
  24. Some value total freedom, no boss. they are online. It is an all day job though of texting and sifting thru BS. Some can't speak or read english well, they stick to going to bars or working at bars. Those that go to bars also don't work at all during the day. Answering texts all day is work too.
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